As a self proclaimed political strategist of the highest order, I see what Wisconsin's recall vote has handed the thuggery that supports President Obama's re-election effort.
Governor Walker's 9 point win over challenger Mayor Tom Barrett places these high criminals on notice that the voter fraud will need to be immense in November if Barack Obama is to win his uphill battle for re-election.
He will need to win every black vote, 8.875% of the electorate in a good year, and cobble that to the mentally incompetent liberal vote which is a solid 17.987% in a good year, and add the queer vote, 2.69% of the vote in a good year, and the Hispanic voter is only good for about 9.234% of the vote. This if all goes just right will give Obama about 36% of the vote nationwide. He must keep the blacks on the offensive because they are the most fickle voters. Bad weather or a hair appointment or just a better offer can prevent scores of these voters from trekking long distances to polling places placed pointedly distant from the nearest black person by rich white republicans to ensure the vote is stifled.
Obama and his group are counting on the young and in debt college twits to push his wagon to the 40% mark. He will get 3% more from people who carelessly mark the wrong candidate.
His ceiling is 43%. He will need to beat Romney's 52%. The third party candidates will split the other 5%. It will be a tough battle. The unions will have to vote, vote, and still vote again. It is a physical impossibility. Obama is destined to return to his suburb in Chicago and rekindle his Billy Ayers and Reverend Wright associations and re-organize.
Never in American history has a person shot up out of nowhere and sped across the national stage with such flare and dynamism, only to fizzle out one year into his term of hope and change, where he was hoping the electorate did not change its opinion of him, and come crashing back to earth with the thud that was heard in both the November, 2010 elections and now by the recall election in Wisconsin.
America has had its first black president. We can move on. The unions have their work cut out for them this next November.
Sarah Palin's comment on Greta V. S. that "his goose is cooked," is right on the money.
He is toast, the cat is out of the bag, stick a fork in him he is done.
Watch the stock markets rally today on the news of President Obama predicted defeat brought to us by the good people of Wisconsin who overwhelmed the voter fraud there to give Scott Walker his vote of confidence from the people who matter, the producers, not the American Idle.
I have stated before on these pages, 30% of the people do not vote in America because their neighbors do the right thing. Obama's win in 2008 was a wake up call to these voters and in 2010 this mistake was corrected. It will be completely fixed with Romney's election and placing more Tea Party Conservatives in both the house and the senate this year. When the country gets settled again the 30% will go back to sleep politically. Obama woke the sleeping American conservative giant.
How do you suppose all his smart handlers did not see that coming?
Did they forget that we are Americans?
God Bless America and Scott Walker for fighting and winning the good fight against union mendacity. For now Americans in large numbers have decided with their votes to keep the Dire Straits theme of "that ain't working, thats the way to do it, money for nothing and the chicks for free!" reserved only for the rock stars on MTV.
Unions public and private be warned. Work and be paid. You deserve what you earn. Stop killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Be thankful and courteous to your bosses, the tax payer. Private union bosses that incite you to be envious of the owners of the factory or the rich are inspired by Satan. Say no to these demons of destruction.
If you want to be rich, work harder, be inventive, take a chance and don't be afraid to fall down and pick your self back up again. There are things in life far worse than going broke. Death and taxes for two. Poor health for three, and did I mention tits?
I did not because this is a serious treatise. I will write about tits in a future column.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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