Saturday, August 4, 2018

Sarah Jeong Told Her Mother She Remembers A Previous Life

When Sarah Jeong, newest hire of the NYT, was a small child she told her mother she had vivid memories of a past life.  In it she was a mustasheoed male who rose to power in an arian country and died at his own hand with his wife Eva at the end of the second world war.

We now know where to find Adolf Hitler's pitiful racist soul and that God's power for forgiveness is infinite.  He is living inside the body of a 30 something American Korean woman sporting in inordinate amount of upper lip hair for her race.

She is branded by her twitter taunts of White Men who piddle like dogs on fire hydrants on the internet.

Heil Jeong, Heil Jeong!

Keep tweeting your venom and you will find a large following there at the NYT and among the liberals who will put you up on their shoulders and maybe you can place some of us deplorables in camps and have them build your war items with our slave labor and we can loose some weight and perhaps die in the process.

Adolf Jeong, welcome back you incredibly stupid waif.   Do you at least like dogs?

I am,

JDM  President Urban Poverty Law Center

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