Wednesday, October 10, 2018

You Say You Want Civil Unrest? Hillary Jumps The Shark

The  bought and paid for leaders of corporate media lefty leaning Internet giants are the ever expanding political Goliaths Hillary Clinton and her husband Bubbah and their spawn, Chelsea with the Mr. Ed Smile.   Hillary Clinton has declared Civil War on the deplorables who elected Trump President and who fail to see how she and the democrat party will improve average American lives with her stated policies of no jobs, open borders, higher taxes,  Obamacare,  a weak feminized military force, and sovereignty passed over to a bunch of unelected globalist bankers and pale white men who never see the light of day.

Well, Hillary, I prefer leadership by our own pale white men than the ones you and your colleagues in the democrat party hold favor.   You have already sold our uranium to a Russian company for 30 pieces of silver.   What other assets do you and Bubbah have in mind.

The Clinton Foundation will be shown to be a front for political pay to play if it is ever fully investigated.  My Google warning is about to begin in 3 2 1... (this is when elgooG warns my script on the golb has a problem and can not be saved)  anything critical of a certain political party whose name begins with a d, and its leaders is fobotten.

For a few weeks we have been titilated with the spew of lies and accusations of a histrionic hyper partisan harpie from Palo Alto about a misspent youth in the pampered suburbs of Washington DC during the tumultuous and hyper sexual 80's.

If Ford will lie about front doors, plane travel, polygraph prep and advice, cheating on a lover,  and allegedly charging items on her former paramors credit card well after a break up, over what line is too far for her to deviate from the truth?

I personally do not think she would lie to keep President Trump's conservative nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, off the supreme court, do you?

After all lying about buildings and doors and fears of travel on airplanes and polygraphs harms no one and this makes you a sympathetic figure, but lying to destroy the reputation and career of an exemplary career civil servant because you do not agree with his political beliefs is one toke over the lying line so to speak.

To steal a great lefty infantile chant and redirect:  Shame!  Shame!  Shame!  Shame of fools.
My apology to Smokey Robinson.

Shame on you Dr. Ford, if that is your real name.

And advice for the Clintons, do not try to pick a fight with the  deplorables, for these are the people who populate 99% of our military.   And so far they stand for the flag and our national anthem.

Elgoog flashed its warning just now!  And Again.

Will close this befor the elgoog ecilop come for me.

I am,

MDJ  Tnedisep  Nabru Ytrevop Wal Retnec

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