Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Obama's Right. He Started American Economic Recovery

Barack Hussein Obama, um um um!  And now he claims to an overflowing crowd of bussed in democrats in Nevada he started the 2017 economic boom his successor claims credit.

Well if you consider Obama rode America hard and put her away wet and without any supper and his charges fled to the good ship Trump in mass, then yes, Barack, you did start the economic recovery.  In fact you started America's second great awakening, being old I cannot recall the first, but I see the fruits of the second.

Jobs, jobs, jobs.  Democrats wailing and thrashing about for any attention they can garner from a willing and failing press led by the likes of Acosta, Todd, Scarborough, an L whose name I can never recall, all up against a man so powerful and unflappable he feeds off negative press and it makes him stronger.

Trump is and will be known as our second George Washington.  He is strong and they are weak.  He is smart and they are ignorant.  He has vision and they are blinded by their hatred of him.  Our allies are in awe and our enemies fear him.

Trump is a truly remarkable leader.  His strength is not giving a hoot what the opposition thinks.  The opposing opinion means nothing to him.  His animal instincts are right on 99.99% of the time.

President Obama, thank you for giving birth to President Trump.  One tiny success in a dark, joyless eight years of your feckless leadership may have prevented Trump, but you and your democrat droids ruled with an iron fist.  More regulations, no coal, no jobs, higher taxes, higher deficits, bail outs to those too big to fail, pussy-footing with ISIS, bad deals with Iran, cash for hostages, Uranium deals with Russia and spying on Donald Trump and his campaign and his transition team and then his presidency?

I'm not sure where in that series of miscalculations and missteps you crossed the line with the American people but I am sure glad you overreached your grasp.  Americans were watching you and got a belly full of what you and your globalist pals were doing to us and the world.

We reject you and did so as loudly as we could and the result is, thanks to you, Barack Hussein Obama,  America's greatest president ever!

Yes, Barack, you started it, but not by the reasons you imagine.

JDM  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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