Saturday, May 7, 2016

Mr Trump, Time For Conventions To Get With The 21 Century! Gather On Line And Thwart The Rioters! Cancel Cleveland Now.

Presidents, Bush, Bush, and Candidates for president, all losers, Dole, McCain, Ryan, and Romney will not be attending the 2016 GOP convention in Cleveland. Ostensibly due to their disagreement with the nominee, Donald J. Trump. I believe the real reason is due to the violence planned by the Move On Dot Org and Black Livers Matter organizations, and who knows what that One World Order Spook has up his sleeves for the disruption of this quintessential event in which the American people actually chose the nominee and not the hacks of the media, controlled by the Global elites.

The quiet revolution began with the TEA Party in 2009 after Obama's actions in office did not match his pre-election rhetoric and the voting public rightly determined he was dangerous for our country with the full compliment of a democrat congress and senate. The congress fell to the republicans who promised to thwart Obama and his charge to the left and a bankrupting of America and the American family.

The government was threatened by the TEA Baggers, that deliciously hilarious term concocted by the elites, which is a practice of enlightened homosexuals which involves dipping ones scrotum into scalding hot water while a tea pot spout teaming with boiling water is tipped up one's rectum, all to try to kill the gerbil which will not come out on its own volition. We got it Obama, you get your IRS to hold back the TEA Baggers and deny them any tax free status to hold on to your weak kneed one world order presidency, but you failed!

The TEA Party gave over control of the Senate to the republicans in 2014, and had they stopped your plans for Making America Grate with your health care tax and deficit spending to bankrupt the US and make it over into the Land of your Father, a third world, hell-hole, with a huge debt and nothing to show for these expenditures, then Hillary Clinton would be facing another GOPe selected opponent such as Jeb Bush and not Donald J. Trump.

Hell man, if I spent 11 trillion dollars, you can bet your ass I would at least have a Super car in the garage and a private caribbean isle filled with scantily clad under age girls when all was said and done. This is not to say some of Obama's donors did not benefit from the spending orgy, but show me what the ordinary American got for 11 trillion dollars! There is no there, there. Where did all that money go?

Anyway the senate did not stop Obama, and Trump is the next red blooded American solution to our national nightmare. The get along and go along Uniparty was not up to the task.
The TEA party has moved underground, but the feelings of nationalism and pride in this country are still very powerful. Trump gets this and knows the false flag of globalism is not right for America or the world. Man is best served by many masters and not one. Competition is good in markets and governments. If we really agree with one world government, then why in the world did we expend all that money and lives to defeat Hitler and Hirohito? We could have saved some considerable sums of treasure and be in the first hundred years of a thousand year Reich.

We spent that fortune for freedom, and there are still some patriots left in America that believe in man's unalienable rights given to him by God. Evil speaks of patriots as TEA Baggers, and makes fun of people who cling to their bibles and guns. But the take over of America will not be so smooth. And Evil has no limits, but good will not cross some thresholds. Murder, and abortion, but I repeat myself, theft, and rape, are only a few of the barriers evil thinks nothing of crossing. The riots at the Trump rally in California were evil on display, and these small time events will look like child's play compared to what is planned in Cleveland by these shit heads.

And here is the nut of this rant. Mr. Trump, make plans for a fully internet driven convention where every state has a location for the delegates where they can meet and a central meeting place in Cleveland but you are at a safe location as are the other speakers and there is no place for the disrupters to gather and wreak havoc. These are very dangerous times. Evil is desperate in its quest for world domination and it must be stopped.....

You need, Mr. Trump, to limit your exposure to this evil and be smart, as I know you are and use the digital age to its fullest to keep America safe and so you can Make America Great Again. Bush, Bush, Dole, McCain, Ryan and Romney are not going because of the danger it poses. Do not give Evil a target.

Go digital!

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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