Friday, July 13, 2018

Peter Strzok Is A "Dick"

Peter Strzok in his public hearing before the House Judiciary Committee was the "Dick" that was heard around the world. He is now the official poster boy for why the FBI should be dismantled. If you look closely at what they have been involved with in the past 30 years it is as egregious as abortion is to minorities in this country.

Ruby Ridge, where FBI sniper Hiroshima Hito, or what ever his name was that inglorious bastard that shot a woman holding an 18 month old baby in the head from 300 yards without any remorse or second thoughts. Is this the right thing to do to coral a self proclaimed white supremacist who was entrapped selling a sawed off shotgun to an under cover agent for a couple hundred dollars to buy his children back to school clothes?

Waco, where these "Dicks" burned women and children for practicing their religion of choice. Where is the humanity? Where are the morals?

Did we bring some of the SS from Nazi Germany over after World War II along with the German rocket scientists? Say, Strzok sounds like a German sirname, and Rosenstein, shit German as Hitler! Mueller, holy cow, another hit! Comey the homey, probably a shortened Eastern German Russian name, Comenitskii?

I belive we have a trend here in our nation's federal law enforcement and the judicial branch. It has been corrupted. It is staffed at the top by self-serving aristocrats who have decided they are the law and what are we the "smellie" people who shop at Walmart going to do about it?

This is a very frightening situation.

Power corrupts and absolute power is what they feel they have. What else could explain the utter contempt this bunch of assholes have for congress, the people's representatives. If I were Ryan, and I am not, I would defund the bastards until they comply with all the requests for the documents.

This might give them some pinch, but the deep state is so entrenched they would pay their salaries out of black ops money, like the Clinton Foundation, or they could all be hired by the major media which is just an arm of the DNC and the DEEP STATE.

If something is not done to stop this America will continue to be a police state in the vain of Nazi Germany. It will only get worse.

Mr. Strzok, you sir are an asshole!

Benedict Arnold, Peter Strzok, hum, at least old Benedict only screwed the colonies and not the help.

I am a distressed smellie Walmart shopper.

Trump is right we have stoopid people in charge.

Peter Strzok is their new face. Demonic? I bet he has cream and aborted fetuses for breakfast each morning.


My fear is that he is merely the tip of the iceberg and we are heading right towards it.

With the parts of the congressional hearing I saw with the pitiful obstructionist showing of the democrats, republicans should sweep the midterm elections 100 million to zero. I detest the democrats that much, but I am not biased, just intelligent.

JDM president Urban Poverty Law Center

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