Thursday, October 25, 2018

Trump's Wall Would Have Been Completed By Now If Hillary Clinton Had Been Elected!

Not to keep the immigrants out, but to keep us in!

I am,

JDM  President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Obama's Right. He Started American Economic Recovery

Barack Hussein Obama, um um um!  And now he claims to an overflowing crowd of bussed in democrats in Nevada he started the 2017 economic boom his successor claims credit.

Well if you consider Obama rode America hard and put her away wet and without any supper and his charges fled to the good ship Trump in mass, then yes, Barack, you did start the economic recovery.  In fact you started America's second great awakening, being old I cannot recall the first, but I see the fruits of the second.

Jobs, jobs, jobs.  Democrats wailing and thrashing about for any attention they can garner from a willing and failing press led by the likes of Acosta, Todd, Scarborough, an L whose name I can never recall, all up against a man so powerful and unflappable he feeds off negative press and it makes him stronger.

Trump is and will be known as our second George Washington.  He is strong and they are weak.  He is smart and they are ignorant.  He has vision and they are blinded by their hatred of him.  Our allies are in awe and our enemies fear him.

Trump is a truly remarkable leader.  His strength is not giving a hoot what the opposition thinks.  The opposing opinion means nothing to him.  His animal instincts are right on 99.99% of the time.

President Obama, thank you for giving birth to President Trump.  One tiny success in a dark, joyless eight years of your feckless leadership may have prevented Trump, but you and your democrat droids ruled with an iron fist.  More regulations, no coal, no jobs, higher taxes, higher deficits, bail outs to those too big to fail, pussy-footing with ISIS, bad deals with Iran, cash for hostages, Uranium deals with Russia and spying on Donald Trump and his campaign and his transition team and then his presidency?

I'm not sure where in that series of miscalculations and missteps you crossed the line with the American people but I am sure glad you overreached your grasp.  Americans were watching you and got a belly full of what you and your globalist pals were doing to us and the world.

We reject you and did so as loudly as we could and the result is, thanks to you, Barack Hussein Obama,  America's greatest president ever!

Yes, Barack, you started it, but not by the reasons you imagine.

JDM  President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, October 22, 2018

November 6th, Night Of Democrat Long Faces Is Coming To A Television Near You

The democrats led by Schumer, Pelosi, Booker, Harris, and Mad Maxine Waters with cameos from Squaw De Tat Elizabeth Warren and the two time presidential loser HRC are that sucking sound heard south of our border.  And it is sucking a caravan of migrants towards the southern border that will guarantee a democrat rout in a couple of weeks.

Because these reprehensible politicians cannot come up with a platform that appeals to a majority of Americans, they want to open borders to our third world neighbors to the south and bring in voters who will be dependent on their grab bag of free stuff taken from middle America and meted out in small portions.

What part of higher taxes, open borders, higher crime, gun control seems to be a good idea to these political hacks?

White guilt, another made up fantasy by our friends on the left is a guaranteed loser for the Dems.

You see, the republicans have a big enough tent for all races who want to work and play by the rules.

Trump won middle America by appealing to all races, even whites, and now is poised to break the democrat monopoly on black and Hispanic voters by showing them the lie the democrats have been selling them for over half a century.

What have you got to lose?   A great Trumpian line to those down trodden by decades of misrule by democrats.  Look at areas controlled by democrats.  American shit holes.  Yes, I said it and anybody with any sense would agree.  Name the worst cities in America and you find by and large they are one party rule  and that party is democrat.

From the looks of the Trump rallies around the country, the big tent republicans will hold on to both the senate and the house this time because America cannot take a chance with the failed policies of the bumbling fumbling party of crime and corruption.

The democrats have gone dark.  They advocate violence and support antifa, a bunch of pasty white light weights with masks and bicycle locks they use to hit people in the head who do not agree with their philosophy which seems to be accuse white America of fascism and tear up their stuff.

Democrats are in for a shock again this November 6th, when white Americans and a good number of our darker skin-toned patriots reject the democrat premise that Trump and America are racist, misogynist,  fascist,  homophobic,  pedophiles.   Well Americans do love their children but not in that way.

So the night of democrat long faces, longer than John Kerry's and Stormy Daniels' combined, is set for November 6, 2018, and the wailing from the democrat controlled media will reverberate across the land.  Sure there will be a few democrat pick ups in gerrymandered districts in the blue states, but what is red will stay red.

In the end Jobs rule while Mobs drool!

God Bless America and keep her and President Donald J. Trump safe!

I am

JDM  President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Hitler And His Look, Elizabeth Warren and Her DNA Reveal

Young Bobby Birdsong has another drawing he has graciously agreed to present for your inspection.

On the day Senator Warren lost her Wampum with her DNA analysis which failed to demonstrate her strong Cherokee ancestry, she also lost her tweeting mind.  Gone is her chance to be the first Native American President of the United States.   She is whiter than Ivory Soap.  She makes the white on rice blush.   She is so white people in her entourage must wear eye protection.  If Elizabeth Warren was a Crayola Crayon she would be "Bright White".   Warren was the woman after which Walt Disney modeled Snow White.   Warren is so white her teeth appear dingy.

If Warren is Native American she is an albino.

President Trump has  beaten the Albino Native American Senator from Harvard University like a rented white mule.

Senator Warren is done.  Her lie is open for all to see.  Cherokee elders mock her.  Little children ask their parents why this woman is not satisfied with her white heritage?

Is she so plain she could not be hired at Penn or Harvard without the Native American Advantage?

She took a set aside for a real woman of color at two prestigious universities and owes America and its minorities an apology.

Being White means never having to say you are sorry.

By the way did you know Al Gore is the source  of "Love Story".   Like Warren is Native, right?

I am

JDM  President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Kayne West In A MAGA Hat Is A Superhero.

Kayne West spoke beautifully at the White House and explained part of the Trump phenomena.  In his impassioned diatribe West told a disbelieving press that his MAGA hat gave him superpowers.  He intoned his grief of being in a fatherless home while growing up and looks to President Trump as a father figure.

There is no doubt President Trump is the second Father of our Country.  He looks at America as his other bride and its inhabitants as his children.  There is the push for jobs and fairness and he works like he’s taking care of his great big American Family!

Kayne West is right, Trump is America's "Superdaddy".   He is a great role model,  he is strong and compassionate, he is no nonsense and takes no bullshit off the press or the democrats.

West has fired the first shot at those who denigrate toxic masculinity and it will spread across portions of America not generally known for voting for Republicans.   The same people who decry toxic masculinity are the same ones who reintroduced the wolf to Yellowstone.   It is time to reintroduce masculinity into man.  Kayne West gets it.  The democrat lap dog media do not.  Democrats are Pussies and their choice of pink hats is perfect.  Kayne wears a red hat.  He is a man.  He has found his inner wolf and is not ashamed of it.  It is how God intended it.

Men and wolves will be men and wolves and in Wyoming this still makes the sheep nervous.

The Blue wave will live up to its name.  There are going to be a lot of sad democrats the day after the election when their supporters they have strung along for 6 or 7 decades vote with their seats and stay home this Nov 6th.

Kayne West has, with his White House speech,  set the blue wave back a decade or more.

Make America Great Again,  Trump is our president as West pointed out and if he is not respected, we are not respected.   He chided the SNL bunch for their disrespect of our President.  Shame on you SNL.   Slandering your own country and its people and its duly elected leaders is not funny.  Right now West has made you the joke.   Keep it up and watch your disappointments pile up.

Time for the media to shut up and stand up to steal a line from Maize from Hawaii if that is her real name.  Time for the ingnoratties of the press to start pulling with and not against Trump and America.

God Bless you Kayne West for having the balls to say what you did today with and about President Trump and why America, all of America needs to come together to support this great man's objectives.

All President Trump really, really wants is MAGA.

What part of the democrat plan for open borders, fewer jobs, more regulations, higher taxes, and lower wages is clamored for by the voter?   Why is toxic feminism not selling?  Why is the democrat war against the white male a good idea?

Democrats destroyed the black family in the 1960's and now they want to do the same to the white family.

Kanye West and President Trump will fight to preserve and encourage the family as a unit, each in their own way.

Sorry ElgooG, but some body has to say it:  You would have to be a fool to support this current crop of globalist democrats.

I am

MDJ  President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

You Say You Want Civil Unrest? Hillary Jumps The Shark

The  bought and paid for leaders of corporate media lefty leaning Internet giants are the ever expanding political Goliaths Hillary Clinton and her husband Bubbah and their spawn, Chelsea with the Mr. Ed Smile.   Hillary Clinton has declared Civil War on the deplorables who elected Trump President and who fail to see how she and the democrat party will improve average American lives with her stated policies of no jobs, open borders, higher taxes,  Obamacare,  a weak feminized military force, and sovereignty passed over to a bunch of unelected globalist bankers and pale white men who never see the light of day.

Well, Hillary, I prefer leadership by our own pale white men than the ones you and your colleagues in the democrat party hold favor.   You have already sold our uranium to a Russian company for 30 pieces of silver.   What other assets do you and Bubbah have in mind.

The Clinton Foundation will be shown to be a front for political pay to play if it is ever fully investigated.  My Google warning is about to begin in 3 2 1... (this is when elgooG warns my script on the golb has a problem and can not be saved)  anything critical of a certain political party whose name begins with a d, and its leaders is fobotten.

For a few weeks we have been titilated with the spew of lies and accusations of a histrionic hyper partisan harpie from Palo Alto about a misspent youth in the pampered suburbs of Washington DC during the tumultuous and hyper sexual 80's.

If Ford will lie about front doors, plane travel, polygraph prep and advice, cheating on a lover,  and allegedly charging items on her former paramors credit card well after a break up, over what line is too far for her to deviate from the truth?

I personally do not think she would lie to keep President Trump's conservative nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, off the supreme court, do you?

After all lying about buildings and doors and fears of travel on airplanes and polygraphs harms no one and this makes you a sympathetic figure, but lying to destroy the reputation and career of an exemplary career civil servant because you do not agree with his political beliefs is one toke over the lying line so to speak.

To steal a great lefty infantile chant and redirect:  Shame!  Shame!  Shame!  Shame of fools.
My apology to Smokey Robinson.

Shame on you Dr. Ford, if that is your real name.

And advice for the Clintons, do not try to pick a fight with the  deplorables, for these are the people who populate 99% of our military.   And so far they stand for the flag and our national anthem.

Elgoog flashed its warning just now!  And Again.

Will close this befor the elgoog ecilop come for me.

I am,

MDJ  Tnedisep  Nabru Ytrevop Wal Retnec

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Why I Believe CB Ford, PhD May Not Be Telling The Truth About Judge Kavanaugh

Little Fonville has scribbled down another toon.   He tells me this is his drawing of Christine Blasey Ford from her Kavanaugh Senate testimony.

Well, some inconsistencies with her narrative which I have not heard discussed as yet follow:

Her story, pushed into a bedroom with loud music playing turned up by Judge or Kavanaugh so no one downstairs at the party could hear her muffled or even loud cries for help.  

Next after the grope that changes lives for ever, she escapes to the bathroom across the hall, closes the door and locks it and is able to hear drunken Judge and Kavanaugh pinball off the stair walls with their exit.   Did the music suddenly stop, did J and K turn it off before exiting in drunken stupors and rejoining the party down stairs?

We do not know and I doubt she recalls this detail which is important because hearing is believing.

Next she listens for and hears J and K talking to the other party revellers down stairs and can pick their voices out over the loud music and feels now is the best time for her escape.

I feel the years have not been kind to Dr. Ford, and Kavanaugh had nothing to do with it.

She is a liar.  She lied about not being able to fly, lied about her whereabouts over the past few weeks, lied about needing a second front door in her Palo Alto mansion, and has lied about Bret Kavanaugh.

Her chickens will eventually come home to roost and she and Di Fi with the Chinese spy will have chicken shit all over themselves.

And speaking of chicken shit, the democrats in their actions prove they have all passed through the intestinal tracts of one gigantic chicken on their way to Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing.

Special call out to Senators Dick Durbin, Tiny Cory Booker,  Kamala Harris,  and Bloomingthal.

I am

JDM   President, Urban Poverty Law Center