Friday, August 3, 2018

On Trump-Putin Secret Meeting Madness In The Main Stream Media

Does Russia's Putin have 33,000 of Hillary Clinton's emails from her secret server?   Does China?  Does Buddy, the 14 yr old neighborhood hacker have them?  Does Julian Asange have them?

The answer to each of those questions is a resounding yes, why yes, they all have them.   The hysterical reaction from the MSM about the secret Trump-Putin Tete-Teet blown out of proportion with more nashing of teeth than a Somali picnic is the clue that they fear most the release of these secret emails.

What is in these secret missives these Washington insiders fear most?

Here I will speculate.  Does it include the bribery the CF makes to the MSM?  Does it include the Pay To Play lists?  Does it include bribes paid to the leaders at State, Justice, FBI, and the CIA?  Does it include replies from Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, Rice, Lynch, and Putin?

Now is there any chance Putin will release them to Trump?  Well, yes and no.  Putin is not a stupid man and is holding them as insurance just in the unlikely case old Hillary, with failing health, and a bulbous body covered up thankfully by evermore expanding and gigantic moo-moos, manages to run and win the presidency in 2020, and I have already decided her new logo should be   "Go With H2O"   "Life Requires H2O"  well, you catch my drift.

All this foot dragging by DoJ and FBI with the FISA documents is a stall.  They hope and pray the Dems pull off a midterm election rout of the Whimsicals who control the republican party, thereby ending the prying eyes of Nunez and his committee.

Anyway back to the MSM hysteria.  Trump could make a deal with Putin for the release of the emails but it would have to be a doozy.  Give Russia Western Europe and the warm water ports it needs to prosper in the world of Trump's free and fair trade initiative for the emails?   Would that be a good trade?

Right now Germany is leaning towards the Bear with its natural gas deals, and most of Europe is anti-American under Trump and has made a huge blunder with its Union in as far as the direction these unelected bureaucrats are taking it..  Their leadership is as inept as Obama and probably just as compromised by big business and monied interests.   Is Europe in its present condition worth any amount of American blood and treasure to protect?  I doubt it.

Are there even two Europeans willing to lay down their lives for their country?  France, no, Italy, no, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, maybe a girl or two left with some viking blood flowing in their veins.  Spain, ended bullfights, and with that all hope of manliness.  England, no, no man has been spotted on the British Isle since the late 80's when Thatcher proved to have more testosterone than Prince Charles and his co-horts.  Belgium, really?

Now Eastern Europe is a different cup of soup.  There testosterone survives and is in good supply and Russia will have to bypass these men.  They will not submit without a fight.

Anyway the point is the MSM is too hysterical about the Putin Trump secret meeting.  I feel this fear stems from what is in the missing 33,000 or more Hillary Clinton, madam secretary's emails.

They, the MSM, could not handle the truth if it ever comes out.

President Trump meet with Putin in secret all you want.   We trust you will do the right thing for the American people.   We have your back.  And has anyone told you how smart you are?  Mr. President, you are very very smart.  You run circles around your detractors and the enemy press here in America and overseas.

You've got  Jim Acosta's panties so tight he can't sit down and cross his legs without castrating himself.

Keep up the good work.   America is with you.

I am.

JDM, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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