Monday, October 22, 2018

November 6th, Night Of Democrat Long Faces Is Coming To A Television Near You

The democrats led by Schumer, Pelosi, Booker, Harris, and Mad Maxine Waters with cameos from Squaw De Tat Elizabeth Warren and the two time presidential loser HRC are that sucking sound heard south of our border.  And it is sucking a caravan of migrants towards the southern border that will guarantee a democrat rout in a couple of weeks.

Because these reprehensible politicians cannot come up with a platform that appeals to a majority of Americans, they want to open borders to our third world neighbors to the south and bring in voters who will be dependent on their grab bag of free stuff taken from middle America and meted out in small portions.

What part of higher taxes, open borders, higher crime, gun control seems to be a good idea to these political hacks?

White guilt, another made up fantasy by our friends on the left is a guaranteed loser for the Dems.

You see, the republicans have a big enough tent for all races who want to work and play by the rules.

Trump won middle America by appealing to all races, even whites, and now is poised to break the democrat monopoly on black and Hispanic voters by showing them the lie the democrats have been selling them for over half a century.

What have you got to lose?   A great Trumpian line to those down trodden by decades of misrule by democrats.  Look at areas controlled by democrats.  American shit holes.  Yes, I said it and anybody with any sense would agree.  Name the worst cities in America and you find by and large they are one party rule  and that party is democrat.

From the looks of the Trump rallies around the country, the big tent republicans will hold on to both the senate and the house this time because America cannot take a chance with the failed policies of the bumbling fumbling party of crime and corruption.

The democrats have gone dark.  They advocate violence and support antifa, a bunch of pasty white light weights with masks and bicycle locks they use to hit people in the head who do not agree with their philosophy which seems to be accuse white America of fascism and tear up their stuff.

Democrats are in for a shock again this November 6th, when white Americans and a good number of our darker skin-toned patriots reject the democrat premise that Trump and America are racist, misogynist,  fascist,  homophobic,  pedophiles.   Well Americans do love their children but not in that way.

So the night of democrat long faces, longer than John Kerry's and Stormy Daniels' combined, is set for November 6, 2018, and the wailing from the democrat controlled media will reverberate across the land.  Sure there will be a few democrat pick ups in gerrymandered districts in the blue states, but what is red will stay red.

In the end Jobs rule while Mobs drool!

God Bless America and keep her and President Donald J. Trump safe!

I am

JDM  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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