Sunday, May 22, 2016

Who Was This Hillary?

Hillary Rodham grew up in the 60's attended some of the best colleges when White Privilege was the American way, met a handsome, bright, oversexed Arkansas boy named William Jefferson Clinton, fell in love with his prospects and plotted her climb to the top by riding Bill Clinton like a rented mule. To Little Rock, the Rose Law Firm, to Washington, D.C. as first lassie, in charge of Bimbo Relations and the FBI files, and revamping America's Health Care system with not a bit of experience but lots of hubris.

And now she has taken it to the top where she is running like a scalded dog for the top office in the land, for the second time after losing the first to a community organizer with less talent for governing than my goldfish, Ernest, Barack Hussein Obama. To lose to such a looser is a lot of crow to eat. I did not realize crow was so fattening.

Her current run has been plagued by setbacks and disappointments by the scores when a stodgy old communist named Bernie has by all appearances shown the American public that this fair haired girl, America's most talented politician, could be beat by just about anybody. And here is the problem. Hillary Clinton has nothing to offer America. She is a greedy, self-absorbed hedonist, who is in love with herself. To suggest she is other than mentally ill would be kind. She does not play well with others whom she deems her inferiors, and worships money and power above all else.

Hillary's contribution to the world as Secretary of State, includes too many failures to list. Benghazi is perhaps the most egregious. The destabilization of the Middle East is perhaps another, and the Iran money and nuclear bomb give away is perhaps the most destructive in the long run. The dogs of hell have been unleashed in the world because every third rate hacker has access to America's top secret emails thanks to this genius's plan to hide her true colors and secret Clinton Foundation grifting from the government with her home server.

Well, Mrs. C., you may have hidden your dealings from the American Government and the people with your ill conceived home based server, but our enemies know you by that that you wished to conceal.

That President Obama still sides with you is only a testimony that his administration must take responsibility for your stupidity and his administrations lack of oversight but how was he to know you were a fool? And that is Obama's only defense, albeit a weak one.

So who was this Hillary Rodham Clinton.

She is a failed politico running a doomed campaign, barely able to beat a weak primary opponent even with a rigged super delegates scheme, and just a woman whose ambition and greed got ahead of her plans.

Hillary Clinton was just Bill Clinton's wife, and that is all you have to know about her to know she is unfit for any office.

I am,

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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