If you google Clinton and Seizure you get a couple of shots of a very strange contortion the former SOS undertook after a sip of icy Starbucks. It was totally unexpected and uncontrolled and my feeling is Mrs. Clinton has a post CVA(cerebral vascular accident) seizure disorder and is trying to control the seizures with a new implantable device which can determine if one is about to have a convulsion by reading the brain waves and then delivers a series of small electrical impulses to interrupt the seizure.
These impulses are transmitted from the brain to the nervous system and result in bizarre tics and other involuntary reactions.
This is a serious draw back for Hillary. She cannot know when this electrical bomb is going to shock her brain out of a convulsion, and it is such a new device scientists cannot say one is safe installed in the keeper of the nuclear football codes.
If my hunch is correct, she needs to forfeit the race to Donald J. Trump and retire from political office. The health and safety of the nation is too precious to risk on one of Frankenstein's brain choices, abnormal.
I am,
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Saturday, July 30, 2016
Glass Ceiling, Fools We Have One To Protect America From Fools, Obama's 8 Yr Reign of Error
Hillary Clinton broke through the glass ceiling yesterday with her nomination rigged, jigged, and pigged by the Democrat National Committee. Her cackling cankled carcass was pushed and pulled across the finish line by all the king's horses and all the king's men, with the king's jesters poking Bernie Sanders unceremoniously out the side door like the addled aunt in the attic he represents.
Her presence is underwhelming. She is the least abled candidate placed before the people since Bob Dole took the hit against her fabulous spouse William Jefferson Clinton, who uses interns in the White House like humidors. Here is a man who likes sex as much as he is in love with himself. He is a great scoundrel. Together the Clintons will be remembered as the two greatest scallywags this country ever produced.
Clinton and Clinton have a lot of baggage including $2 billion in a phony charitable foundation where the only benefactor is the poor people who are friends of Bill and Hill, ever consider if you changed only one letter in the names, you get Bell and Hell?
A glass ceiling is an imagined barrier which prevents certain people from achieving the highest levels of office. People who should not be president of the united states include people under the age of 35, noncitizens, traitors, and Mrs. Bill Clinton, not because of her sex, reportedly female, but unlike the Pope, she has not had to prove it to anyone, but because she is inept and inconsequential.
Her only accomplishments to date are enriching herself and her oversexed companion and sporter of the crooked child-like pocket lizard, former president and current sexual predator Willie, the Billie Clinton. She has no skills in leadership or no vision for America.
She is wrong in her philosophy and not the right person for these dangerous times in which we find our beautiful country after the eight year reign of error under BObama. The only reason glass ceilings exist is to prevent the people from having to suffer fools.
And all this hoopla over Hillary becoming the first woman president, surprise, the current occupant is the greatest effete since Marilyn Monroe, and quite frankly Americans are clamoring for some maleness, a John Wayne type, to take the reigns of government and get this stagecoach back on the trail to American prosperity and safety.
What Hillary knows about leadership is anyone's guess. However, Hillary's judgment is not in question. Her handling of top secret emails as Secretary of State has laid to rest any contention she is wise and seasoned. She is a fool in a pant suit, and the glass ceiling was put in place to keep fools and babies from becoming president.
I have nothing against qualified women becoming president, but Hillary is not qualified. She is not honest, she is not smart, she is not trustworthy, she is not warm, and she is definitely not what America needs as its political head.
America needs a smart business man with a beautiful wife 35 years his junior and surrounded by smart children who have actually been successful in their own right, not a twaddling, waddling, big shot wannabe with a shill marriage to a misogynist pervert. Without her sham marriage to Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham would be chasing ambulances like 99% of her legal colleagues and we would have never heard of her.
I think what I am trying to say is, idiots should not be able to break through a glass ceiling. The glass ceiling is there to protect us from malfeasance.
There is no doubt that Hillary and malfeasance are one and the same.
Here's hoping, no praying, the glass ceiling holds and we are spared the second Clinton fiasco!
In closing his autobiography Mark Twain noted "Man proposes, circumstance disposes." If we do not vote against this vile troll, Hillary Rodham Clinton, our country will be disposed by circumstances, circumstances that are wholly preventable.
Wake up!
Her presence is underwhelming. She is the least abled candidate placed before the people since Bob Dole took the hit against her fabulous spouse William Jefferson Clinton, who uses interns in the White House like humidors. Here is a man who likes sex as much as he is in love with himself. He is a great scoundrel. Together the Clintons will be remembered as the two greatest scallywags this country ever produced.
Clinton and Clinton have a lot of baggage including $2 billion in a phony charitable foundation where the only benefactor is the poor people who are friends of Bill and Hill, ever consider if you changed only one letter in the names, you get Bell and Hell?
A glass ceiling is an imagined barrier which prevents certain people from achieving the highest levels of office. People who should not be president of the united states include people under the age of 35, noncitizens, traitors, and Mrs. Bill Clinton, not because of her sex, reportedly female, but unlike the Pope, she has not had to prove it to anyone, but because she is inept and inconsequential.
Her only accomplishments to date are enriching herself and her oversexed companion and sporter of the crooked child-like pocket lizard, former president and current sexual predator Willie, the Billie Clinton. She has no skills in leadership or no vision for America.
She is wrong in her philosophy and not the right person for these dangerous times in which we find our beautiful country after the eight year reign of error under BObama. The only reason glass ceilings exist is to prevent the people from having to suffer fools.
And all this hoopla over Hillary becoming the first woman president, surprise, the current occupant is the greatest effete since Marilyn Monroe, and quite frankly Americans are clamoring for some maleness, a John Wayne type, to take the reigns of government and get this stagecoach back on the trail to American prosperity and safety.
What Hillary knows about leadership is anyone's guess. However, Hillary's judgment is not in question. Her handling of top secret emails as Secretary of State has laid to rest any contention she is wise and seasoned. She is a fool in a pant suit, and the glass ceiling was put in place to keep fools and babies from becoming president.
I have nothing against qualified women becoming president, but Hillary is not qualified. She is not honest, she is not smart, she is not trustworthy, she is not warm, and she is definitely not what America needs as its political head.
America needs a smart business man with a beautiful wife 35 years his junior and surrounded by smart children who have actually been successful in their own right, not a twaddling, waddling, big shot wannabe with a shill marriage to a misogynist pervert. Without her sham marriage to Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham would be chasing ambulances like 99% of her legal colleagues and we would have never heard of her.
I think what I am trying to say is, idiots should not be able to break through a glass ceiling. The glass ceiling is there to protect us from malfeasance.
There is no doubt that Hillary and malfeasance are one and the same.
Here's hoping, no praying, the glass ceiling holds and we are spared the second Clinton fiasco!
In closing his autobiography Mark Twain noted "Man proposes, circumstance disposes." If we do not vote against this vile troll, Hillary Rodham Clinton, our country will be disposed by circumstances, circumstances that are wholly preventable.
Wake up!
Monday, July 25, 2016
A Few Disjointed Thoughts On The Democrat Convention And Its Leader And Why Black Lives Matter Is A Scam
I am a huge fan of Donald J Trumps. He is an American first, last and always. He indicated in his campaign he is not an open borders globalist pig like the Soros funded ass-hats currently in the occupy Washington movement. The Clintons represent with their insatiable greed and shake down political style the worst example of the American politician.
Since leaving the State Department in 2012, Mrs. Bill Clinton, gave enough 20 minute speeches at $600,000 a pop to every banking and Wall Street and foreign interest in the world to amassed $26,000,000, money that will not feed a single child, educate a single child, house a struggling family or create a single business. From the looks of it this fortune will be spent on Wall Street lawyers in an attempt to keep these two grifting graft artists out of the federal pen, which would be a fitting dissolution of their ill gotten gains.
Mr. Bill Clinton appears to have run out of telemers. These are the small packs of information on the end of your genes that allow your cells to replace and replenish the old with new cells. The ones on his face were the first to go. With out makeup he looks like yesterday's grits at Denny's restaurant.
Now Wikileaks has spilled the hacked emails from the Democrat National Committee, and Bernie and Donald were proven right in the belief the democrat party is rigged in HRC's favor. That almost 50% of the democrat voting block would rather have as its nominee, a burned out commie hippy over the despicable Vagaga for sale speaks volumes to what a poor candidate the pig in a pant suit is, and there is a portion of that party with some character who believe in the rule of law and are sick of being sold out to the highest bidder, aka the open border one world order loonies.
Clinton Cash and Hillary's America, both short documentaries, point out the short comings of the most famous political bandits since the Marcos of the Philippines.
And you fools who have fallen for the Black Lives Matter nonsense, it is only a tool of the democrat party to keep you on their plantation and voting for your continued oppression with failed schools,
drug addled neighborhoods, and prison for anyone who gets caught smoking a joint while jay-walking and black.
No my black friends, Black Lives do not Matter, only Black Votes Matter once every four years, then the platitudes and promises to you Black's are dropped quicker than Billy's pants in the Oval office. You are being duped. The Clintons do not believe Black Lives Matter. They do not believe White Lives Matter. They only believe Clinton Lives Matter! Don't you think the first black president, Barack Hussein Obama would have done something to improve your lot in the 8 years he had the presidency. Well, from what I see he has only let a lot of Muslims and Mexicans in to compete with your jobs.
To show these snakes that Black Lives Matter, really matter, stay at home on election or go the pols and vote for the one true American in the race. Vote your conscious and vote your pocketbook.
Trump will invigorate the economy and make not only Black Lives Better, he will make All Lives Better.
Disclaimer: I was not paid by any politician, the views expressed in the essay are mine and mine alone.
I am
Since leaving the State Department in 2012, Mrs. Bill Clinton, gave enough 20 minute speeches at $600,000 a pop to every banking and Wall Street and foreign interest in the world to amassed $26,000,000, money that will not feed a single child, educate a single child, house a struggling family or create a single business. From the looks of it this fortune will be spent on Wall Street lawyers in an attempt to keep these two grifting graft artists out of the federal pen, which would be a fitting dissolution of their ill gotten gains.
Mr. Bill Clinton appears to have run out of telemers. These are the small packs of information on the end of your genes that allow your cells to replace and replenish the old with new cells. The ones on his face were the first to go. With out makeup he looks like yesterday's grits at Denny's restaurant.
Now Wikileaks has spilled the hacked emails from the Democrat National Committee, and Bernie and Donald were proven right in the belief the democrat party is rigged in HRC's favor. That almost 50% of the democrat voting block would rather have as its nominee, a burned out commie hippy over the despicable Vagaga for sale speaks volumes to what a poor candidate the pig in a pant suit is, and there is a portion of that party with some character who believe in the rule of law and are sick of being sold out to the highest bidder, aka the open border one world order loonies.
Clinton Cash and Hillary's America, both short documentaries, point out the short comings of the most famous political bandits since the Marcos of the Philippines.
And you fools who have fallen for the Black Lives Matter nonsense, it is only a tool of the democrat party to keep you on their plantation and voting for your continued oppression with failed schools,
drug addled neighborhoods, and prison for anyone who gets caught smoking a joint while jay-walking and black.
No my black friends, Black Lives do not Matter, only Black Votes Matter once every four years, then the platitudes and promises to you Black's are dropped quicker than Billy's pants in the Oval office. You are being duped. The Clintons do not believe Black Lives Matter. They do not believe White Lives Matter. They only believe Clinton Lives Matter! Don't you think the first black president, Barack Hussein Obama would have done something to improve your lot in the 8 years he had the presidency. Well, from what I see he has only let a lot of Muslims and Mexicans in to compete with your jobs.
To show these snakes that Black Lives Matter, really matter, stay at home on election or go the pols and vote for the one true American in the race. Vote your conscious and vote your pocketbook.
Trump will invigorate the economy and make not only Black Lives Better, he will make All Lives Better.
Disclaimer: I was not paid by any politician, the views expressed in the essay are mine and mine alone.
I am
Friday, July 15, 2016
Snakes And Spiders Are Better Than Terrorists At Self Identifying, Nice
I have been a naturalist from the time I could open a door and walk outside, many times without parental supervision. My early recollections include walks to the creek in front of our house in a Nashville suburb and marveling at the inhabitants.
I had a book of reptiles, birds, and fishes and looked at them endlessly. My father knew I had a great affinity for reptiles, turtles and snakes, and warned me of some problems I may have if I treat the garter snake with the same caution as a rattle snake or a cotton mouth.
He also taught me how a snapping turtle should be treated differently than a red eared slider or a box turtle.
Is it possible that people and snakes are not that different? Could our current bunch of leaders who hope to treat all peoples as one great amorphous blob of humanity with no differences unless you have a large fortune, then you are special and owed special considerations.
Are there certain people that should be handled like snappers or venomous snakes and be avoided? Are we inviting into our neighborhoods scads of brown mambas from the middle east?
A green snake is green and because it is green I know it is harmless. A man from the middle east is brown as are many from other parts of the world, and God has given them no markings to make him identifiable as a danger to others, but for his religion. If he turns to the east and prays 5 x a day he should be handled very carefully.
Yellow on black venom lack. Black on yellow, kill a fellow. Slit in the eye, you will die.
Can we come up with a short catchy rhyme to teach our children about the terrorist? I will try.
Pray to the east, this ones a beast. Rag on the head, you'll soon be dead.
After the tragic events in Nice, it is time for the world, the civilized world, to band together and seriously defund these trouble makers. Trump has stated he would take their oil. This needs to be seriously considered as a means to curtail their horrible plans.
Money is the grease that keeps that bunch of ass-hats fed, armed, and motivated to spread their ignorant teachings to all corners of the world....they need a serious beat down, and soon. Something like Sherman's march to the sea to break the will of the moderates in their midst.
It is high time we admit that no one but ourselves is perfect and we need to discriminate against those people that mean us harm. To do otherwise is not in God's law.
If we do not take definitive action against this subspecies of peoples who many have proven to be as dangerous or more dangerous than the most venomous snake, then they will make Nice on many more of us. A poisonous snake cannot be taught manners, it must be avoided or killed. We cannot avoid those who wish to destroy us.
If you wish to dominate me you are my enemy. I am the king of my kingdom but I have no subjects, nor do I want any.
The king is dead, long live the king! Does that make sense?
I am,
I had a book of reptiles, birds, and fishes and looked at them endlessly. My father knew I had a great affinity for reptiles, turtles and snakes, and warned me of some problems I may have if I treat the garter snake with the same caution as a rattle snake or a cotton mouth.
He also taught me how a snapping turtle should be treated differently than a red eared slider or a box turtle.
Is it possible that people and snakes are not that different? Could our current bunch of leaders who hope to treat all peoples as one great amorphous blob of humanity with no differences unless you have a large fortune, then you are special and owed special considerations.
Are there certain people that should be handled like snappers or venomous snakes and be avoided? Are we inviting into our neighborhoods scads of brown mambas from the middle east?
A green snake is green and because it is green I know it is harmless. A man from the middle east is brown as are many from other parts of the world, and God has given them no markings to make him identifiable as a danger to others, but for his religion. If he turns to the east and prays 5 x a day he should be handled very carefully.
Yellow on black venom lack. Black on yellow, kill a fellow. Slit in the eye, you will die.
Can we come up with a short catchy rhyme to teach our children about the terrorist? I will try.
Pray to the east, this ones a beast. Rag on the head, you'll soon be dead.
After the tragic events in Nice, it is time for the world, the civilized world, to band together and seriously defund these trouble makers. Trump has stated he would take their oil. This needs to be seriously considered as a means to curtail their horrible plans.
Money is the grease that keeps that bunch of ass-hats fed, armed, and motivated to spread their ignorant teachings to all corners of the world....they need a serious beat down, and soon. Something like Sherman's march to the sea to break the will of the moderates in their midst.
It is high time we admit that no one but ourselves is perfect and we need to discriminate against those people that mean us harm. To do otherwise is not in God's law.
If we do not take definitive action against this subspecies of peoples who many have proven to be as dangerous or more dangerous than the most venomous snake, then they will make Nice on many more of us. A poisonous snake cannot be taught manners, it must be avoided or killed. We cannot avoid those who wish to destroy us.
If you wish to dominate me you are my enemy. I am the king of my kingdom but I have no subjects, nor do I want any.
The king is dead, long live the king! Does that make sense?
I am,
Donald Trump,
Homegrown Terrorist,
venomous snakes
Saturday, July 9, 2016
What Do Assault Rifles And Personal Email Servers Have In Common
Hillary Clinton will screech from the hilltops that assault weapons must be banned because a few sick self-centered sociopaths misuse these devices. As an aside, could we not make the same argument against emails and personal servers?
Should all servers be banned because Hillary Clinton misused one in her basement and her bathroom. Should we accept her lies and Comey's great windy that even though she did break the laws concerning handling top top secret documents and the use of personal servers, she is innocent because she did not intend to break any laws?
It would be like Micha X pleading he did not even know his SKS assault rifle was loaded and it surprised him each time it fired when he pulled the trigger while aiming at the next innocent policeman on those Dallas streets.
I am not saying Micha X is as much a criminal as our Hillary, but they just used different tools to commit their crimes.
As a thought experiment, let us suppose we can corner Mrs. Clinton and ask her to present to the world what it is that she is selling that is so valuable such that kingdoms, and banking fiefdoms will willingly dole out millions of dollars for her product. I dare say one could place Hillary's product on the head of a pin and still entertain an angel square dancing troupe with plenty of room to spare.
Truth is Hillary produces nothing, she is selling favors to quench her unfettered greed to all those kingdoms and businesses that could not succeed without her product.
Hillary Clinton represents all the worst human traits. Of the seven deadly sins, she surely has all eight.
Ask Donald Trump what he sells and he can point to a vast real estate empire. There can be no greater difference in what the candidates bring to the presidency.
Personally I will choose honor over dishonor anytime. And honesty should always trump dishonesty, especially in politics.
Should all servers be banned because Hillary Clinton misused one in her basement and her bathroom. Should we accept her lies and Comey's great windy that even though she did break the laws concerning handling top top secret documents and the use of personal servers, she is innocent because she did not intend to break any laws?
It would be like Micha X pleading he did not even know his SKS assault rifle was loaded and it surprised him each time it fired when he pulled the trigger while aiming at the next innocent policeman on those Dallas streets.
I am not saying Micha X is as much a criminal as our Hillary, but they just used different tools to commit their crimes.
As a thought experiment, let us suppose we can corner Mrs. Clinton and ask her to present to the world what it is that she is selling that is so valuable such that kingdoms, and banking fiefdoms will willingly dole out millions of dollars for her product. I dare say one could place Hillary's product on the head of a pin and still entertain an angel square dancing troupe with plenty of room to spare.
Truth is Hillary produces nothing, she is selling favors to quench her unfettered greed to all those kingdoms and businesses that could not succeed without her product.
Hillary Clinton represents all the worst human traits. Of the seven deadly sins, she surely has all eight.
Ask Donald Trump what he sells and he can point to a vast real estate empire. There can be no greater difference in what the candidates bring to the presidency.
Personally I will choose honor over dishonor anytime. And honesty should always trump dishonesty, especially in politics.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Cankles Is Exonerated By Obama's Homey, FBI Director Comey
Who did not see this coming? There is no legal controlling authority in effect when democrats are in charge. Cankles should be in shackles instead of collecting shekels from every tinhorn dictate in the world.
Lois Lerner was the first to skate the legal system because she was interfering in voter's rights to assemble and struggle for their cause. Now Hillary Clinton is set to become America's first email president. As I have said before, if she breached State Department protocol for email communications because she was stupid or to hide her criminal enterprise over at the Clinton Foundation, either disqualifies her as a contender. Loretta Lynch, another Obama Homey, is complicit with this greatest of injustices. Once the people have lost faith in government and its fairness, the game is over. America is at that point.
Everything voters have done since the mad mullah, Barack Hussein Obama, was elected has been to undo the greatest mistake ever made. Only fraud kept this fraud in office in 2012 along with Lerner's stifling of the Tea Party organizations. Even Vlad Putin has called out the fraud in American elections. Pitiful!
Did Bill Clinton threaten Loretta Lynch in his tarmac tryst? "You know what happened to old Scalia?" And did Comey, the Homey, get the same warning from the most despicable collection of politico's since Adolf Hitler? One could hope something caused his poor judgement giving him no choice, otherwise he is just another paid political hack who is head of America's greatest investigative body. (laughter)
Where are these gum shoes when Terrorists are pointed out by the citizens and many of them still carry out the terror? Where were these brilliant investigators when the wife of Omar, the Orlando hitman, disappeared? Are they only interested in shooting people who protest BLM's heavy handed approach to Nevada ranchers who have land on minerals Harry Reid's Chinese pals want?
The last time I was this disappointed in this country was when the Clinton's burned down the Church at Waco.
What was once good has become evil, and what was once evil has become good.
These are end times.
Only God can save us now and I pray He is paying attention.
It is time for a good old fashion smiting.
Lois Lerner was the first to skate the legal system because she was interfering in voter's rights to assemble and struggle for their cause. Now Hillary Clinton is set to become America's first email president. As I have said before, if she breached State Department protocol for email communications because she was stupid or to hide her criminal enterprise over at the Clinton Foundation, either disqualifies her as a contender. Loretta Lynch, another Obama Homey, is complicit with this greatest of injustices. Once the people have lost faith in government and its fairness, the game is over. America is at that point.
Everything voters have done since the mad mullah, Barack Hussein Obama, was elected has been to undo the greatest mistake ever made. Only fraud kept this fraud in office in 2012 along with Lerner's stifling of the Tea Party organizations. Even Vlad Putin has called out the fraud in American elections. Pitiful!
Did Bill Clinton threaten Loretta Lynch in his tarmac tryst? "You know what happened to old Scalia?" And did Comey, the Homey, get the same warning from the most despicable collection of politico's since Adolf Hitler? One could hope something caused his poor judgement giving him no choice, otherwise he is just another paid political hack who is head of America's greatest investigative body. (laughter)
Where are these gum shoes when Terrorists are pointed out by the citizens and many of them still carry out the terror? Where were these brilliant investigators when the wife of Omar, the Orlando hitman, disappeared? Are they only interested in shooting people who protest BLM's heavy handed approach to Nevada ranchers who have land on minerals Harry Reid's Chinese pals want?
The last time I was this disappointed in this country was when the Clinton's burned down the Church at Waco.
What was once good has become evil, and what was once evil has become good.
These are end times.
Only God can save us now and I pray He is paying attention.
It is time for a good old fashion smiting.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Kabuki Theatre Staring FBI and Obama's Justice Department Is Ending Soon
Who does not know Hillary was questioned by the FBI hours after hubby met with Loretta Lynch?
I am sure the interview went something like this:
FBI Agent Flaccid: Madam Secretary, you know we must question you about your home server?
H: Yes, Agent Flaccid. I understand.
Flaccid: Well, lets get to it, Madam Secretary did you at any time send or receive Top Secret documents on your personal server?
H: No, never.
Flaccid: That's good enough for me. We are done here. Thank you very much Madam Secretary, we are so sorry to have inconvenienced you.
H: No trouble at all can you fellows stay for lunch? Bill has whipped up a bunch of corn bread with fresh butter and a spinach salad.
Agent Flaccid: Well, if it is not any bother?
H: Not at all.
These are the same fellows who dropped the ball on terrorist who were known to them in Boston, Orlando and San Bernadino, and the same justice department that failed to press Lois Lerner about her illegal acts as special IRS agent in charge of throwing an election.
Americans are wasting billions of dollars a year on government.
At least when President Clinton was in office there was some entertainment with all the talk of consensual sex, phone sex, and cigar sex.
Now all we get is a flustered Muslim apologist with thin skin and bad policies.
I am
disgusted, president UPLC
I am sure the interview went something like this:
FBI Agent Flaccid: Madam Secretary, you know we must question you about your home server?
H: Yes, Agent Flaccid. I understand.
Flaccid: Well, lets get to it, Madam Secretary did you at any time send or receive Top Secret documents on your personal server?
H: No, never.
Flaccid: That's good enough for me. We are done here. Thank you very much Madam Secretary, we are so sorry to have inconvenienced you.
H: No trouble at all can you fellows stay for lunch? Bill has whipped up a bunch of corn bread with fresh butter and a spinach salad.
Agent Flaccid: Well, if it is not any bother?
H: Not at all.
These are the same fellows who dropped the ball on terrorist who were known to them in Boston, Orlando and San Bernadino, and the same justice department that failed to press Lois Lerner about her illegal acts as special IRS agent in charge of throwing an election.
Americans are wasting billions of dollars a year on government.
At least when President Clinton was in office there was some entertainment with all the talk of consensual sex, phone sex, and cigar sex.
Now all we get is a flustered Muslim apologist with thin skin and bad policies.
I am
disgusted, president UPLC
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