Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Chinese Year Of The WASP. Trump Soars. Hillary Roars. Obama Frees The Trannys. Michelle Goes Back To Target! Jon Stewart Fires A Blank At Trump.

It is year 5,725 in China. Over twice our paltry 2016, over here in the West, and the Chinese and America are celebrating the Year of the WASP. Not the stinging insect, but the man whom the former host of "The Daily Show", John Stewart, or is it Jon?, the cute spelling, pulled his nose out of Hillary's large gluteal folds just long enough to hurl a racial epithet at American businessman and presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump, a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. And the liberal media exclaims those famous words heard round the world uttered by the great African explorer whose name I do not recall-"Egads, a white man!"

And this is the rub. White and religious is the new black of the 50's. Discrimination works both ways. If we do not watch out we will have separate bathrooms, "whites only" signs will rear their ugly heads again. Whites only water fountains and waiting rooms could be just around the corner, if Hillary and the progressives continue this march towards oppression of the WASP!

Lebovitz, a second generation, luke warm American, and former funny man who once bragged he had swallowed more semen than the North Sea and Monica Lewinsky combined, referred to the next president as "a boiled ham with a bad comb-over". That is funny, little man, but I will counter your humor and your vote with my vote. And millions of Americans will rise up out of this nation that was built out of hard work and a Judaeo-Christian foundation, and rebuke your racism and intolerance of those who cling to their guns and bibles. You worship your false god, government, with its false idols of sexual promiscuity and global warming and we will go to church.

Liberalism is racism. Your barbs at Donald Trump are ill conceived and childish. Trump's real name is "Mr. Fucface"? Who is writing this for you. Bill Clinton?

Anyway, my suggestion for you is to go back under H's skirt and grow your little man beard and learn to shoot a gun and pray to your gods that Mr. FF is elected president because we are going to need a principled man, a real man in charge of this failing country in a very dangerous world which was massively destabilized by the irrefutable incompetence of Obama and Hillary.

Seven years of our First eunuch president, who by the way is black and effeminate because his father abandoned him and he had no roll models, has taken us from Reagan to vegan.
And Hillary Clinton, having sold everything she could out of State, would only continue her sell out of all Americans to the highest bidder to the phony Clinton Foundation.

So John, or Jon pull Soro's penis out of your bungho and stop being a racist. Americans, WASPS, do not want the treatment this government is known for and has practiced for a century and a half against native Americans, black Americans, and now it has reared its ugly head and is trying the same thing with White Americans. There will be a push back because there are still a few men left out in fly over country.

Voting blocks coalesce to vote one's or the groups self interest. And shut up about White Privilege. I'm sorry I spent my youth in college depriving some under achiever from my position, but I worked for my education, and was in the library while my poor underprivileged brothers smoked weed and chased bitches.

Meth is whitey's crack cocaine, and is the governments attempt to steal America, So Hillary can sell it. Good luck with that.

In election news, Trump won in Oregon besting the other two non candidates two to one. Hillary Roars back against the weak white man Bernie Sanders with a half point win in Kentucky, but she was thrown down the shitter by the voters in Oregon, who rejected the fat one with the dry vagina by a margin of 2 to 1.

If Hillary was such a great candidate don't you think we would know it by now? Trump, "the boiled ham with a bad comb over", beat back 16 really good contenders with real hair and was the nominee by last month and Mrs. Waddle Twaddle Crooked Coughie Hillary cannot seem to close the deal against an aging senile white communist.

Hell, if Biden had run the convention would have been contested, and Hillary would be back in Chappaqua trying to coral Billy's crooked penis which is starting to look like a rolled up slice of honey glazed ham cloaked in cotton that has been left out on a warm Sunday afternoon picnic table far too long. The Clintons have not aged very well.

It is like Mark Twain sorta said: "They were young and in love once, but my, how they got over it!"

And finally Obama has done what he wanted to do to fundamentally transform America with his school lunch and school bathroom decrees. Now the federal government decides what you eat and where you can shit. Anywhere! What glorious fools these Obama's are! That America could tolerate this level of incompetence for this long speaks well for our patience, but not so well for our intellect. But for now at least our first couple can comfortably go to any Target and Michelle can go to the the men's room and the president can sit with the lassies with his nature call and the world and America are better places.

Trannys rule and Bible clingers drool!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center

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