Thursday, June 28, 2018

World Freeloaders Have Been Served Notice, You're Fired

Is there anything more fun than a Trump Rally?

Well, no. Not for the forgotten American in fly over country, there isn't.

But if you are a career FBI, DOJ, State Dept, EPA, member of elite Hollywood, entrenched media/journo Hillary Clinton fan, your answer is even a trip to the dentist or the proctologist would be more fun.

President Trump is the people's president. An everyday man of means without the aires of your typical elitist better than thou snobbist who occupy America's upper echilons of wealth and high society. He is a capitalist by business nature and a communist at heart.

The tradesman is as significant to him as the Wall Streeter, perhaps even more significant. And the elites have a conniption when they realize they have fallen from most favored status to equality with a lowly skilled worker.

I watch President Trump work the North Dakota crowd and he is a brilliant speaker and a master persuader. He could talk the pantys off Stormy Daniels, and trick Hillary Clinton out of her last $1,000,000,000.

His money shot was his declaration when speaking of trade and tariffs, "The era of global freeloading off America is over!"

President Trump is head and shoulder above the competition.

America is blessed by his leadership.

As Dennis Miller said in his comedy routine of late, "Trump may not be the man for all seasons, but he certainly is the man for this season!"

Donald Trump is that good!

I am,

JDM President emeritus Urban Poverty Law Center

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