Sunday, August 21, 2016

What Title Gives This Brilliant Work It's Due? Read It, Or Be Damned!

Nary a day passes without a new concern being voiced about the grappling grifter of Washington DC and her failing health. The Beatles famously bellowed out in song "Can't Buy Me Love", in the middle 60's when she was just a girl full of hopes and dreams to change the world into her and Saul's image. Flash forward half a century and now she is learning about growing old and how woefully inept Obamacare is, or in her case, all the money in the world, "Can't Buy Me Health"!

Clearly, Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton is deteriorating faster than a Chiquita banana in a fruit bowl at Tiffany's in the summer time. The knock to that brilliant Dillinger like brain has taken a toll. The sharp is out of the sharpie. The bloom is off the Rose Law Firm. The turd cannot be picked up by the clean end, and no amount of polish will make it shine. She is now not only a flawed candidate, she is now severely damaged goods. She is clearly not fit either physically or mentally to make the important decisions to lead this once great country out of the Obama-Clinton doldrums where the everyday working class American is not even factored into the equation when lucrative insider Washington deals are being made to spread the wealth to friends and donors at the top. We are expected to be thankful they do not take everything from us.

Enough! If Hillary Clinton can somehow be elected with all her flaws and that grating personality and her proven tract record of no significant accomplishments, if you leave out her gaffs with the middle east, Russia, and a private server, and of course that Colossus, the Clinton Crime Foundation, which has amassed $2 billion dollars, much of it, $1,242, now speeding to the lower reaches of Louisiana to help the pitiful flood victims by putting up "Hillary Clinton For President" signs on every high bit of high ground to mark safe places for the children, of course, then America deserves its fate. By electing a monster we will have set our final course to ruination.

Mrs. Clinton is a hack, health challenged, America hating, unhappy person who will not stop until she has destroyed America or until she is called home by our maker, the one who gives us the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. She definitely is a speed bump on the way to America's liberty and happiness.

By now we know she can shake down big banking, insurance, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, and the oil rich nations of the Middle East, for her personal gain, but where is the benefit to the average American? In her 40 year public service, where is the beef?

Answer? There is no beef. She is all hat and no cattle when it comes to helping the average American. Now she has promised to raise taxes on that part of America she has ignored forever but never on election day. She needs more money in government to funnel to her friends to keep the party going for a while longer so she cares not a whit how much we work as long as they eat!

Besides food, clothing, and shelter how much do the little people really need or deserve? According to her you keep nothing, she gets it all! The only thing larger than her Ego and her ass is her greed.

Americans, listen to me. This woman is not right. She is not right for America, but will be wonderful for the status quo in Washington DC where our tax money and all they can print up and borrow flies out the window to every special interest with a million dollars to contribute to the Clinton Foundation.

We need some serious house cleaning at our top levels of government and we need it soon. When they fall and we are broke do you expect those who did the most damage to stick around and help pick up the pieces?

I predict they will be viewed as much worse than the Nazis after WWII, and they will be hunted down and brought to justice just like the Nazis were for the decades after the war ended.

Of course, like the Nazi leadership, they will retreat to what they feel are safe havens, but when it all goes down and the records are exposed, not even Mars will be far enough away to escape justice.

I truly believe there are enough people left in America with principles and honesty and the love of God that our ancestors built and passed on to us to make this important pivot. We must reject the people who have kidnapped our highest offices for personal gains and replace them with the finest people we can find. The first 400 names in the Boston phone book might be a good place to start!

Is Donald Trump the right man for the job? From the caterwauling and screams from the media, the other party, and many in the Republican party, who, by the way, have been invited to Trump's pool party and they, the Bush's, McCain, Graham, Cruise, Kasich, and many other only want to piss in that pool which shows them to be part of the status quo in the corruption in Washington, Hell Yeah!

I believe Trump to be an honest American and our best candidate to come along in 40 years.

I personally plan to vote for Trump early and often.

Join me in a battle ground state where no voter ID is required on election day and let us make this thing happen for DJ Trump.

I really wonder if Cankles of Chipaqua can make it thru to the finish line given her current failing health.

I am


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