Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Friends, Republicans, and Countrymen, Lend Me Your Ears

Well John Caesar McCain has gone and done it.  A well earned dirt nap with the stars.  As a Naval Aviator he is remembered for being the Spark that lit up the USS Forrestal after a jet afterburner mishap that went terribly wrong.  As a tennant at the Hanoi Hilton he was known as "Songbird" to the others in his company of captured service men.

To conservative Republicans he was known as the Maverick!  A steer that would not follow the herd and caused trouble for others around him.

I come to bury McCain, not to praise him.  The evil men do lives on after their death.

And McCain is a vindictive deadman in his treatment of President Donald Trump.  You, Mr. President are not welcome to attend my funeral service.  McCain was the last vote needed to repeal Obamacare, perhaps the worst piece of legislation passed by a lame duck democrat cabal without a single Republican vote, until McCain's in 2017.

Way to go McCain!  That vote is your legacy.  It will be the scarlet letter emboidered on your dinner jacket.  "O", Obamacare.  You own it.  And it is a fitting legacy for a man who came so close to greatness but was not quite good enough to make the grade.  No standout at Annapolis, he was a mediocre pilot according to peope who flew with him.   War hero?  I am with Patton and Trump on this one, where is the valor in capture and torture?  Wow, he was captured and he survived.  Many others shared his fate, where is their praise?

By the numbers here is how I see Senator John McCain:

1960's bottom percentile of his Annapolis Naval Academy Class

1970's 0.0001% of Naval personel

1980's 1% of the US Senate,  20% of the Keating Five, where in a just world his political career should have ended

1990's 12.5% of the Gang of Eight, more traitorous acts against conservatives where again his career should have ended

2008  50% of the Republican ticket running against Obama and  against Sarah Palin, a politician who out shined the Songbird, and was given the treatment by the Deep State Press that saw how she was Trumpian in her appeal to the American patriot and a clear and present danger to the status quo, yes her choice for VP was his greatest mistake, she was a bigger Maverick than Little John whose testosterone was waining by then.

2017  100% of the Republicans who cast the deciding vote against repealing Obamacare, the same man who campaigned on the promise to repeal and replace in his last lying run for the Arizona Senate

2018 0.000000000000000000000137% of the dead.  May he rest in peace.

But as I see it the evil this man has done will live on long after his death.  He will be forgotten like all the others before him.  But the evil will linger like the smell of death on the battlefield of forgotten dreams.

I knew Julius Caesar, and you, John McCain, sir, were no Julius Caesar.  You were a Judas Iscariot.
You have betrayed America and you have tried to sell President Trump out for  30 pieces of silver, but giving the Clinton dossier to the FBI will be your biggest act against the republic.

Your animus against President Trump is your petty jealousy rising from the realization that Trump is by far the best politician of our and your generation.  He is smart, really, really smart.  And he is rich, really, really rich.  And Trump is tall, really, really tall compared to you, and this is probably what irritated you the most.

Trump defeated the annointed one in his race to the presidency, and you couldn't even defeat a one term senator with an empty head and a great speaking voice who was running with perhaps the stupidest vice presidental candidate since Abraham Linclon, Joe "This is a really a big fucking deal" Biden.

What were you thinking?  It is as though something was pressing on your frontal lobes making rational thought impossible.

Oh, that's right that cancer in your brain may be an excuse for your actions.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this one, but the numbers outlined above speak for themselves.

Rest in peace little man, in death you are like all others in your company, but, know this, your honor left you well before your death.

A Maverick without honor is a bum steer.  Can you say Obamacare?


I am,

JDM,   President Urban Poverty Law Center

By the way I have listed my Mirrow Image Liberal Organization,  The Southern Poverty Law Center as a Hate Conseratives Group,  they lie.  Google has been hobbling my Center since 2017,  if you read this blog you fought through the fog, congratulations!

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