Monday, May 2, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center On Osama Bin Laden News

It did not take President Barack Hussein Obama long to hop out of the punch bowl, towel off, and announce how he personally masterminded the killing of our greatest enemy since Uncle Audie. On the news of the end of the war on terror, TSA officials have agreed temporarily to stop groping super models and children at our nation's airports for one week. Metal markets hiccuped but will not be swayed by this fantastic dollar funded assassination. The dollar will continue to slide in value even if all foreign hostilities in the Middle East are stopped today.

The Royal Saudi family declared free oil for the west tomorrow in celebration which caused a ripple in the oil trading markets until someone read the announcement carefully and determined it was only a play on the famous gag sign at the bar "free beer tomorrow". Colonel Gaddafi, has been in contact with me about my offer of sanctuary here in Cedar Grove, TN. Peace and prosperity are just around the corner. Bring our troops home.

Now the real question is why do we no longer need Al Qaeda? What caused them to outlive their usefulness to our masters?

China, is the short answer. The Chinese have stepped up and bettered their military and economic conditions while we have been spinning our wheels chasing phantoms in the Middle East, and now we can bring our military men and women home and keep them up at great expense to use as a balance against the great yellow threat from the far east or our near west.

The long answer is the sliding value of the dollar and our deficit. We can no longer afford to spend money fighting phantoms. The money and the strength of the dollar has to be rejuvenated and the illusion of peace with prosperity must be attained at all costs. The rise in the price of oil and gold must be reversed if the worlds bankers are to keep it all for themselves. The people are waking up to unpleasant facts.

Slavery is alive and well in the world. Taxation of the many for the benefit of the few is losing its luster. God given rights to life, liberty and property are understood around the world. A man's labor belongs to him and to him alone, and any government that sets laws and taxes to any other code is illegitimate. The fairest tax code would be to tax labor and production at the percentage of public workers vs the number of citizens.

To use the United States as an example. Population is roughly 330 million. Public sector workers are 3.3 million. Set the flat tax at 10% with a 5% value added tax to fund the lavish parties in Washington,DC and the occasional burst of cruise missiles fired at phantoms around the world who have fallen from favor.

I already miss Osama Bin Laden and wonder what plans his cells of fanatical followers embedded deeply in the fabric of our free society have in store for US? The news of his death is sure to trigger something horrible. That is the way these things go,

Holding my breath, hoping and praying the news of the death of Bin Laden does not trigger a series of attacks in revenge
on our innocents in this country and around the world. I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President of the Urban Poverty Law Center

"Yesterday my enemy, today food for the worms. Who wants to be next?" Mother Maybolt(1921-2008) on learning of Adolph Hitler's death.

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