The Iranian mullahs share with the people by subsidized oil, 28 cents a gallon for gasoline last year, maybe higher now that you have destabilized the currencies. The king of Saud just released 37 billion to his people to be gifts. Muammar is giving his people lead even as this is keyed. Mubarak is in his safe place, the fate of his fortune to be determined.
Your plan to destabilize the US dollar has necessarily caused revolution in the Middle East since they trade oil for these notes of $oros shrinking value and food inflation has caused its intended unrest. Brilliant, SS, brilliant! And who will be there to pick up the pieces of the broken regimes littered about the middle east like so many stray dogs at a Brazilian land fill site?
I'll bet you know who!
Mr. $oros, have you ever stopped to consider what will happen to you and yours if the wrong kind of people become the world's power brokers. I know you are an older gentleman who, perhaps, has only a few more campfires on which to piss upon, but the geopolitical world can change very quickly. Do you have a safe room?
What would you do if the Swiss bankers froze your accounts? You see you, Mubarak, Muammar, the Mullahs, and the King of Saudi Arabia are not that different. But they have or had riches and armies and a homeland, and you only have riches. Could your power also hang on the whims of a single Swiss Banking Board or a different secretive cabol?
Now to the meat of the treatise. During the ramp up to the Iraqi invasion Deux, I recall W saying in his great West Texas Drawl: "That Ol belongs to the Iraqi people!" Now, Saddam has had his neck stretched, and the new democracy in Iraq is pumping that ol out and the revenues are flowing to where? I wonder if the average Iraqi person is feeling his new gained wealth yet?
In the 1990's the Clintons shook down every successful business in America. The Big Evil Tobacco Tax, garnered from a legal enterprise whose only sin was to provide a product that was addicting and dangerous to your health and the tax was to reimburse the US Taxpayers for caring for all the lung disease in smokers. I am still waiting for my tax break. Microsoft was attacked for being successful and not contributing enough to the Clinton Machine and we had the bursting of the Tech bubble and many commoners lost thousands in their 401k plans.
Next our brilliant leaders set sight on housing and the bubble that ensued and burst, following this will be a currency bubble, and a food and oil commodity bubble and we have come full circle back to old SS $oros. The bubbles must repeat themselves.
gold and silver (currencies)
health care
oil and gas
carbon trades
oxygen trades
water trades
sunlight trades
reproductive trades
The last 5 on the list are on the drawing boards of the Won World Governance Committee.
How can there be one government if the middle east is controlled by despots? Hence the unrest. It is becoming as clear as a glass barrel of North Sea Brent Crude oil to me.
Do not bet on the status quo in the Middle East. We are next. Batten down the hatches.
Stock up on food, clothing and shelter items while you still can. The Won World New Worlders have started their take over. Heaven help us!
Castro Bros, and Hugo make your best deals now. Waiting for a better hand is stupid. Mr. Kim, keep close to China's armpit, maybe you will be safe there. SS, we live in interesting times. I will go feed the chickens and wait for my check to shut me down. If you will make out a check for $12,987.57 to the Urban Poverty Law Center I will not ever mention you again in this blog.
This will pay for my secretary's yearly salary with benefits.
Jackson Delano Maybolt
President, Urban Poverty Law Center
"Success is in the eye of the beholder." Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008
1. Mr. $oros is said have been a Waffen SS collaborator beginning at age 14 during WWII. He was said to be with the acquisition of other peoples property division. Good training for a hedge fund manager! jm
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