Saturday, June 4, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center on Weiner's Predicament, Palin, Romney, and Obama, Oh My!

Anthony Weiner, (D) New York: What a twit!

Trolling your trouser bait on twitter to 200 beautiful college coeds sounds like a good move if you are a complete loser living in your mother's basement as a computer shut-in! It is not a good idea if you are a United States Congressman from New York or from any of the other 57 states in this country for that matter.

We all know politicians must be exposed if they are ever to get anything done, but this latest Weiner move is carrying it too far. Most coeds respond more readily to powerful men with cash and fat bank accounts as the aforementioned electronically twitted twig and berries are inconsequential to a full, filling, and stable relationship between consenting adults.

Is Anthony Weiner (D), New York, falling on his steamy Coney Island corndog to save the French, Toast of New York City, former Head of the International Monetary Fund, ole whazisname, Marcelle or was it Pierre? Oh, it doesn't really matter both will be off the front pages in a few more news cycles, especially if the fawning Obama press (FOP) can catch Sarah Palin misquoting history again. Dominique, is a pansy name, even by Franco-Prussian standards, and he probably had to prove his manliness from a young age with that moniker firmly attached to his embroidered shirts, underwear,and socks which accompanied him on his summer camping activities as a younger man..... Mothers, beware what you name your child as it can have harmful or benevolent affects for an entire life time.

I guess Milk Romney announced his intentions to reach for the reigns of the ship of state as it careens off into the financial abyss. I refer to him as "Milk" because his older siblings called him that because he always carried around a bottle of the best brand of Vitamin D fortified milk as a youngster and cried for it when it was empty calling it Mitt, more mitt pwease. Young Romney had a mild speech impediment that was fixed when they clipped his frenulum which prevented his tongue from a full range of motions. Family secret, and do not ask how I know this, but their hired live-in knew my first cousin's great aunt's yard man in Jarez and this is what I am told.

Romney is a good man, he did great things for Massachusetts. Some say he is as Republican as a liberal Democrat can be, and is therefore the favorite candidate of the FOP for November of 2012, where if he runs against Obama who is totally in over his head and lost without a teleprompter and ineligible to be president of the United States due to his birth father's British citizenry, he will still place a distant second...... the press loves Milk since he can't get two tea party activists to support his candidacy. He is too mainstream old line conventionally Republican in Name Only for the majority of the tea party patriots.

He is John McCain without the crotchety edge 5 years of torture at the Hanoi Hilton will leave burned into your psyche. He is Bob Dole without the bitterness which comes with a useless limb hanging off your torso for the last 60 yrs of your life.

He is not Ronald Reagan who was dedicated to conservative principles that made this country great again for those who were not afraid to get their hands dirty and work. He is not Sarah Palin who is dedicated to these same conservative principles and the idea that government should work for the people and not that the people should work for the government. Palin confounds the FOP. She is obviously a dim bulb, never reads the New York Times or the Washington Post, and like most Americans does not think the cartoons in the New Yorker are all that funny, right Katie Couric, card carrying FOP member and former anchor baby for the CBS Evening News? Palin is as authentically All-American as Barack is a phony!

Palin went to school in Idaho. Barack was in Indonesia. Palin drank beer while Obama smoked weed and tooted cocaine. Palin stormed the PTA, then Wasilla, Alaska and then the governors office in Alaska, while Obama organized Chicago neighborhoods.
Palin with her family worked hard for the American Dream while Obama coasted through with affirmative action and rode a beautifully spoken 2004 Democratic Political Convention speech and Clinton fatigue into the White House in 2008. Palin is uniquely uncommon and natural. Obama is uniquely common and unnatural. Jimmy Carter is to Ronald Reagan as Barack Obama will be to Sarah Palin..... if we last that long, that is.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, PhD Urban Poverty Law Center

"Who asked you? You are getting pie for desert." Mother Maybolt, 1923-2008

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