Monday, June 13, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center Examines Similarities of Hitler and Palin

Sarah Palin has touched the face of God. Sarah Palin has been delivered to our nation by the Divine Creator to save America. There has not been a leader with such manifest destiny since Unkle Audie. There are striking similarities between Adolph Hitler and Sarah Palin.

1: They share a planet, both were born to women on earth.

2: They share two letters in each of their names, A and H, and L and I

3: The shared letters in their names spell out HAIL, the English version Of Heil!

4: Palin has five children, Hitler was one of five children.

5. Hitler wrote a book, "Mein Kampf", and Palin wrote a book, "Going Rogue".

6. The titles of the books only share one letter in the first word, I.

7. The shared letter in their titles spells out the word, I, which was Hitler's and is Sarah Palin's favorite pronoun!

8. Hitler was 56 yrs old when he died. Sarah Palin will be 56 in 9 years, spooky!

9. Hitler married a woman named Eva Braun. Sarah Palin went to college with an Eva.

10. Sarah Palin eats meat, Hitler was a vegetarian. But they both eat food!

11. Hitler wore eye glasses. Sarah Palin wears eye glasses.

12. Hitler was right hand dominant. Sarah Palin is right hand dominant.

13. Hitler had a dog named "Blonde". Sarah Palin had a dog.

14. Hitler sent millions to death camps. Sarah Palin sends her children to camp.

15. Hitler was born in Austria. Sarah Palin was born in America, both countries
begin and end with the letter A, and have seven letters sharing the letters a,r, i, and a.

16. Add nationalities to the homeland and the words Austrian and American share the
Letters A, r, i, a, n. Hitler and Palin are arians!

17. Hitler was born on 4/20/1889 and Palin was born on 2/11/1964 exactly 74 years, 9 months and 22 days apart!

18. Palin and Hitler draw large enthusiastic crowds where ever they went.

19. Hitler could see Russia on his eastern front, Palin can see Russia from her deck!

20. The establishment politicos and the press in Germany hated and feared Adolph Hitler. They worked feverishly to destroy him!

These are just a few of the uncanny and peculiar similarities of these two leaders.

History has a way of repeating itself.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

"I would vote for Sarah Palin for President of the United States if I weren't dead"

Mother Maybolt, 1922-2008

"Mother, you are a democrat, you can still vote!" JDM

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