Thursday, March 10, 2011

Urban Poverty Law Center On NPR's Duplicitous Nature

To a bigot a faggot should not be allowed to practice his sexuality.

To a redneck a black has no business dating or marrying a white.

To a rich man a poor boy must never date his daughter.

To a Jew an Arab is the lowest form of human life.

To an Arab a Jew is the lowest form of life.

To a Tea Party Member government is spending too much and has outgrown its usefulness.

To the government, taxpayers are best seen and not heard.

To NPR the Tea Party members are white racist gun toters who are really scary but the Muslim brotherhood with its 5 million dollar donation is all butterflies and cotton candy.

To an environmentalist capitalist are evil.

To a liberal conservatives are vile.

To a conservative liberals are mentally ill.

To an oil company environmentalist are ignorant.

To a dog cats are prey.

To a cat a mouse is prey.

To NPR white middle America is a xenophobic bigot.

To white middle America NPR is teats on a bore hog feeding voraciously at the public trough.

Bigotry is not just what's for supper in America.

Could someone please pass the discrimination and what happened to the soft bigotry of lowered expectations?

Can you hear me, fag, boy, Jew, redneck, Islamic extremist, teabagger, capitalist pigs, tree hugger, fly over citizenry, beltway twaddle, and NPR executives?

I am sure that the executives at NPR are doing their best work so the wrong kind of bigot never gains control because if they do, another Holocaust will ensue. Bless their hearts.

And someday all men will be judged, not the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.


Now pray for the salvation of your souls, you Christians anyway.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center, Member EEOC, Equal Employment Occupational Commission.

"Without discrimination the sheep would lie down with the lion. But the sheep would not get back up and the lion would get fat." Mother Maybolt, 1925-2008

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