Thursday, June 21, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: How Obama Lost Re-election

From community organizer to national organized criminal, this is the giant leap our current commander in chief has made in three plus short years. Ignoring voter intimidation in Philadelphia by the New Black Panthers, politicizing the Travon Martin death in Florida, standing with the unwashed masses of the Occupy Movement, and demonizing the Tea Bagging productive class when they protested health care and other higher forms of taxation including high deficits, set his re-election chances back, but the claim of executive privilege over the Eric Holder/Barak Obama Fast and Furious gun running scandal is the white flag to Obama's re-election hopes.

Obama has just become Nixon without the 5 o'clock shadow and the sweaty upper lip. Look for the Obama sycophants of the Washington and New York media to abandon ship. When this happens he better love golf because this will be all that is left for him to do. His vision for America can no longer be enacted.

Perhaps this is the earliest Lame Duck Presidency in history. Even his pals on his side of the isle will shun him.


Now all we need to knock him out is for the Supremes to overturn his health care masterpiece. If that happens watch for even Bo, his dog, to no longer follow his commands.

Mitt Romney will be the next president of the United States. Perhaps the Mormon prophesy will ring true. I hope for America's sake it is.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

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