Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Why I Believe CB Ford, PhD May Not Be Telling The Truth About Judge Kavanaugh

Little Fonville has scribbled down another toon.   He tells me this is his drawing of Christine Blasey Ford from her Kavanaugh Senate testimony.

Well, some inconsistencies with her narrative which I have not heard discussed as yet follow:

Her story, pushed into a bedroom with loud music playing turned up by Judge or Kavanaugh so no one downstairs at the party could hear her muffled or even loud cries for help.  

Next after the grope that changes lives for ever, she escapes to the bathroom across the hall, closes the door and locks it and is able to hear drunken Judge and Kavanaugh pinball off the stair walls with their exit.   Did the music suddenly stop, did J and K turn it off before exiting in drunken stupors and rejoining the party down stairs?

We do not know and I doubt she recalls this detail which is important because hearing is believing.

Next she listens for and hears J and K talking to the other party revellers down stairs and can pick their voices out over the loud music and feels now is the best time for her escape.

I feel the years have not been kind to Dr. Ford, and Kavanaugh had nothing to do with it.

She is a liar.  She lied about not being able to fly, lied about her whereabouts over the past few weeks, lied about needing a second front door in her Palo Alto mansion, and has lied about Bret Kavanaugh.

Her chickens will eventually come home to roost and she and Di Fi with the Chinese spy will have chicken shit all over themselves.

And speaking of chicken shit, the democrats in their actions prove they have all passed through the intestinal tracts of one gigantic chicken on their way to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing.

Special call out to Senators Dick Durbin, Tiny Cory Booker,  Kamala Harris,  and Bloomingthal.

I am

JDM   President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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