Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Merry Christmas From Urban Poverty Law Center

Merry Christmas and remember everytime you greet someone with "Merry Christmas" somewhere some young woman decides not to have an abortion.


Monday, December 19, 2016

Post Election Analysis: How A Buffoonish Billionaire From Queens Bested The Anointed Maiden From Park Ridge

November 8, 2016 a very special date in modern American history. Middle America had its first chance to vote for a republican candidate not especially chosen by puppet masters in the press and the big political operatives. Donald Trump came down the escalator with his beautiful wife, Melania, back in June of 2015 and announced his intention of becoming the 45 president of the United States of America.

And the political power brokers and media laughed! Who does this business tycoon think he is, Barack Obama, or Hillary Clinton? What has he been smoking and inhaling? He is a political neophyte, a reality TV star. He speaks at a 4th grade level. Clearly he does not have the meddle or the intelligence to actually become the president.

Through the summer and fall of the exciting republican presidential primary, the media hacks roared about Trump's ceiling and how he could not possibly win against such a field of proven politicians, but one by one they fell to Trump. Low-Energy Jeb was said to have spent $150 million dollars for three delegates. For LEJ to garner the 1237 delegates to win the nomination, his accountants informed him they would not be able to raise the $106,850,000,000 necessary to pull it off, so Jeb quit.

Rubio, with his water guzzling and his "gang of eight" immigration flip flap, finished his chances against the great and powerful Trump. For Paul, Christie, Carson, Fiorina, and Kasich, combined political wattage was dim compared to the apolitical apprentice supernova, Trump. Ted Cruz, a good conservative, and first term senator from Texas proved a potent runner up, but ultimately was unable to steal the prize. Donald Trump has done the impossible. He had taken the republican nomination for president against a distinguished field of challengers all without much help from the old republican guard of political stalwarts. He was not one of them, he knew it and they knew it, and most importantly the average American voter sensed it.

Hillary Clinton and her team were elated the republicans had nominated a buffoon, a reality TV personality, a self-aggrandizing womanizer, who spoke at a 4th grade level! How could she possibly loose the election to a fraud with a touchy ego and tendencies to pop-off at the least little criticism?

And this is where Hillary and company screwed the pooch. They vastly underestimated Donald J. Trump's ability to adapt. Mid summer a few Trumpian gaffs where he took the critical bait and tweeted out nonsense, and the people who advised him got him into the fold and managed to fix this problem. Steve Bannon was brought in to manage the rest of the campaign and the new and improved Donald Trump was born. He got a skin transplant, gone was the old thin-skinned Trump, and here to stay was the new and improved pachyderm version of Trump.

And his numbers grew and grew. His speeches became polished and gone was his signature impromptu ADD styled speaking and the voters took note while his detractors in the press and the old republican guard scoffed. The never-Trump crowd was born, as everyday Americans who had been ignored by the press and the political establishment for at least 8 and more likely the past 16 years became fans and supporters of Mr. Trump. Trump came off as one of the people, a common billionaire.

In a few days Team Trump had transformed the candidate from the quick tempered reactionary into the focused campaigning machine who could do 3 to 5 speeches a day and answer any number of loaded "gotcha" questions from an ever hostile press like George Stephanapholus who was castrated by Trump when he mentioned that he suspected Stephie would have preferred his donation to the Clinton Foundation not been revealed, when Georgie querried Trump about any regrets in his life. This new Trump was a player. The media sensed it and ramped up their wailings and attacks.

The Clinton team refused to believe Trump and his followers represented a real threat to her ambitions. She was anointed and it was her turn. America had been in existance long enough and it was high time we had a woman president, and by golly and gee willikers she had the plumbing to fill the post! And her great history of public works, a lifetime spent helping others who had been losers in life's lottery, the children, gay and trannies, the Service Employees International Trade Union of Soviet Socialists,(my creation) and she saved her very best work for those at home and abroad who could throw a little cash into the Clinton Foundation. Hillary invented the saying, "Money talks and Bullshit walks!"

Her ineptness as Senator from New York and then as probably the most over rated Secretary of State since Seward and Kerry did not mutilate her genitals. She was still a player, but a deletion of 33,000 email from a personal server in the basement bathroom of the Chappaqua Compound, started a push back against Hillary. Bernie Sanders said to the delight of the first debate audience that he was "sick and tired of hearing about those damn emails!"

I do believe he was sick and tired, but I suspect he knew nothing about the content of the emails which were deleted by the vaginal Candidate. Then Wikileaks tarnished her brand and that of the Democrat National Committee when word from John Podesta indicated they had conspired with the DNC to rig the election against old Bernie and Donna Brazile had fed CNN sourced Town Hall questions to Hillary before the meeting to assure her clear and crisp performance. And the FBI's James Comey gave Hillary a pass on her mishandling our nations top secrets, as he is said to have told his closest confidants, "You can't hold her to the standards we follow for men, as she is just a woman, and as we all know women and gossip go together like protests in Benghazi over some video."

The Hillary camp decided hard campaigning was not necessary in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, or Pennsylvania. These were a lock for Hillary and were solidly in her camp, with her to coin a phrase. Too bad nobody informed Trump inc. about that. He campainged hard in all the battle ground states and drew very impressive but never reported on crowds at every venue. The enthusiam was palpable. The people in these fly over states were electrified by Trump. If and when Clinton showed up to an event, she could not pull together 300 people unless she had some movie star or rap artist on stage with her. Pitiful!

Another blow to the Clinton inauguration came with her 9/11 vapors event when she physically collapsed and was unceremoniously tossed into a black van like a side of pork by her medical team and her SS handlers. This gave rise to concerns as to her fitness for office. Could she withstand the rigors of the presidency? Was she up to the job? Many voters probably decided she was not.

When Mrs. Clinton was speaking to bundlers for campaign contributions and called half the voters a basket of deplorables at the same time she was passing her deplorable campaign baskets around the room of well heeled democrat contributors, it was the last straw for many voters in the above swing states. A Donald Trump correctly pointed out at many of his events, "What have you got to lose?" Hillary has been in control with her party for 30 years and what has it gotten you? Great question, a question that would take 5% of the African American votes from Hillary and switch them to Trump and probably kept many at home on that November day.

I do not want to down play the role Obama played in Hillary's defeat. His policies are UnAmerican and anti-christian. I know he thinks he is on the right side of history, but it is not American history. He is more of a third worlder in his views of America, and some feel he could not have done anything more to cripple our armed forces, and our economy if he had tried. He was not viewed as having America's best interest at heart. Many people in America felt he cared more about the illegal flood of immigrants across our Southern border than for our coal miners and the 94 million people out of the workforce. His weak response to terror crippled Hillary since she was joined at the waist with the Obama administration.

Donald Trump parlayed Hillary Clinton's follies and her flat style of campaigning into a great victory. He managed to turn 200 counties which voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama in 2012 and thereby win all the battleground states, which has left the media, Hollywood, the left and right coasts, the democrat party, and the fools who bet on the weak horse with billions funneled into the Clinton Foundation for unrequited favors, but hey there is another election in 2020 and Hillary might just be able to use her "get around" or who knows a "Hurrycane" and be a contender, with all hope dashed.

Especially if Donald Trump is as much of a failure as the press is hoping.

I, for one, suspect the press will be very, very or as Donald Trump might say, bigly disappointed by his successes.

God bless the good sense of the American electorate who rejected Hillary Clintons Pay for Play schemes and her rotten Chicago style of politics, and God bless Donald J. Trump!

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Only Hack In The Presidental Election Wore a Pantsuit

The democrat political machine is inept. They are horse and buggy whips in a driver-less car age. They are sclerotic and so constipated their BMs make glaciers seem hyper-sonic. They view the computer age from the same fascination they had with dial up phones of the 1950's. That these dolts could be hacked by a dorky-tech-savvy teen is only a surprise to them. I do not claim to be the tech genius but then I am not trying to rule the world, just my own little teeny-tiny part of it which does not include Billion dollar pay for political play gambits or crashing through glass ceilings through only the shear grandeur of my genitalia.

I am but a simple man who can write tripe from time to time about today's events with a jaded eye towards the major players. If you have read any of the previous tomes, you know how I feel about the Clintons. In a sentence, they are not good for the county, state, country or the world. Americans saw through her duplicity and, even with the boot licking print and cable press shouting her praises 24/7 from every rooftop and pizza parlor, they wisely voted against Hillary Clinton's ickiness. Hillary oozes both poor spiritual and physical health and these shaded her political health.

The fly-over electorate saw through all the press's trumped up platitudes and praise of this flawed politician and saw a conniving, self-centered shrew devoid of any meaningful achievements with a cold, cold heart. Her true colors could not be camouflaged by her multi-colored pant suits and her forced smile. Her debate performances showed her to be a deer in the headlights and clueless about the ordinary voter and their concerns.

Hillary Clinton is best suited to be the person at the large corporation who gives the termination notices to workers who have fallen from grace and then escorts them out the door with their desk contents. She is not fit to lead every day American's for whom she could care less. There is only one person in this woman's sphere that matters and she puts on a pantsuit every morning one cankled leg at a time.

Donald Trump may be a lot of things but he is the anti-Hillary. He has genuine empathy for workaday for pay Americans and rightly won the election on the promise to Make America Great Again. Trump jeered Hillary's plans to drag Americans over the socialist cliff the Obama presidency has set as our destiny.

Americans spoke loud and clear last November 8, 2016. Obama and Hillary Clinton were rejected, period. The only hack which made any difference in the election was not Russian, but the one who stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders and was pushed by horses and buggy aged democrat insiders.

They bet for the wrong horse and Americans voted on the strong horse with the golden mane, Donald J. Trump.

Yee-haa! Giddy-up!

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Trump Wins, America Wins, Japanese Banker Wins

The grumblings heard around the world by democrat controlled presstitutes just got a lot louder, nearing sonic boom levels after President-elect Donald Trump meets with the head of Japanese SoftBank, Masayoshi Son who committed to investing $50 billion in MAGA with 50,000 jobs for real Americans projected by this action.

Money follows a winner and Trump is a proven winner and his boast that Americans would tire of all the winning is coming true, its true!

Personally, I am tiring of all this whinning coming from the hurt and rejected Clinton campaign which of course includes all the Washington, New York, Chicago, LA, print and television media. Time to do as my late great granny suggested: "When rape is inevitable try to relax and enjoy it."

Though Trump's win of the presidency is not a sexual assault, rest assured the Clinton backing press feel way, way more violated than any 2 minute assault on their collective undercarriages. At this point I am quite certain the pantys are bunched so tightly only the cleverest rapist would have any luck penetrating them.

And now 44 days out from making it official, DJT is making good on his promises to bring jobs back to America. How is he doing it, the press may ask? He is Making America Great Again by making America a great place to invest money with the expectation of making money for the investors, by backing off on knuckled-headed regulations and reducing corporate tax burdens.

For over 60 years America has become more and more sclerotic as a place to do business. Over taxation and over regulation by a government out of control finally tipped America over to its losing proposition status. Trump, as a businessman, with experience all over the world knows first hand what it takes to make a country attractive to investments and businesses and all he is doing is putting these practices in place right here at home, America.

America has long been known as a safe haven for investments with strong laws enacted by principled politicians. Only in the past 20 years have the corrupt been at it in Washington and the hope is it is not so deeply ingrained in the American fabric that it cannot be reversed by Trump and his fresh approach.

America will become the king of the world if Trump can rid the government of fraud and corruption, eliminate the Lois Lerner types from positions of power and rid the State Department of partisan shills, and clean out the Department of Justice of it cronies.

Honest businesses only seek a fair and honest playing field for their investments. Up front 35% costs on any profits is a non starter. Trumps promise of a 15% corporate tax rate is a 20% hedge against start up costs and is a really, really attractive incentive for investors.

Will the entrenched political cronies in DC happily enact Trump's plans without a fight? Hell no. These bums like DC just the way it is. Filled with money for nothing for them and their pals in the present.

But, like it or not, boys and girls, there is a new kid in town, and your partying like a bunch of over sexed teens in a home abandoned by parents for the weekend is coming to an end.

President Donald J. Trump is the adult and when he gets into the White House, party's over!

And Hillary, it wasn't just you a majority of the state's electors rejected, it was you and your entire entourage of enablers in the press, government, big corrupt wall street, and your open borders one world government cabal.

America is too big to coral and corrupt. You forgot about the people who made this country great in the first place, who worked really, really hard and carved a great nation out of a wilderness, turned forrest into productive fields, dug by hand coal mines for power, planted and harvested crops before mechanized farming came into its time to feed the world, all with the God given sense of fairness enshrined in our common Judeao-Christian ethic.

Mrs. William Jefferson Clinton, your corruption was too great, your accomplishments to small and your unique to high political office gender not sufficient to successfully launch your career up to and through that legendary glass ceiling which truth be known is only there to protect the people from fools and charlatans!

Real Americans rejected Obama and his freakocentric politics and his pandering to a flood of illegal aliens who have little chance of helping Americans pull our wagon to success and the greatest chance of riding along in that wagon with you, Hillary, and your pathetic followers who bet everything on you with their hope and money.

Loosers one and all.

Yes, Hillary, America won the last election and it was high time she did. Obama will be shown the exit soon and the adults, our grandparents will be smiling from above that good sense and honesty is finally making a play in Washington.

It is about time, the sleeping giant was awakened and it acted in its best interest by rejecting both you and Obama.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Obama Has A Phone And Donald Trump Has A Phone But Trump Knows How To Use It For The Benefit Of The American People

Of course I am going to post this about President Elect Donald J. Trump. His style of leadership shows the American voting public just how sclerotic and constipated our current group of career politicians has become. In response to a question from the audience about how can government stop the loss of jobs for Americans, President Obama stammered and stuttered through a lame answer which essentially claimed one would have to have a magic wand to keep, say a company like Carrier Air conditioning, in America.

Donald Trump used his phone, promising to use his pen after the inauguration, calling the CEO of United Technologies, Carrier's parent company and negotiated a deal which was as my daddy was fond of saying, "A good deal is a good deal for everybody!"

In this case Carrier gets some tax relief, keeps 1100 plus jobs in Indiana, and Donald Trump, as president elect rings the bell for winning for the American people. Especially the folks, as Obama refers to us here in fly over country, who are watching and cheering this one small step for jobs, which promises to be a giant leap for our future economic progress.

Now President Obama has a phone and could just as easily have called up Joe Blow, United Technologies, CEO and made the same proposals, but he didn't because he cannot lower taxes because as a community organizer turned career politician and the chief butt plug administering to the great sclerotic, constipated, bloated, bureaucratic colossus which is our federal government, lowering taxes would reduce the money coming into the tax coffers and thus the power of the sclerotic colossus would be reduced...

The only power this government has is via taxation and spending and throw in a few rules and regulations and you have the perfect formula for shaking down businesses and for that matter other countries for billions of unneeded monies. What formula do you think the corrupt colossi couple, WJ and HR (aka HORN DOG and BAD DOG) Clintons have followed to amass over $2 billion dollars into a fake charitable foundation? Its government outside the government.

Nothing makes things go your way when it comes to government policy like Money. In fact every thing in life centers around trade, pay for play. Why the bees fly from plant to plant gathering up pollen, the plants pay to the bees for flying it over to another like plant to complete the sexual act for a plant which cannot reproduce without this help. The bee makes honey with his pollen money charged the plant for flying it all around and the art of the deal is one that is a good deal for everybody.

Now if we consider the people's money to be pollen and the federal government is a giant Bee flying in and out of every financial transaction in America, bringing all this money back to the central hive in Washington, DC, the pollen producers may want to see their pollen do some good. Like rebuilding the neglected infrastructure and updating Airports which have not been tended to since just after WWII, or building a wall to protect the integrity of America, or keeping out any people whose beliefs and religions would never assimilate into our Judaeo-Christian culture, or negotiating fair trade deals which favor the American work force over those in the third world. Right now the government is a pollen vacuum and is pollinating only the well heeled friends of government, the Solyndras and the insiders on Wall Street and the Big banks and let us not forget the big bankers of the Federal Reserve Bank which should not even exist were it not for a crime against the American people at Jekyll Island at the turn of the last century.

Trump has promised to shave this gigantic bee's legs so less pollen/money is taken out of the private sector and can be used to grow our greatly damaged economy. Now the career politicians will kick and scream and rant and rave about this tax cutting being only for Trump's rich friends, but the public will not fall for that class warfare chirping because it is old and stale and came into vogue back when Bill Clinton did not have to sit to piss in a toilet and Hillary had the stamina to carry 900 confidential FBI files on her political enemies from office to office in the East Wing of the White House.

The class warfare shtick has lost its power to move the people. Trumps plan to keep more money in the pockets of everyday Americans needs to be tried and it will be as soon as Donald J. Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America.

The gorgeous left wing ideologue with the beautiful baritone pipes, who has clogged the American economy with policies such as Obamacare and confiscatory tax rates will be replaced with a successful business man who is wise to the world and knows the art of the deal.

Dictators like Obama do not believe in deals. He showed his hand back in 2009 when he met with the republicans at the White House and told them it was his way or the highway, because "I won!"

Well, President Obama it looks like "you lost" and now we the American People have won!

Good luck living down your tainted legacy. That you placed your bets on a failed hag who clung onto a serial sex offender to keep your legacy intact is just another example of your poor judgement.

America with this election has changed everything for the better if you look at it from the perspective of the people and not through the jaded prism of the New York Times editorial board or the corporate media.

Trump will get no good press but it will not matter that the emperor has no clothes because the press has no audience. Their message has been listened to but not heard.

God bless Donald Trump and God Blessed America. November 8, 2016 was divine intervention and America was righted.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Castro, Clinton, Obama, And Then Came Trump

Fidel Castro may be dead but how do you think I feel? As an elementary school pupil in rural Tennessee in 1960, Castro's influence was heavy. Not only did we get to practice nuclear bomb drills with Duck and Cover, but Dr. Rameriz, a Cuban exile who was forced to flee Castro's Cuba in 1958 or face his firing squad, would address the grade school every morning over the loud speaker system and teach us rudimentary Spanish.

Cuomo esta usted? Bien. E Tu? Thanks to Fiedel Castro I am quite fluent in polite Spanish.

And thanks to a graduate student Mexican pal in the indecent variety as well. No se as tan pen deho!

I do not pretend to know how to spell the above but only how it sounds.

United Technologies' Carrier Air-conditioning unit has given Donald Trump an inauguration present by agreeing to hold 1000 of the jobs slated to flee to Mexico in Indiana. Winning the art of the deal. It is not the 100% win, but it is a good deal better than the 100% loss which would have occured if the old 60's throw back radical feminist hag had been elected by more than the popular vote on November 8th. Thank God for titties and the electoral college!

Titties were bared to protest Donald Trumps surprise win a few weeks ago in front of Trump Towers. I read the article but did not look at the pictures, these were democrats and they are not known for their aesthetic beauty, but can bitch at a man with no equal.

These democrat feminist are so smart they have to rely on abortion for birth control. They demand we, American tax payers, pay for their $9 a month birth control pills, Tonya Flucke, was that the Georgetown Law Student's name who sabotaged old Mushy Milk Romney's bid to over throw the Obama's reign of terror in 2012.

Well, Tonya, or was it Tony, your 15 minutes of flame is over. I do not recall your name and now that Obama's second season is almost over and America is still standing with the Glass Ceiling still intact for some other Dim-witted democrat feminist to take a crack at it in 2020 or 2024, after Donald Trump fundamentally Makes America Great Again by reversing all of Obama's policies, repealing and reforming Obamacare, and dragging Obama's heel off the throat of American enterprise.

The armed forces will be retooled, the politically correct leaders who telegraph our fighting plans months in advance to the enemy will be replaced by generals who know how to fight and win, but we will not go willy nilly into battle for pipelines for some rich oil producing nation in the middle east. We will fight only those who mean to cause us harm.

Sarah Palin will head up Trump's Veteran Affairs office and will whip those folks into shape.

Ben Carson will be over Housing and Urban Development and will lead the fight to turn around our crumbling inner cities and will hopefully make my fight here at the Urban Poverty Law Center much less necessary when these areas are lifted up into prosperity.

NAFTA will be repealed and TPP will be blocked and we will pull out of the Paris Climate agreement. Coal, smart coal will be back in vogue. America will become energy independent.
Jobs, high paying jobs for middle America will be back. The press will suffer under President Trump. They will have to get their stories off Twitter and the newly created Presidential internet news service.

You know the press will not be happy taking a seat at the back of the bus, but this is where they are headed with the really stupid coverage they gave to Mr. Trump. Stupid, really, really stupid.

I have spoken to many of my friends since the election, and all of us feel as though a heavy burden was lifted from our shoulders with the rejection of Obama. We are not racists, but some of us hate feminist, the radical ones who reject God and nature. Society is structured by nature and nurture. Men and women have interacted in symbiotic fashion for centuries to provide for the next generation. What the radical feminists are pushing is not best for the propagation of the species.

Hillary Clinton, the feminist faker, claimed to be one of these gals, but rode Billy Clinton all the way to the democrat nomination for president and then was unable to fill the contract. She could not complete the deal. She fell short of the goal. She could pick a winner but was not a winner. Her short comings include but are not limited to: a horrible screeching voice when turned up, shallow personality oozing with self aggrandizing and no empathy, an undying and insatiable greed for money, especially money not earned, no conscious, no limits or boundary to the end justifying the means, lawless behavior not even seen in some our most famous criminals.

That the American voters chose to reject Hillary Clinton gives me pause there is hope to MAGA!

Obama's grandiose plans to fundamentally change America into a Bill Ayers, Georgie Soros' utopian nightmare were rejected on November 8, 2016, a day that will go down in infamy.

The election of Donald J. Trump was the natural culmination of the rejection of all things Obama.
Yes Obama's election was historic as he was America's first black president, but he did not deliver what the people wanted. His mandate was to lead us into prosperity and deliver us from evil. He managed, with his ineptitude to do just the opposite. If economic ruination and a world in turmoil were his goals, then he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. I hope it was not his goal and only his foolishness that gave way to these results.

A society cannot be built without dreams. Fidel Castro was Cuba's dream catcher and crushed that small nation island for over 6 decades. Yes Fiedel may be dead and I can say "how are you?" in Spanish, but three generations of Cubans were stripped of their dreams for a better life. Burn in peace, Mr. Castro.

Obama was the American Dream Catcher and now with his defeat and the rejection of his and Hillary Clinton's marxist philosophy Americans and American businesses can get back into the business of making dreams come true.

Because we are Americans, dammit. Americanism is an attitude, it does not start at the border, it does not stop at the border. Stay out if you're not capable of living free and working hard to get ahead.

America, its not for everybody. To be an American you have to be willing to work and get along with others. Don't tell me your God is better than my God or force me to agree there is no God.
Stay put in your dusty hot hell hole if your goal is to change America.

The fundamental transformation of America was rejected on November 8, 2016, BIGLY!

And finally was Castro's reaction to Donald Trumps election fatal?

Tired of winning, yet?

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center