Thursday, September 13, 2018

Bobby Birdsong Sings A G00GLE Song

What and Why and How Should A Commercial Company with Internet Access Behave politically?

Should Companies have to make public disclosures?  I have long felt my blog has been the focus of

discrimination beginning about Jan of 2017, less traffic, as I am a small voice with no love for Obama

Clinton style of governing.  If a pipsqueak like me feels the anti-conservative forces of this company,

what must it be like to be a Breitbart or a Jones?

Corporate Collusion must be investigated and congress should make laws to force these corporations

to publically announce their political bias.

Political bigotry is nasty a from of bigotry and should be treated as aggressively as racial bigotry.

Religious bigotry ditto above.   Sex bigotry against males, especially white males, ditto.

The Google Wise Latina who pushed to get out the Latino vote through votino was too clever by a

third since she pushed 30% of the Latino vote to Trump which had to have a positive effect in

Hillary's slaughter in battleground states leading to her electoral college vote fail.

Mr. Birdsong has a hidden message in his cartoon.

I follow only Donald Trump on Twitter and am barraged by pro democrat adds from twitter which I

am strong enough to resist.

President Trump should root out all bigotry, racial, sexual, political and relgious on the internet and

the republican congress should be willing accomplices since the current holders of power are not the

beneficiaries of Google's political bigotry.

Should there be a corporate Bigotry tax?   I don't know, I don't know.

I know it is not worth it to get into a pissing contest with a force that buys internet access by the

Google Bite unless you have the power to make laws, any law, anytime.  Google may be great but

they are not the Taxman.

By the way what does the federal government charge for internet access,  or is it free?

I am

JDM President UPLC

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