Monday, September 3, 2018

Why Does The Best Country In The World Tolerate A Third World Press? Americans Are Woke.

The American Media is pathetic.  With few exceptions it is a mouth piece for the democrat party.  It is blatantly against middle Americans who inhabit the non blue areas of our country's interior and still believe honesty, truth, Guns, God, fairness,  family, country, following the constitution as written, and the Ten Commandments are a great way to live one's life.

The American Media shoves LGTB AND OTHER FREAKISH goofs down our collective gullets nonstop, 24/7/28/30/31/365.25.

The American Media colludes with unpopular politicians such as Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Nanci Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Chuck Schumer, and Elizabeth Warren, while colluding against popular politicians such as President Donald Trump.

The upheaval in American politics brewing for a number of years has caught the Leftist Leaning Media giants flat footed and speechless. Middle America is woke to the Media lies and distortions.   The cat is out of the bag, the horse is out of the barn, the fleece is off the sheep, and John McCain reflects the best of what America is in our time?  Right....... if you consider Americans self-aggrandizing twits with a mean streak a mile long and selfish, very, very selfish.

For example: When the recently dead John McCain picked Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate in 2008, the American Media was shocked to see McCain/Palin gaining on the preferred ticket of Obama/Biden.  Enter the American Media Grinder to destroy Palin, with the Curric interview:  What Newspapers to you read?  Oh, you do not read?  And I can see Russia from my house. Who is the Yeminee vice chancellor to the Department of Rice and Bratwurst Procurement.  No that was last year's vice chancellor, you ninny!

 The collusion to destroy an honest politician continues to this day where McCain, in death was a bigger butthole than in life when he left Palin out of his funeral's guest list.    Not being included in this charter hose head's final guest list is quite the honor.  I am a member along with President Trump and Governor Palin.  

McCain proves my grandmothers point.  " You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear."

Is McCain still dead?

 Another:  Protecting Obama and Hillary from any ridicule or responsibility for the Benghazi debacle was unconscionable.  A free and healthy press would have pressed those in authority for real answers to what went wrong so perhaps it may not have been repeated in the future.

A really big story during the lead up to the 2016 presidential election was Hillary Clinton's use of a private server and her mishandling of top secret documents which we now learn were shared in real time with hackers from China and probably a dozen other competitive world powers.  All but a few in the press blindly accepted the Comey FBI whitewash of these very concerning acts by "the smartest woman in America."

Another big whitewash during the 2016 election campaign was the poor health of one of the major candidates.   The 2016 9/11 collapse of the media preferred candidate looked more like the battery died in a life like Hillary doll than if it were living and breathing flesh and blood.  Has anyone seen Hillary Clinton cut, bleed or bruise?  How can she not walk up steps unaided and no reporter look into this health Fax paux?   Why can she not walk down steps in India without the aid of a couple of WOGS under each arm.

Trump is 2 and a half years her senior and can march up and down Air force One's steep steps without assist and no media is covering this fact.

The American Media with its self proclaimed stars such as Chuck Todd, Jim Acosta, the Smoes of Morning Joe-Blow, the editorial boards of the few remaining newspapers in NY, Washington, LA, Chicago, the hags of the View, are in love with democrats and hate America.

The American people who came out in droves to elect Donald Trump president have spoken loud and clear.  They no longer believe and are no longer swayed by the lies spewed from the broken reportage of Anti-American Pro-Globalist Antifa supporting sycophant of the democrat party.

The American Media has fallen and is as dead as John McCain.  Their coverage of the McCain funeral was another failed attack against America and her President.  Donald J. Trump, real Americans love him and he loves us.

To steal one of Obama's favorite pastor's catch phrases: "No, no, no!  Not God bless the American Press, God Damn the American Press."

Like the boy who cried "wolf!" too often.  The American Press has lost its mojo baby!  And once the mojo is out of the tube...  their influence is lost.   They are held in contempt.  They are ridiculed.  Keep up your Trump Derangement Syndrome conniptions and watch your ratings fall, like Hillary down an Indian Temple stair steps, but there will be no WOGS to brace you.

Do yourselves a favor:  SURRENDER HILLARY, stop covering for her and her greedy pay for play ways.

SURRENDER MUELLER, stop covering for his partisan self serving deep state protecting witch hunt.


Renounce your UnAmerican activities and join us.  America is a wonderful country,  the best in the world.

Embrace your inner Kavanaugh,  resistance is futile.

America got to be America.

A shithole she will never be.

Home of the brave and land of the free.

There is room for idiots and Patriots in America but not her enemies.

Join us, won't you?   Renounce your treasonous acts.  Pull the wagon forward.

American Media, you suck!

I am,

JDM  President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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