Saturday, August 13, 2016

Have You Noticed Any Beautiful Democrat Leading Ladies----No? Read On If You Dare

What do Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Nanci Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, Diane Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren,
and Barack Hussein Obama have in common?

Well, for one they are the top of the stink pile which is today's democrat party, and they are all very unattractive females. Why are there no attractive democrats in office? Why do progressive ideals and ugly go together like topsy turvy, in and out, or up and down?

Can the mind and its physical manifestations be affected by its wiring and thinking? Ugly policy begets ugly faces? Or does an ugly face produce the ugly thinking?

Is the ugly we see in the party of low physical beauty a warning, like rattles on a snake, fangs on a tiger,or a capital D after one's name?

Of the seven women mentioned in the opening sentence, six have had plastic surgery just to make them barely agreeable to the eye. The black one has the advantage which goes with the race that does not show aging as harshly as the anglos in the club whose faces, already challenged at birth by ugly parentage, are beaten, no raped by the rays of the sun, causing them to trap more ugly in a puss not fit for public consumption: no pun intended.

I just woke up wondering "Why" the great contrast between the democrat look, and the Trumps?

Love or hate Donald Trump you have to admit he is surrounded by beauty. His wife is one of the great beauties of her time. His children bear the fruits of his mating choices. They are not democrats.

God has given each of us two eyes and our minds are programmed and our faces are set when we were formed by the seeds of our parents. In the program we like that which is beautiful and are repelled by ugly.

Mark Twain in his essay, "What Is Man" argues quite well man is a machine set by the nature of our genes and our hormones.

God made the machine, do not fight your nature, recognize ugly and vote against it this coming November.

Watching the Trumps on TV over the next 8 years will prove to be way more fetching and pleasant than watching Hillary gloat and bloat while she and her aging husband, Bill, wither and shrivel into their well deserved final resting places.

Hillary and Bill plus eight
both at heaven's gate
for Hillary it is too late
Obama was but a brake
And Trump will stop the snake
But for Hillary it is too late

I am going to leave the spawn, Chelsea, out of it as she is looking less and less like Webb with each slice of the surgeon's knife. And I like that she and her husband cannot seem to like money as proof consider her hubby's ability to loose millions as an insider in a rigged financial market. I just wish I had invested some of my money in his fund before he lost it all.

What a looser! If an insider cannot win a rigged game, what does that say?

Before you cry for Mr. and Mrs. Chelsea Clinton remember the 2 billion dollars at the Clinton Crime Foundation, I feel certain there is some work for them both there with great benefits!

One last thought: Electing someone to the presidency of the United States of America like Hillary Clinton will prove as dangerous for the country as butterflies crossing the highway.


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