Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Rodney "King" Rosenstein Is A Washington Koruptocrat Extra-Ordinaire!

Who is this Impish appearing "Number 2"(a clever double entendre) at the Department of Justice, Rodney Rosenstein? Is this the fellow who wrote a memo explaining why Jim Comey deserved firing and when President Trump did so, appointed his pal Robert Mueller as a special counsel to look into the firing of Comey?

Is this the fellow who for over a year has blocked congress in its mission to investigate corruption at the Obama DOJ and FBI by not coming up with the documents to explain the FISA warrants and the FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign and whether or not spies were planted and attempted to entrap members of Trumps campaign apparatus?

He peers to be a fool, much in the same vain as Puddinhead Wilson, Mark Twain's fictional character, who was too clever by half when first he met with his new town folk and declared to all who were present that "I wished I owned half that dog." Referencing the annoying dog who was incessantly barking in the distance during his introduction at the train station. When asked by the locals why he would want to own half that barking dog, Puddinhead, famously replied, "Cause I'd kill my half!"

Like Puddinhead, Rosenstein is killing his half of the DOJ, pronounced doj, by not giving the documents as required by the constitution to congress which has the authority and the duty to oversee the departments Puddinhead is covering up their dunderpateric acts of espionage against first a candidate for the republican nomination for president, then doubling down on the republican nominee with FISA warrants, and then trippling down with a special counsel on a duly elected president.

The other crime is the faux investigation of Hillary Clinton and her toads in the state department. A personal server which allowed an open window to all our friends and enemies alike, but kept her pay to play actions with the criminal enterprise known as the Clinton Foundation secret from prying eyes of congressional oversight committee was ignored by Comey and Company.

Back to Rod. His act in front of congress was profane. His inappropriate smirks and giggles like a teenager on her first date were off putting to say the least. One can only wonder what motivates this creature from the black lagoon of the DC Swamp. Has Hillary lined his pockets with cash like she did old Andy McCabe? Has he been threatened by the deep state? Who is RR afraid of? It certainly is not Devin Nunez or others in the House or Senate Oversight Committees.

Rodney "King" Rosenstain needs to be impeached yesterday and replaced with a true patriot. He has thumbed his middle finger at congress and threatened House staff members with an investigation in what is a blatant attempt to run the clock out on this very important investigation in the hopes congress with switch over to D in November. An event which I personally feel is very unlikely unless there is a huge triffling with the ballot box, something with which democrats are adept.

Like Stalin they know the voter decides nothing but the one who counts the vote decides everything!

This election must be scrutinized very carefully for integrity and fairness. The democrats are desperate. The gig is up. President Trump has the power and the authority to squash this coup attempt. I can only guess he is letting them have enough rope to hang themselves.

Hillary Clinton called it before the election. "If Trump wins, we all hang!"

Rodney Rosenstein is holding off the hangman for now. How much longer can this dufus obstruct justice and hold back a proper oversight investigation?

By the way did you know he signed the 4th extension of the illegal FISA warrant against the Trump campaign, perhaps without reading it?

Yep, Puddinhead Rosenstein, Peers to be a fool!

I am,

JDM President Urban Poverty Law Center

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