Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Psychology Of Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings, Or Monkey C And Money Doo.

Dr. C.B. F, PhD psychology.  Hum?  What do we know about human psychology?   When I was in college in the decades of Richard Nixon through Ronald Reagan,  a long story, my experience with psychology majors, though somewhat limited, gave me the distinct impression these students were trying to find out what was wrong with them.   There was something wanting in many of these students.   It seems they were searching for any glimmer of hope they may be normal.  Sadly, most were not.

But humans as a group are flawed, some more than others depending on who is doing the judging.

Which brings us to the importance of Judge Kavanaugh's hearings.  If confirmed to the supreme court he will be doing the judging.  If CBF PhD can derail his confirmation, this 15 yr old twit with a dubious motive and an ax to grind has perhaps changed history and destroyed a man and his reputation without a whit of proof to an alleged event from 37 years ago.  

Allegations of sexual misconduct are the new "She's a witch" claim for our snowflake society which can mistake  teen play for serious psycho rapes.  The difference between teen groping at an alcohol fueled party and rape is the difference between a lightning bug and lightning.   CBF PhD is confused.   Teen groping under the influence could be considered the purest form of flattery.

I care therefore I grope?   I grope M and M's too often because I love them.

If CBF PhD were candid she might share her misgivings about her own personality with all its foibles and short comings.   She is most likely a narcissistic democrat who may have been sexually abused as a young child.   Sad if this is true.  Adults taking advantage of a child is unconscionable.  Teen gropes at wild parties is standard operating procedure.   This is where they learn what works and what does not work.  It is a "monkey out of the zoo" moment.  Raging hormones, alcohol and party's, oh my!

Do not get me wrong here,  I well know there are some very sick monkeys out there, but we learned who these people were in grade school and knew to avoid and not party with them.   More proof that Judge Kavanaugh is innocent for if he were one of the "sick monkeys", everybody would know it and 65 of his female monkey troop mates would not have signed a letter attesting to his good monkey bonafides.

Has CBF PhD transferred the hatred of her sexual abusers onto Brett Kavanaugh who, in her mind, threatens all women  and therefore her, with his stance on abortion?  Perhaps.

If Kavanaugh's view is correct, life begins at conception, abortion is murder, and murder is not easily mollified.

"Thou shalt not kill." is fully 10% of the Ten Commandments given to Moses back in his day and for these to be passed along from generation to generation is quite the recommendation to their importance.

One of the commandments which fell off the tablets was: "Thou Shalt Not Swim Until One Hour Has Passed After Lunch."   It was downgraded from a commandment to an oft made mother's demand.

It is rumored it all began when little Tommy Tuggenheimer, age 10 was swimming near his home in Frankfort, paused to eat a large lunch and immediately there after ran back into the river, sinking like a ballast stone never to be seen alive again.   His bloated body came up three miles down stream the next day.  Little Tommy paid the ultimate price for not taking his mother's warning seriously.

If this missive has any lesson it is dredging up 37 yr old complaints from adolescents at an alcohol fueled party to derail an eminently qualified jurist's appointment to the supreme court is monkey business and should be dealt with as such.   CBF, PhD has no proof the monkey business even occurred.

Ignore CBF, PhD and her scurrilous claims.

Vote yes to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

He is a fine man.

I am

JDM, President UPLC

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