Sunday, August 14, 2016

Hillary Is Not Right. For America, In The Head, In Health, In Demeanor, For Leading

Donald Trump may not be perfect, but he sure beats the alternative! Trump is the antidote to Clinton which is a poison as deadly as the green mamba's bite.

Hillary makes Jeb Bush seem like the energizer bunny. Hillary makes Phyllis Diller look like a beauty contestant. She makes Nancy Pelosi seem smart.

She makes Rosie O'Donnel appear sexy. She makes Barack Obama look like a great leader, and she makes Bill Clinton horny for the stray. She makes John Dillinger seem honest. She makes Benedict Arnold look like a patriot. She made Chelsea Clinton look like Webb Hubble.

She makes our current tax rate appear low. She makes Isis too strong. She thinks our unemployment rates are too low.

She thinks the Clinton Foundation is a true charity. She thinks she deserves the presidency. She thinks Americans are stupid. She thinks Rob Blagojevich was stupid trying to "Clinton" the Illinois senate seat without credentials.

Hillary's pol numbers are dipping lower than her nipples without a sports bra. Her health has gone to hell. Her looks have faded faster than a 60's tie-dyed shirt at Woodstock. She is haggard and tired, she is old and musty, she is not fit but she has fits.

If America could buy Hillary for her worth and sell her for what she thought she was worth, we could retire our national debt and still have enough money to revamp LaGuardia from the nightmare 50's era bus depot look into a modern airport every New Yorker would be proud to claim.

Donald Trump is a true American businessman and patriot. He will put character and honesty back in style in politics. The pols have fallen for the fast buck and dragged this great country from the shining city on the hill and morning in America to the dark slum in the valley at twilight.

Trump will turn the country around and we will once again climb towards that city on the hill and walk steadfastly towards the light.

Hillary is the venom, and Trump is the cure.'

I am,


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