Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Hitler And His Look, Elizabeth Warren and Her DNA Reveal

Young Bobby Birdsong has another drawing he has graciously agreed to present for your inspection.

On the day Senator Warren lost her Wampum with her DNA analysis which failed to demonstrate her strong Cherokee ancestry, she also lost her tweeting mind.  Gone is her chance to be the first Native American President of the United States.   She is whiter than Ivory Soap.  She makes the white on rice blush.   She is so white people in her entourage must wear eye protection.  If Elizabeth Warren was a Crayola Crayon she would be "Bright White".   Warren was the woman after which Walt Disney modeled Snow White.   Warren is so white her teeth appear dingy.

If Warren is Native American she is an albino.

President Trump has  beaten the Albino Native American Senator from Harvard University like a rented white mule.

Senator Warren is done.  Her lie is open for all to see.  Cherokee elders mock her.  Little children ask their parents why this woman is not satisfied with her white heritage?

Is she so plain she could not be hired at Penn or Harvard without the Native American Advantage?

She took a set aside for a real woman of color at two prestigious universities and owes America and its minorities an apology.

Being White means never having to say you are sorry.

By the way did you know Al Gore is the source  of "Love Story".   Like Warren is Native, right?

I am

JDM  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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