Monday, August 6, 2018

Spy, Spy, Everywhere A Spy, From China, Pakistan, And Palestine My-Oh My

And now we learn Senator Di Fi has been carted all over by a Chinese spy.  Can anything shock America anymore?  For two decades Yang or was it Ying? pumped gas and that old hag Feinstein for information from the top democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Senato Feinsti, ho mani aircraft carrier in budget?

Oh Ying, you know I can't divulge that.

Senato, I not tell, you know me.  I just you driver.

Oh, OK if you promise.

I promise.

Two, now don't you tell a soul.

I not tell, you can trust me.

And the FBI was asleep at the wheel too busy with Church Groups in Waco, Texas and one of the most dangerous white supremacist in Idaho to check out Die-Fi's driver.   Federal Bureau of Incompetence?

Debbie W. Schultz ("I see nothing!") hires  a Pakistani spy as an IT guy who was probably the only one she could get to make sweet love to her since she is what we refer to in the bars of the South as a double bagger.  Her face is terribly asymmetric and displeasing to behold,  and by nature man only wants to sire children with a chance of reproduction without a gallon and a half of Jack Daniels whiskey involved and Debbie has a face that could not launch even a single rowboat let alone a thousand ships.

Sir, your wife Debbie W. Schultz has been taken by the Greeks, do you want to launch the navy?

No, why don't we wait and see if they bring her back.  I hate to go to all that trouble, rowing all that way, spending all that money if they send her back.

Huma Abedin-Weiner, full blood Palestinian is Hillary's Friday and probably an Arab spy.

And because Trump is clean as the driven snow,  Obama and his appointees at State, Justice, and the long arm of the FBI, Comey, had to spy on the Trump campaign since no one was already in place.

Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Driving Senator Di Fi wondering why
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Even Debbie Schultz's information technical Guy
Spy, Spy every where a Spy
Even Trump's Campaign by Obama's FBI
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Google, Facebook, andTwitter My-Oh My
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Emails all in Russia, Putin, what a guy
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Julian Asange, makes me wanna cry
Spy, Spy, everywhere a Spy
Where oh where was our vaulted FBI
Spying on Americans and not the other guy

Anyway has the FBI fallen to a bunch of third rate bureaucrats who are only there to enrich themselves and play grab ass with the office staff and like the song, "Taking Care Of Business" busy working at nothing all day?

I think we know the answer to that.   President Trump needs to appoint a citizens commission to look into the inner workings of our esteemed agencies, with planted spies, bet we could get the Chinese or the Russians or Pakistanis to supply the spies and as we already know no one currently at State, Justice or the FBI would be none the wiser.

I, Jack Maybolt, President of the Urban Poverty Law Center volunteer to head this commission, and of course it will need money, a whole lot of spending money to look into this, say twice the budget of the Honorable special investigator Robert Mueller.

President Trump, sir I am at your service!  Leave a message on this blog, it is as secure as any Secertary Clinton used.

I am

JDM, president Urban Poverty Law Center,  where we fight for responsible government everyday.

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