Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How George SSoro And HiSS Open SSociety ISS ASSociated With Brett Kavanough SStaining And A Maxine Waters Toon

The week of Kavanaugh Konfirmation Hearings has been Krazy!  DiFi with a Chinese Spy has dropped a last minute land mine on poor old Brett in the form of a 36 year old charge from a woman named Christine Blasey Ford,  who turns out to be a rabid democrat, p-hat wearing, Hillary loving, Trump hating activist, whose parents lost a case presided over by Judge Kavanaugh's mother back in the 1990's.

Her charge, I went up to a bedroom at a party with one of his friends and he pinned me on the bed and groped me.  Both Kavanaugh and the friend deny it and Ford is not really sure about dates, places and times for this alleged trauma from nearly 2 score ago.  Tell me Brett, when did you stop groping 15 yr old girls?

Her lawyer associated with G Soros Open SSociety.  Her party democrat.   Her goal, keep Kavanaugh off the SC to keep Abortion safe and America's children in jeopardy.  The democrats feel they have improved society by aborting the right people.

In fact the abortion mills have been so successful in aborting the poor we have needs to allow millions in to take their places.  At least our aborts would have grown up here and assimilated where many of the immigrants will never assimilate.

Smart move.  Open SSociety.

The cartoon was contributed by my nephew Cecil Fonville, Jr who is an eighth grade student for the second time.   He tells me this is his portrait of Maxine Waters.   I did not have the heart to tell him his spelling is off.  He struggles in school.

I am

JDM, President and Publisher, UPLC

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