Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Say Hello To Bobby Birdsong's Second Hilarious Knee Slapper!

Bobby Birdsong, recently retiree from Syosetts, New York has come up with another cartoon.   He has kept his New York Political, Hillary Clinton lovin politics out of it, but one of the characters does bear a striking resemblance to her and carries some of that famous HRC "poor-mouthing" on ample display after her most humiliating defeat by the man with the Golden Hair during her "One Million And One Excuses" book tour.

Bobby thinks HRC lost because Melania Trump is so pleasing to the eyes of both men and women.  She is perty enough to make everyone a lesbian.    And that she married Donald Trump and not Buster Steinburner, a handsome plumber's helper from Attica is more related to wealth than good looks.  Don't get me wrong, I think President Trump is a fine looking man, but Buster has movie star looks.

Buster has Kurt Douglas's chin,  Frank Sinatra's deep ocean blue eyes, Howard Stern's nose, and Sean  Connery's voice and accent.   Many women in and around Utica have been known to clog their toilets just to see Buster.  Do a search of his name, you won't be disappointed.

I told Bobby Birdsong First Lady Melania Trump v First Lady's Man Bill Clinton probably drained a few thousand Russian inspired votes Trump's way in the battleground states.   Bobby conceded my point in that Long Island, New York flippant manner.

Personally, I am getting Mueller fatigue.  Time for Bob to shit or get off the pot.  His infestation of our duly elected and loved by the masses in fly over country president, is sucking the news media dry.  Even Mika and Joe are starting to squeak when they walk.  They have to apply emollients to their undercarriages just to move about.

Chuck Toddy and Prettyboy Acosta have lost octaves in their speaking voices as the testosterone is leaving their already shriveled balls.   Meanwhile if Trump's get any bigger he will need a wheelbarrow to get from venue to venue.

The vicious attack on males which began in the 1960's with the burn your bra feminist movement is beginning to fizzle.  A million years of nature cannot be wiped out by shrill shrieks and fat chicks in half a century.  Testosterone is here to stay.

Thank you God, for Donald J. Trump.  Let Testosterone free!

America has decided, and rightly so, that sometimes what is needed to save the day is a MAN.

So look out, get those panty shields off boys and grow a pair.  Be a MAN, be proud and do not let a bunch of hateful heavy chicks drag you down.

You are as God intended.  And fat chicks is just karma.  Right Hillary?

I am,

JDM  President Publisher UPLC

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