Friday, July 27, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Marks The End Of Democrats Leftward Slide

The democrats pull out a new play from the old playbook.  Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the socialist from the Bronx, is the newest and freshest play for the Bernie-Bots.  Self proclaimed socialist, she promotes not self-reliance, but big government reliance, which has failed everywhere it has ever been tried.  Venezula most recent poster child for failure of socialistic dreams, and its older sister, Cuba are prime examples of what socialism breeds.

People are just hairless monkeys and work is not natural but leisure comes as naturally as greed to a Clinton.   Food and shelter are the only requirements for life across the spectrum.   Most animals do not need 10,000sqft mansions to make it in this world, and the animal kingdom is blessed with none of the problems humans face if the two basic needs are met.

When did your cat or dog or parakeet, for that matter, ever ask to see a psychiatrist?  Depression is not rampant in the animal kingdom.  Have you ever seen an animal commit suicide?  Are the birds flying to the heavens and refusing to flap their wings and plummeting to earth in a life ending exercise.  Not where I live.   We put a lot of wild bird seed out to keep our neighborhood birdies just shy of over weight and out of balance for flying.

Where was I?  Oh, yeah,  back to Alexandria O. C. democrat/socislist NYC.   Free everything except religion, speech, and  the right to bear arms.

College, free.  Food, free.  Clothing, free.  Shelter, free.  Healthcare, free.  Television, free.  Transportation, free.  Gasoline, free.  Government, free.  ( let us start with that one and see how long they can last in this free world they so truly desparately want.)  End all Taxes now!

Capitalism began in America in Jamestown after a one year trial of socialism failed to feed the colonist and has been the model followed ever since.  Wise!

Anyway ole, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is singing the socialism song, but America should and will reject it.   Socialism looks good on paper but in practice it is devastating, but is a sure fire wt loss program with guaranteed results.  The Venezulans have lost on average 30 lbs each since their socialism experiment began and crashed like Hillary at the 9-11 event.

Capitalism is a system which favors work and inovation.   Socialism favors sloth and idleness.
Capatilism can afford a meager safety net for those inclined to nothing.  Socialism can afford nothing once the money has been spent.

Ms. Cortez,  I suggest to you, if you want to live under socialism you should immigrate to a place where it is already been applied.   America is not where you want to be for it will be rejected by those willing to work and prosper given the opportunities capitalism provides.

One last recommendation,  if you decide to move to Venezula, you should put on some weight first.
All the animals at the zoo have been eaten already and dogs and cats and even parakeets are in short supply.

I am,

JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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