Thursday, June 28, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Take On Justice Roberts Obama Care Ruling: Obama Finished

Chief Justice Roberts has ruled for Obama Care and has handed over control to 18% of a once vibrant private economy to the government. There was only 50% of the private economy left for plucking. Now there is only 35% left standing.

The voting public did everything short of insurrection to keep Obama Care from becoming law. Massachusetts even voted into Senator Kennedy's old seat a republican to stop this poorly thought out bill. The Tea Party charged into the 2010 election motivated by this bill and stopping it and Obama by turning control of the house of representatives over to the republicans.

Has the Roberts Supreme Court helped Obama with the ruling or has he placed the last nail into his re-election coffin.

I believe he has made health care the number one issue facing Obama and Romney. Romney has gone on record as opposing it and promises to repeal it as his first act as president. We know where Obama stands.

How will the markets react? Shifting the costs of health care onto the taxpayers from big business should be good for business, but bad for the taxpayer. Trouble is the taxpayer base is shrinking as are the dollars they are willing and able to pitch in for the good of the country.

My question for you to ponder is: If the government goes broke are the people broke, too? And if the people are broke how can the government thrive?

I think it is time for the states to control how their citizenry's taxes are distributed. Taxation should be a local issue and then trickle up to the state and then trickle to the federal government last. It is backwards. It goes to the bottom feeders in the federal government first and trickles down to the subjects who pay. And now we find that Obama's stimulus went to his supporters overwhelmingly and did not find its way to the red states. Good-bye republic.

Time for a change? You bet it is.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Welcomes New Advisor: Franklin Bedford Gynengton, III

Great news! The Urban Poverty Law Center has filled one position on its Advisory Board with a retired teacher, drug rep, farmer and sometime political prognosticator, Franklin Bedford Gynengton, III, but his friends call him Franklin Bedford. Formalities in the South are rich and hard to set aside.

Mr. Gynengton, III spent a short bit of time in Chicago where he met Mrs. Gynengton at a Rolling Stones concert. It was love at first sight. He says they were joined at the hips for the first three months of their relationship and have been close ever since.
They have been married for 45 years, 25 of that to each other. They have two children, a cat and a birddog. They like the animals, the children have only been disappointments since their conceptions. Felicise, his wife began vomiting early in pregnancy and has vomited every 28 minutes since. The youngest, Jesse Gynengton, is 18 now and will be attending the University of Tennessee on a tennis scholarship in the fall. Felicises' life revolves around 27 minute intervals of surcease which do not involve vomiting.

Aside from "the problem" as the Gynengtons refer to it their life has been a pleasant one. Money came in from every avenue. Franklin invented a sex toy back in the late 60's which caught on in San Francisco and the money flowing in from his patented invention allowed him to quit teaching high school and take a short tour of the world. He made it as far as Paris, France where he hooked up with a whore named Babbette who had a heroin habit and wicked halitosis from the 20 plus acts of oral sodomy she preformed a day just to support her habit. Babbette did not own a toothbrush when Franklin met her. She was his first love. Before the year was out he had weened Babbette down to just over 10 acts a day and brought health and freshness back to her smile.

Franklin Bedford Gynengton, III did wonders for Babbette, and now he has promised to join our high powered Think Tank and Policy Engineering Center here at the Urban Poverty Law Center. We are grateful to have him.

I gave Franklin his first assignment which was to think out the problems our politicians have every couple of years or so with the debt ceiling. As many of my astute readers know, it was set at just above $16 trillion dollars last summer and we are expected to reach and breach that in October of this year if nothing is done.

This is truly an October No-Suprise.

Mr. Gynengton, III wrestled with the question for almost 15 minutes when he called me back with his solution.

"Jackson, the solution to pollution is dilution. You can add enough water to a turd to clean it up. We live in a fecal veneer!"

I was not sure where Franklin was going with this but I listened.

"Jack, we can all agree that Washington is full of shit, right?"


"OK, all we have to do to clean the place up is to dilute it with money. Raise the debt ceiling to 1,000 trillion dollars!"

Hum? Raise the debt ceiling to to a level that could not be broached in 10 years even if the democrats controlled all three branches, interesting proposition.

I told Franklin Bedford Gynengton, III we would run his plan up the flagpole and see if anybody salutes.

I think it is brilliant. Next, I plan to ask him how he would balance the budget.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: How Obama Lost Re-election

From community organizer to national organized criminal, this is the giant leap our current commander in chief has made in three plus short years. Ignoring voter intimidation in Philadelphia by the New Black Panthers, politicizing the Travon Martin death in Florida, standing with the unwashed masses of the Occupy Movement, and demonizing the Tea Bagging productive class when they protested health care and other higher forms of taxation including high deficits, set his re-election chances back, but the claim of executive privilege over the Eric Holder/Barak Obama Fast and Furious gun running scandal is the white flag to Obama's re-election hopes.

Obama has just become Nixon without the 5 o'clock shadow and the sweaty upper lip. Look for the Obama sycophants of the Washington and New York media to abandon ship. When this happens he better love golf because this will be all that is left for him to do. His vision for America can no longer be enacted.

Perhaps this is the earliest Lame Duck Presidency in history. Even his pals on his side of the isle will shun him.


Now all we need to knock him out is for the Supremes to overturn his health care masterpiece. If that happens watch for even Bo, his dog, to no longer follow his commands.

Mitt Romney will be the next president of the United States. Perhaps the Mormon prophesy will ring true. I hope for America's sake it is.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Notes On Nihilism By A Narcissistic Numbskull

Do you ever wake up in the morning and ask yourself: "What's the point?"

Everyday of my life is just as perfect as the last. I am approaching 60, I can still get up out of bed and most of my joints do not hurt too much, but for years I have groaned when first the feet hit the floor and I began to ambulate quickly towards that first morning piss.

No hesitation there, the flow is as good as it can be after my accidental crocking when I was only 7 and straddled the bar in a fall from the bike rack rail at the elementary school which I used to walk like a tight wire. I found that day my legs about 6 inches short of no injury.

And now you tell me Rodney King has died, 11 yrs my junior, in his swimming pool doing what he loved, using mind altering substances. He is an American Icon. He
did more to change the culture of police brutality in our country than any other person to date, and for this he deserves the Nobel Prize. Of course the camera operator deserves some credit for that footage filmed all those years ago. We are a better society not because of Rodney King, but in spite of Mr. King.

That film of several white police officers beating a submissive black man caused an entire nation to rethink its morality. Man unleashed from moral foundations is a cruel creature. We only have to go back to WW II to see what sort of monsters we are. Terrorism springs from man's nature. Can we deny nature. Can we make the lion lie down with the sheep, will the wolf learn manners if we wish it?

Man is a part of nature as is the wolf and the lion and sheep. Bottom line: life is a competition. Food and shelter are the prizes and reproduction and propagation is the goal.

So what does it all mean? Life is just a game played out on billions of playing fields. The dog kills the rabbit, the rabbit eats the plants, the tick sucks the dog's blood, the chicken eats the tick, the man eats the chicken and the man feeds the dog.

So life is all about dogs. Is it a coincidence that God is dog spelled backwards?

I may train one of my dogs to walk backwards just to see what happens.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Bloviates Upon The Past

I look across the 50 acre field from my front porch to the creek lined by tall trees some half a mile distant and I see a deep green sea of corn plants which are near 7ft tall. Thank you, God, for the rain and what may be a bountiful crop this year. I will do your bidding if there is any extra money.

A few years back I was showing my nephew my collection of World War II items in my gun safe where I have some valuables other than weapons. He spotted my gold coins and asked what they were. I told him they were gold and the value had risen from $325 per ounce when I bought them to over $800 per ounce today.

He mumbled something to the effect of, "They do not seem to be doing anybody any good just sitting there."

Stung by his remark, but not fatally, I went about my wonderful life.

A friend who drives a large truck, which he owns, paid me a visit and told me he was having to pay very high interest to his boss who had loaned him $22,000 to fix his truck when it blew its engine, and had already paid him back $15,000 but still owed him $14,000 to get the debt settled. I took him to the bank, my bank and they did a credit check and he did not qualify for any loans from them. I then thought of the gold in the safe which was not doing anybody any good and I gave enough to him to retire his debt.

When President Obama asks the people with money to spend some of it, I sort of see where he is going with this. The money or gold or what have you on the sidelines is not helping. Help the economy, spend some of that loot you have stored up for a rainy day.

Nobodys ship floats when the economic seas have dried up. You can't buy something that is not there though many people have been duped with stocks and other trading devices, can you say derivatives? FaceBook? Global Crossing? Mercury Finance?

But dreams and hopes live eternally along side human greed and stinginess.

Now if gold would only dip to $1,277 an ounce, I am all in!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Teaches And Informs

An emergency physician with whom I am close told me he has seen a woman in the emergency room who lives in a nursing home. She suffers from some of the usual problems our elders who wind up in these holding pens to eternity endure. She has had a debilitating stroke which renders her unable to walk without assistance. She has enough dementia to forget she has a disability that makes it impossible for her to walk. She climbs out of her bed now and falls to the floor. She has been seen twice this past week due to falls.

The rub: the US Department of Health and Human Services has ruled the nursing homes can no longer put up bed rails on such patients as they consider it a form of restraints.

Really, HHS, really?

The inmates have taken over the asylum!

It is just a matter of time until she falls and has a fractured hip or a brain bleed. How do they justify seat belts in cars? How long before carseats for infants and side rails for cribs are outlawed? These are the same people, right?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Urban Poverty Law Center And the Obama-Holder Chicanery

Chicanery: the art of willful political trickery and deception as practiced by schrewd politicos made popular in Chicago, where it was fine tuned and perfected. Hence the root of the word from Chic-ago.

President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are both carding carrying chicanerist of the highest order. Leaky Loose Lips Obama is the perfect antithesis to Lefty Tight Lips Holder whose ability to keep a secret from congress is fast and furiously becoming legendary in the corridors of Washington, DC. Holder is not going to spill the beans to a bunch of pipsqueaks at a congressional hearing which anyone but the right wing syncophants over at Fox News can see is politically motivated. Just election year jockeying by the parties. Wink wink!

Darryl Issa: "Mr. Holder if you do not meet our demands we will hold you in contempt of congress which means you cannot eat at our cafeteria, or get a $2 haircut at our barber shop, or use our super plush mens room. And it will be a blight and go on your "Permenant Record"!

Mr. Holder: "I am ok with that."

Congress needs to grow a set and have contempt have some real penalties. Right now it carries no weight. An empty threat. The best I can come up with is to end funding for the department until the congressional request is complied with or the AG resigns and is replaced with another one who will comply. Does congress control funding?

They do, but they will not until we the people send more trouble makers there to clean out the rats nest it has become.

I have a headache and need to lie down. I will leave you with only this short brilliant composition.

Look at the high drama of these congressional hearings with a jaundiced eye, I do.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Wisconsin Recall Vote Take

As a self proclaimed political strategist of the highest order, I see what Wisconsin's recall vote has handed the thuggery that supports President Obama's re-election effort.

Governor Walker's 9 point win over challenger Mayor Tom Barrett places these high criminals on notice that the voter fraud will need to be immense in November if Barack Obama is to win his uphill battle for re-election.

He will need to win every black vote, 8.875% of the electorate in a good year, and cobble that to the mentally incompetent liberal vote which is a solid 17.987% in a good year, and add the queer vote, 2.69% of the vote in a good year, and the Hispanic voter is only good for about 9.234% of the vote. This if all goes just right will give Obama about 36% of the vote nationwide. He must keep the blacks on the offensive because they are the most fickle voters. Bad weather or a hair appointment or just a better offer can prevent scores of these voters from trekking long distances to polling places placed pointedly distant from the nearest black person by rich white republicans to ensure the vote is stifled.

Obama and his group are counting on the young and in debt college twits to push his wagon to the 40% mark. He will get 3% more from people who carelessly mark the wrong candidate.

His ceiling is 43%. He will need to beat Romney's 52%. The third party candidates will split the other 5%. It will be a tough battle. The unions will have to vote, vote, and still vote again. It is a physical impossibility. Obama is destined to return to his suburb in Chicago and rekindle his Billy Ayers and Reverend Wright associations and re-organize.

Never in American history has a person shot up out of nowhere and sped across the national stage with such flare and dynamism, only to fizzle out one year into his term of hope and change, where he was hoping the electorate did not change its opinion of him, and come crashing back to earth with the thud that was heard in both the November, 2010 elections and now by the recall election in Wisconsin.

America has had its first black president. We can move on. The unions have their work cut out for them this next November.

Sarah Palin's comment on Greta V. S. that "his goose is cooked," is right on the money.
He is toast, the cat is out of the bag, stick a fork in him he is done.

Watch the stock markets rally today on the news of President Obama predicted defeat brought to us by the good people of Wisconsin who overwhelmed the voter fraud there to give Scott Walker his vote of confidence from the people who matter, the producers, not the American Idle.

I have stated before on these pages, 30% of the people do not vote in America because their neighbors do the right thing. Obama's win in 2008 was a wake up call to these voters and in 2010 this mistake was corrected. It will be completely fixed with Romney's election and placing more Tea Party Conservatives in both the house and the senate this year. When the country gets settled again the 30% will go back to sleep politically. Obama woke the sleeping American conservative giant.

How do you suppose all his smart handlers did not see that coming?

Did they forget that we are Americans?

God Bless America and Scott Walker for fighting and winning the good fight against union mendacity. For now Americans in large numbers have decided with their votes to keep the Dire Straits theme of "that ain't working, thats the way to do it, money for nothing and the chicks for free!" reserved only for the rock stars on MTV.

Unions public and private be warned. Work and be paid. You deserve what you earn. Stop killing the goose that lays the golden egg. Be thankful and courteous to your bosses, the tax payer. Private union bosses that incite you to be envious of the owners of the factory or the rich are inspired by Satan. Say no to these demons of destruction.

If you want to be rich, work harder, be inventive, take a chance and don't be afraid to fall down and pick your self back up again. There are things in life far worse than going broke. Death and taxes for two. Poor health for three, and did I mention tits?

I did not because this is a serious treatise. I will write about tits in a future column.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Asks What Rock Songs Of Baby Boomers Would Be Like If Written Today?

Many of the rock bands I grew up with are still touring with some of these fellows seriously approaching geserdom.
Mick Jagger was on SNL recently and he looks good and fit for a man well into his 7th decade of life.

In an attempt to save face for these aging rockers I will try to write a song which would be more age appropriate than the teeny-booper twaddle that was scored when they were much younger. Love, yea yea yeah!

When first I saw you at the nursing home
my teeth fell onto my bed
and thoughts of you in my arms
were swimming in my head

Should I have the struddle
or go with the jam and bread
your eyes they look like saucers
your hips are made of steel
I want to look into your eyes
and maybe cop a feel

When first I saw you at the nursing home
I nearly fell off my rocker
I looked down at mister limpy bone
and knew I had nothing to offer

Do you like me when I smile
My dentures fit like a glove
and If I could I'd walk a mile
to consumate our love

I will wheel to your room at midnight
with the nurses all at the station
I'll rip off your depends and mine
and with viagra begin our relation

Test your sugar before I come
I don't want you in a coma
No, don't you worry it won't take long
To make you my sweet momma

When first I saw you at the nursing home
I felt that magic tingle
when in PT you bend and shake
I wrote down this little jingle

I am at the bedside help me up
my heart's about to break
Look, look it is getting bigger
hurry, let's not wait

I am just about to mount you
and much to my chagrin
a light comes on to crush my song
It's Smith, he's already in

When first I saw you at the nursing home
I knew I wanted more
But now that Smith's been there
I think you're just a whore.

And I should have had the struddle.

OK, that is it just an old fashion love song. Don't look for it out because it will not sell. Too stale.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, June 4, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Calls For New Bilderberg: First To Declare Epic Fail!

The Bilderberg Group have failed to either destroy or to save the Euro. They have failed to either save or destroy the fiat monies. They have failed to tax carbon to fund their secret plans. They have failed to sell global warming even though you cannot watch television without some faux expert stating that "the only difference in 2030 is the world will be about 1.5 degrees warmer than it is today and this will cause great turmoil in climate change and most of Florida will be a spawning ground for the snook and baracuda.

The plan for one world government is failing. The goatherds and the Americans in the middle of the country are not in the mood for this kind of shenegans. We are not eager or wanting to be taxed and ridden like the Bilderberg's personal rented mule.

Freedom is only protected when good men are willing to confront and challenge those in the student body class of leadersip. We need to decide definitively the best government is the one that governs least. Steps must be taken to wrest this government back to the control of the people it represents, the voters. The end of the Bilderberg era of global manipulations and stacking the financial decks is here. They will be brought down by being too clever again by half. They care for the commoner in much the same way a child might study a colony of fire ants and consider briefly what life as a fire ant might be like just before he turns the water hose on the nest, killing thousands.

They are backing the 99%'ers and encouraging these young misfits and near-do-wells to strike out against the 1%, or those who they claim are making all the money in our country, when the real enemy is the 0.0001% who belong to this elite group of self-serving swine who are gathering in Virginia and planning their continuance of world mischief. It can be shown they are behind all the world's wars, recessions, energy shortages, and now they are waging a war against the world's poor by making energy costs high and jobs scarce to tip the populace toward civil unrest which will fall into their plans and serve their purpose.

Are the Bilderbergs planning a push for WWIII? What if somebody started a war and nobody came to fight like the Christmas Eve truce during WWI in the trenches? You may wonder why the next war will be played out in the middle east? Simple, the Bergs know the goatherds will not go along and therefore their numbers must be drastically reduced. As for the American patriots, FEMA Camps and gestapo tactics are likely to win the day against the chubby and compliant populace filled up by a couple generations of girly-men.

It may require a large pair of balls on our higher ups in the military. I still trust in these, our patriotic son's of American mothers, to do the right and honorable thing to stop everything not in America's best interest.

Is Obama here to make sure the US is not a strong player in the next war? I am OK with staying out of the war, but I fear the world will not let us stay out of this one. Our military must not follow these goons of meglamania off a cliff. Did the TARP monies go to fund the secret plans of the Berger Builder, since they failed to get the carbon tax hoax going as planned? These are the kind of things that keep me up at night.

OK, this is crazy. Forget it. No. Lettuce build-a-better-burger. Want fries with that?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Offer To International Monetary Fund

The new leader of the international monetary fund is Christine Lagarde, who we learn earns almost half a million dollars tax free with about another $100,000 a year for incidentals. Pardon me, but how can anyone make good financial decisions when they do not live in our world. Who decides who is above being taxed in the world?

I want to apply for this special designation of Tax and Duty Free. Where is this line?

Is she a French Citizen? If she is French I believe she should have a larger bite taken out of her compensation than "ZERO'! Is this the same IMF which is pushing for global taxation to support their incidentals. Have you priced Baluga caviar and Kobe beef lately? They are high even at Wal-Mart.

Is this the same IMF which wants the Greeks to pay their taxes while they do not live by example and use money as a right and not a privilege earned through hard work and inovation. These people cheapen fiat monies if that is even possible.

I am a bit uneasy with the whole tax free designation for the elites with heavy handed taxes on the commoners.
Was the French Revolution lost on these elites? For whom did the blade fall in France directed by the Godless leadership of Robespierre?

My offer is to head the IMF in Ms. Lagarde's stead and at the same pay, but I would contribute my fair share to the US Treasury and I could get by on only $75,000 a year for my incidentals.

I can be reached in Cedar Grove, Tennessee. Turn left at the water tower and drive to the river and take a right on the first gravel road. We are the first house past the Massey Ferguson combine and the John Deere Cotton picker. My dogs don't bite, me anyway.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
President In Waiting for the International Monetary Fund

Urban Poverty Law Center Condemns Cannibalism

Cannibalism has reared its ugly head. Is it a passing fad or a more ominious sign of things to come? I am sitting on the fence on this one. Below I will consider each possibility.

Cannibalism on the rise because the coming finiancial apocalypse will stop the farmers tractors in the field and there will be wide spread famine which will naturally lead to starvation. Starvation makes strange bedfellows. Everything that moves is potentially food. Watch your backside. Like Barb Streisand says. "People who need people are the luckiest people in the world."

I remember hearing of the story of the starving man and his dog. The man cut off the dogs tail and cooked and ate it, but the man gave the dog the bone and the dog was grateful.

With the financial collapse, the funeral crematorium will become just another Backyard Bar-B-Que place, where the propriators will turn down the gas and set the corpse to rare and add a few garnishments and some sauce and we will see that it does indeed taste like pork! Yummie.

I foresee the Donner Party of four sitting down to eat granny after her passing. I see the elderly euthanized before they have lost all their mass to cancer. I believe the Chinese will think the cancer ladden parts a delicacy. They will eat anything that moves, creeps, crawls or oozes at faster than 1mm per hour. Children will be sent out to collect insects, fireants will be a delicacy. People will compete with the crows for any road kill by the cars on the road only there when driven by high government leadership.

These vehicles must be of the armored Humvee type as anyone caught out of their home area would be killed and eaten. It is not murder if you eat what you kill. Abortions will be outlawed, instead the newly born baby will be plopped directly from birth along with the placenta into boiling water and served up with some fresh polk salad.
Not all children would be eaten. Some of the better ones will be used to collect and gather natural foods stuff.
The lazy children and the unattractive women will be served up for dinner.

Airplanes will be shot out of the sky and the body parts of the victims would be scavanged and taken by the local population.

Invitations to dinner would be suspect in all but the most secure venues. People would form tight knit tribes where nonmembership is equal to food stuff.

Do not think it can not happen. Look at the Southwest and all those abandoned ruins.

The news today reaffirms what we all know in our hearts. They eat people, don't they?

Yes, they do, and yes, we can!

Forward! It is not a fad. It is our fate!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center