Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Trump Just Got A Whole Lot Of New Friends In The GOPe!

The GOPe is ringing its collective hands at a near certain Donald Trump nomination. I think we will see a plethora of the party chiefs expounding on the news outlets how he or she was for Donald J. Trump before they were agin him, but feared a backlash from the voting public who, they were told, held Mr. Trump in very low esteem.

Esteem so low he was soundly voted Indiana's choice 2 to 1 over the stealth GOPe candidate Teddy Cruz.

Trump needs help transitioning into power and he needs to carefully vet those who now will claim to be his new BFF. There will be a lot of positions to fill and he will be a very busy executive should he manage to slay the colossus, America's number one VAGINA, which is looking to slip back into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, this time with both the title and the authority to Make America Grate Again!

Unlimited abortion on demand and next by command, gun control, freak rights, tax the rich, seed the poor, open borders, finish off the military, a Mosque in every city, and a suicide bomb in every pot. No banker left behind, Wall Street Bailouts, and tax subsidies for colleges that develop programs in the blossoming field of Women's Studies with a minor in Dildonics are all in the planning stages.

Mr. Trump has beaten the unbeatable, won the unwinable, defeated the undefeatable, stopped the unstoppable, all with his own financial backing but for a few $5 and $10 donations from small voting donors all across America.

And meanwhile, that silly socialist Bernard Sanders has won another state's common delegates in his Quixotesque tilt at the vaulted Vaginal candidate, who not only goes through super pads by the case, but has an advantage in gaining super delegates by the butt-load.

That Bernie Sanders is still in the race this far into it is only a testament to The Colossus and her very weak support among the voting public. She rings hollow with her supporters, and is despised by her detractors.

Trump will soundly defeat her when he points out her sex organ does not trump her neurological organ. Poor decisions about Benghazi, the Obama middle east policy, million dollar speaking fees from wall street bankers, quid pro quo Clinton Foundation donations, and masterminding the killing of the bimbo eruption which followed the only Clinton presidency into the White House are the easy ones, and with the Trump organization more abominations are sure to come to light.

By the time Trump is finished with Hillary, she will be relieved when she is criminally charged in the email scandal.

Trump has a hard fight ahead with the great and mighty Clinton and a press that fawns and hangs on her every utterance, but she is slipping in the poles, and her health and greed will finish her. Even the democrat machine with its ballot stuffing shenanigans will not be able to put Humpty Hillary together again once the Trump Machine has wrecked her.

Best election season ever!

Trump's short list for VP, from least likely to most! Palin, Christie, Cruz, Sessions, Rubio, Carson, Ernst, and the Governor of Wisconsin whose name I have forgotten.

I am

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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