Thursday, July 12, 2018

Bent Pages, Layers, Gums And Smiles, FBI Dupes And Dullards Of The Deep State

Lisa Page looks better with her mouth closed. I have just seen her newest photo, arms folded and her gummy-gums grin suppressed in defiance to her subpena from congressional oversight.

She is truly an FBI LAYER!

Yes, it's true, I am bigoted against grins with gums greater than teeth and on a percentage basis. Smiles with 99% teeth and 1% gum or less seem best. Gummy-gums and the people who have this trait scare me.

Page and Strzok are the lynch pins in the deep state corruption and plot against Trump, his campaign, his transition team and his presidency. These are the dupes and dullards who were given the task to investigate and frame our beloved president with impeachable misdemeanors and high crimes.

Thankfully, these two geniuses from the bowels of the FBI proved to be from the "Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight" and screwed the pooch as well as each other in their investigation of Team Trump.

Loose lips sink ships, but gummy-gums sink deep states.

God bless fools and Strozk and Page, but I repeat myself.

With the evidence gathered from the S n P texts there is no doubt that the Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller special counsel is just a continuation of this assault against Trump. The longer this witch hunt goes on, the more foolish these people appear.

Their credability is sunk. Mueller peers to be a fool. Mr. Mueller is hoping he owned half the constitution because if he did he'd kill his half and destroy America. Mueller is a korruptocrat.
He is a distraction and his investigation is a sham. He is the criminal. Comey is the criminal. The Clintons are the criminals. Rosenstein is the impish face of this sham investigation.

Goobers one and goobers all.

Pray for the white hats to win against all that is evil.

I am,

JDM President Urban Poverty Law Center

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