Thursday, October 11, 2018

Kayne West In A MAGA Hat Is A Superhero.

Kayne West spoke beautifully at the White House and explained part of the Trump phenomena.  In his impassioned diatribe West told a disbelieving press that his MAGA hat gave him superpowers.  He intoned his grief of being in a fatherless home while growing up and looks to President Trump as a father figure.

There is no doubt President Trump is the second Father of our Country.  He looks at America as his other bride and its inhabitants as his children.  There is the push for jobs and fairness and he works like he’s taking care of his great big American Family!

Kayne West is right, Trump is America's "Superdaddy".   He is a great role model,  he is strong and compassionate, he is no nonsense and takes no bullshit off the press or the democrats.

West has fired the first shot at those who denigrate toxic masculinity and it will spread across portions of America not generally known for voting for Republicans.   The same people who decry toxic masculinity are the same ones who reintroduced the wolf to Yellowstone.   It is time to reintroduce masculinity into man.  Kayne West gets it.  The democrat lap dog media do not.  Democrats are Pussies and their choice of pink hats is perfect.  Kayne wears a red hat.  He is a man.  He has found his inner wolf and is not ashamed of it.  It is how God intended it.

Men and wolves will be men and wolves and in Wyoming this still makes the sheep nervous.

The Blue wave will live up to its name.  There are going to be a lot of sad democrats the day after the election when their supporters they have strung along for 6 or 7 decades vote with their seats and stay home this Nov 6th.

Kayne West has, with his White House speech,  set the blue wave back a decade or more.

Make America Great Again,  Trump is our president as West pointed out and if he is not respected, we are not respected.   He chided the SNL bunch for their disrespect of our President.  Shame on you SNL.   Slandering your own country and its people and its duly elected leaders is not funny.  Right now West has made you the joke.   Keep it up and watch your disappointments pile up.

Time for the media to shut up and stand up to steal a line from Maize from Hawaii if that is her real name.  Time for the ingnoratties of the press to start pulling with and not against Trump and America.

God Bless you Kayne West for having the balls to say what you did today with and about President Trump and why America, all of America needs to come together to support this great man's objectives.

All President Trump really, really wants is MAGA.

What part of the democrat plan for open borders, fewer jobs, more regulations, higher taxes, and lower wages is clamored for by the voter?   Why is toxic feminism not selling?  Why is the democrat war against the white male a good idea?

Democrats destroyed the black family in the 1960's and now they want to do the same to the white family.

Kanye West and President Trump will fight to preserve and encourage the family as a unit, each in their own way.

Sorry ElgooG, but some body has to say it:  You would have to be a fool to support this current crop of globalist democrats.

I am

MDJ  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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