Mark Twain has been dead for over a hundred years, and I have been alive for all but 40 of those years and have written only a few lines of prose I feel would be favorably compared to his talent.
Like Mark, my mother was a woman and my father was a man. We both started this life very young, and quickly got over that. Twain was born in Tennessee, and I was born in Tennessee. Twain married the love of his life, and I married the love of my life. Twain smoked many fine cigars, and I have smoked a cigar. Twain traveled the world and I have been to the Smokey Mountains twice. Twain lost money in the stock market and I have lost money in the stock market. Twain had three daughters and a son, and I have 7 sons and a daughter. I have read virtually most of what Twain published and he has read none of my unpublished writings.
Twain wrote to entertain himself and I have written to that same goal and succeeded on a few occasions. When a good line flows onto the screen out of the ether it is like having a baby. You know something took place to conceive it, but you are not really sure where it came from. For example as I have aged, I have taken on many of my mother's and maternal grandmother's traits, especially my breasts which have grown larger throughout the years and no longer resist gravity and have begun to sag. At least they are not as hairy as mom's. Grandmother had several moles on her chin which had porcupine quills sticking out of them and when she hugged you or gave your little face a kiss you would bleed for 15 minutes. She smelled like sour pickles when she got older and I am beginning to think she is with me now as I smell her if I have not bathed in a few days.
When I tell new acquaintances I have eight children the shock in their eyes is quickly turned to a laugh by my follow up line that I had them til I had one I liked. Some of my older children have used the line to great advantage in interviews. Yes, I am number three of eight siblings of a father who had kids until he had one he liked and you know from this I had a pretty bleak childhood after my youngest brother was born. In fact the only time I saw my father was when I was looking through some old photographs at granny's house and came across a picture of the bride and the groom.
The best posts on this blog, are mostly in the favorites column, but "death of my father" is my favorite along with "slow cooking the turkey" and my "policy on lighting". The Soros column is too hate filled, and I should not write so of that meddlesome old bastard who wants to remake the world in his image. What a bunch of shitheads. We just want to change the world. And we just want to be free of nettlesome old farts with great plans to effect everyone else on the planet. If he really wanted to change the world for the better he could die. Just my opinion. And as we all know opinions are like assholes, everyone has got one. Get thee behind me Satan in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!
Flying home a few days ago from work the weather took me up to 7,500 to clear some clouds over the Tennessee River, I could have flown under them but 1500 feet is too low and the plane is too fast and birds are a problem at lower altitudes, and buzzards pack quite the punch if struck at 180 mph. The clouds broke up nicely west of the river and while I was descending to my pattern altitude of a thousand feet, the engine purring along at 2200 rpms and 22 inches manifold pressure suddenly coughed and burbled, rumbled and shook the entire plane for a brief moment making me think of a catastrophic engine failure and my impending death or at least a forced off field landing. My nerves of steel and my pilots training kicked into full gear as I screamed like a little girl at a birthday party, then I pulled the carburetor heat on and switched fuel tanks and turned the auxiliary fuel pump on and continued smoothly on my way to the airport for another beautiful plane meets runway moment and nobody got hurt! I have flown regularly for 18 years racking up over 1750 hrs as pilot in command and this is the first time I have had carburetor ice. I will reach for the carb heat from now on. Lesson learned.
The more things that come out about Hillary Clinton, the more I am convinced she is not the right person for the job she so vigorously is seeking. Her judgement is flawed and her politics are wrong for America. She should hope for reincarnation and shoot for royal birth if she is to have any hope of gaining power.. thinking people would not place her in charge of a fundraiser for a community library, let alone the presidency of these United States.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, she is truly a woman whose time has come and past. In a word or two, vile and unaccomplished. Placed in positions of great responsibility and authority but little achievement and no luster in her deeds and no limits to her selfishness and greed. When the world needs another greedy sociopath to take over who is both quite frumpy and aloof, we know where to find you, counting your krugerrands at the Clinton Foundation and Grift Shoppe. And hey, Hillary, don't call us, we will call you. Have I said enough?
Donald Trump, meanwhile continues to enrage the political elites. Beck and Levin have shit themselves. They cannot believe Americans demand an American leader whom they consider rabble even with his billions, he is too common! Trump is US! What will he do to the progressive agenda, the border, trade, Wall Street, the new world order? He has the support of the American people and the ire of the 1%ters. He must be very, very smart to run the gauntlet to the presidency. So far he has made it look like a walk in the park, but the wolves are stalking him and he must not let his guard down.
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Who Was This Hillary?
Hillary Rodham grew up in the 60's attended some of the best colleges when White Privilege was the American way, met a handsome, bright, oversexed Arkansas boy named William Jefferson Clinton, fell in love with his prospects and plotted her climb to the top by riding Bill Clinton like a rented mule. To Little Rock, the Rose Law Firm, to Washington, D.C. as first lassie, in charge of Bimbo Relations and the FBI files, and revamping America's Health Care system with not a bit of experience but lots of hubris.
And now she has taken it to the top where she is running like a scalded dog for the top office in the land, for the second time after losing the first to a community organizer with less talent for governing than my goldfish, Ernest, Barack Hussein Obama. To lose to such a looser is a lot of crow to eat. I did not realize crow was so fattening.
Her current run has been plagued by setbacks and disappointments by the scores when a stodgy old communist named Bernie has by all appearances shown the American public that this fair haired girl, America's most talented politician, could be beat by just about anybody. And here is the problem. Hillary Clinton has nothing to offer America. She is a greedy, self-absorbed hedonist, who is in love with herself. To suggest she is other than mentally ill would be kind. She does not play well with others whom she deems her inferiors, and worships money and power above all else.
Hillary's contribution to the world as Secretary of State, includes too many failures to list. Benghazi is perhaps the most egregious. The destabilization of the Middle East is perhaps another, and the Iran money and nuclear bomb give away is perhaps the most destructive in the long run. The dogs of hell have been unleashed in the world because every third rate hacker has access to America's top secret emails thanks to this genius's plan to hide her true colors and secret Clinton Foundation grifting from the government with her home server.
Well, Mrs. C., you may have hidden your dealings from the American Government and the people with your ill conceived home based server, but our enemies know you by that that you wished to conceal.
That President Obama still sides with you is only a testimony that his administration must take responsibility for your stupidity and his administrations lack of oversight but how was he to know you were a fool? And that is Obama's only defense, albeit a weak one.
So who was this Hillary Rodham Clinton.
She is a failed politico running a doomed campaign, barely able to beat a weak primary opponent even with a rigged super delegates scheme, and just a woman whose ambition and greed got ahead of her plans.
Hillary Clinton was just Bill Clinton's wife, and that is all you have to know about her to know she is unfit for any office.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
And now she has taken it to the top where she is running like a scalded dog for the top office in the land, for the second time after losing the first to a community organizer with less talent for governing than my goldfish, Ernest, Barack Hussein Obama. To lose to such a looser is a lot of crow to eat. I did not realize crow was so fattening.
Her current run has been plagued by setbacks and disappointments by the scores when a stodgy old communist named Bernie has by all appearances shown the American public that this fair haired girl, America's most talented politician, could be beat by just about anybody. And here is the problem. Hillary Clinton has nothing to offer America. She is a greedy, self-absorbed hedonist, who is in love with herself. To suggest she is other than mentally ill would be kind. She does not play well with others whom she deems her inferiors, and worships money and power above all else.
Hillary's contribution to the world as Secretary of State, includes too many failures to list. Benghazi is perhaps the most egregious. The destabilization of the Middle East is perhaps another, and the Iran money and nuclear bomb give away is perhaps the most destructive in the long run. The dogs of hell have been unleashed in the world because every third rate hacker has access to America's top secret emails thanks to this genius's plan to hide her true colors and secret Clinton Foundation grifting from the government with her home server.
Well, Mrs. C., you may have hidden your dealings from the American Government and the people with your ill conceived home based server, but our enemies know you by that that you wished to conceal.
That President Obama still sides with you is only a testimony that his administration must take responsibility for your stupidity and his administrations lack of oversight but how was he to know you were a fool? And that is Obama's only defense, albeit a weak one.
So who was this Hillary Rodham Clinton.
She is a failed politico running a doomed campaign, barely able to beat a weak primary opponent even with a rigged super delegates scheme, and just a woman whose ambition and greed got ahead of her plans.
Hillary Clinton was just Bill Clinton's wife, and that is all you have to know about her to know she is unfit for any office.
I am,
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Chinese Year Of The WASP. Trump Soars. Hillary Roars. Obama Frees The Trannys. Michelle Goes Back To Target! Jon Stewart Fires A Blank At Trump.
It is year 5,725 in China. Over twice our paltry 2016, over here in the West, and the Chinese and America are celebrating the Year of the WASP. Not the stinging insect, but the man whom the former host of "The Daily Show", John Stewart, or is it Jon?, the cute spelling, pulled his nose out of Hillary's large gluteal folds just long enough to hurl a racial epithet at American businessman and presidential candidate, Donald J. Trump, a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. And the liberal media exclaims those famous words heard round the world uttered by the great African explorer whose name I do not recall-"Egads, a white man!"
And this is the rub. White and religious is the new black of the 50's. Discrimination works both ways. If we do not watch out we will have separate bathrooms, "whites only" signs will rear their ugly heads again. Whites only water fountains and waiting rooms could be just around the corner, if Hillary and the progressives continue this march towards oppression of the WASP!
Lebovitz, a second generation, luke warm American, and former funny man who once bragged he had swallowed more semen than the North Sea and Monica Lewinsky combined, referred to the next president as "a boiled ham with a bad comb-over". That is funny, little man, but I will counter your humor and your vote with my vote. And millions of Americans will rise up out of this nation that was built out of hard work and a Judaeo-Christian foundation, and rebuke your racism and intolerance of those who cling to their guns and bibles. You worship your false god, government, with its false idols of sexual promiscuity and global warming and we will go to church.
Liberalism is racism. Your barbs at Donald Trump are ill conceived and childish. Trump's real name is "Mr. Fucface"? Who is writing this for you. Bill Clinton?
Anyway, my suggestion for you is to go back under H's skirt and grow your little man beard and learn to shoot a gun and pray to your gods that Mr. FF is elected president because we are going to need a principled man, a real man in charge of this failing country in a very dangerous world which was massively destabilized by the irrefutable incompetence of Obama and Hillary.
Seven years of our First eunuch president, who by the way is black and effeminate because his father abandoned him and he had no roll models, has taken us from Reagan to vegan.
And Hillary Clinton, having sold everything she could out of State, would only continue her sell out of all Americans to the highest bidder to the phony Clinton Foundation.
So John, or Jon pull Soro's penis out of your bungho and stop being a racist. Americans, WASPS, do not want the treatment this government is known for and has practiced for a century and a half against native Americans, black Americans, and now it has reared its ugly head and is trying the same thing with White Americans. There will be a push back because there are still a few men left out in fly over country.
Voting blocks coalesce to vote one's or the groups self interest. And shut up about White Privilege. I'm sorry I spent my youth in college depriving some under achiever from my position, but I worked for my education, and was in the library while my poor underprivileged brothers smoked weed and chased bitches.
Meth is whitey's crack cocaine, and is the governments attempt to steal America, So Hillary can sell it. Good luck with that.
In election news, Trump won in Oregon besting the other two non candidates two to one. Hillary Roars back against the weak white man Bernie Sanders with a half point win in Kentucky, but she was thrown down the shitter by the voters in Oregon, who rejected the fat one with the dry vagina by a margin of 2 to 1.
If Hillary was such a great candidate don't you think we would know it by now? Trump, "the boiled ham with a bad comb over", beat back 16 really good contenders with real hair and was the nominee by last month and Mrs. Waddle Twaddle Crooked Coughie Hillary cannot seem to close the deal against an aging senile white communist.
Hell, if Biden had run the convention would have been contested, and Hillary would be back in Chappaqua trying to coral Billy's crooked penis which is starting to look like a rolled up slice of honey glazed ham cloaked in cotton that has been left out on a warm Sunday afternoon picnic table far too long. The Clintons have not aged very well.
It is like Mark Twain sorta said: "They were young and in love once, but my, how they got over it!"
And finally Obama has done what he wanted to do to fundamentally transform America with his school lunch and school bathroom decrees. Now the federal government decides what you eat and where you can shit. Anywhere! What glorious fools these Obama's are! That America could tolerate this level of incompetence for this long speaks well for our patience, but not so well for our intellect. But for now at least our first couple can comfortably go to any Target and Michelle can go to the the men's room and the president can sit with the lassies with his nature call and the world and America are better places.
Trannys rule and Bible clingers drool!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center
And this is the rub. White and religious is the new black of the 50's. Discrimination works both ways. If we do not watch out we will have separate bathrooms, "whites only" signs will rear their ugly heads again. Whites only water fountains and waiting rooms could be just around the corner, if Hillary and the progressives continue this march towards oppression of the WASP!
Lebovitz, a second generation, luke warm American, and former funny man who once bragged he had swallowed more semen than the North Sea and Monica Lewinsky combined, referred to the next president as "a boiled ham with a bad comb-over". That is funny, little man, but I will counter your humor and your vote with my vote. And millions of Americans will rise up out of this nation that was built out of hard work and a Judaeo-Christian foundation, and rebuke your racism and intolerance of those who cling to their guns and bibles. You worship your false god, government, with its false idols of sexual promiscuity and global warming and we will go to church.
Liberalism is racism. Your barbs at Donald Trump are ill conceived and childish. Trump's real name is "Mr. Fucface"? Who is writing this for you. Bill Clinton?
Anyway, my suggestion for you is to go back under H's skirt and grow your little man beard and learn to shoot a gun and pray to your gods that Mr. FF is elected president because we are going to need a principled man, a real man in charge of this failing country in a very dangerous world which was massively destabilized by the irrefutable incompetence of Obama and Hillary.
Seven years of our First eunuch president, who by the way is black and effeminate because his father abandoned him and he had no roll models, has taken us from Reagan to vegan.
And Hillary Clinton, having sold everything she could out of State, would only continue her sell out of all Americans to the highest bidder to the phony Clinton Foundation.
So John, or Jon pull Soro's penis out of your bungho and stop being a racist. Americans, WASPS, do not want the treatment this government is known for and has practiced for a century and a half against native Americans, black Americans, and now it has reared its ugly head and is trying the same thing with White Americans. There will be a push back because there are still a few men left out in fly over country.
Voting blocks coalesce to vote one's or the groups self interest. And shut up about White Privilege. I'm sorry I spent my youth in college depriving some under achiever from my position, but I worked for my education, and was in the library while my poor underprivileged brothers smoked weed and chased bitches.
Meth is whitey's crack cocaine, and is the governments attempt to steal America, So Hillary can sell it. Good luck with that.
In election news, Trump won in Oregon besting the other two non candidates two to one. Hillary Roars back against the weak white man Bernie Sanders with a half point win in Kentucky, but she was thrown down the shitter by the voters in Oregon, who rejected the fat one with the dry vagina by a margin of 2 to 1.
If Hillary was such a great candidate don't you think we would know it by now? Trump, "the boiled ham with a bad comb over", beat back 16 really good contenders with real hair and was the nominee by last month and Mrs. Waddle Twaddle Crooked Coughie Hillary cannot seem to close the deal against an aging senile white communist.
Hell, if Biden had run the convention would have been contested, and Hillary would be back in Chappaqua trying to coral Billy's crooked penis which is starting to look like a rolled up slice of honey glazed ham cloaked in cotton that has been left out on a warm Sunday afternoon picnic table far too long. The Clintons have not aged very well.
It is like Mark Twain sorta said: "They were young and in love once, but my, how they got over it!"
And finally Obama has done what he wanted to do to fundamentally transform America with his school lunch and school bathroom decrees. Now the federal government decides what you eat and where you can shit. Anywhere! What glorious fools these Obama's are! That America could tolerate this level of incompetence for this long speaks well for our patience, but not so well for our intellect. But for now at least our first couple can comfortably go to any Target and Michelle can go to the the men's room and the president can sit with the lassies with his nature call and the world and America are better places.
Trannys rule and Bible clingers drool!
Jackson Delano Maybolt, president Urban Poverty Law Center
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Mr Trump, Time For Conventions To Get With The 21 Century! Gather On Line And Thwart The Rioters! Cancel Cleveland Now.
Presidents, Bush, Bush, and Candidates for president, all losers, Dole, McCain, Ryan, and Romney will not be attending the 2016 GOP convention in Cleveland. Ostensibly due to their disagreement with the nominee, Donald J. Trump. I believe the real reason is due to the violence planned by the Move On Dot Org and Black Livers Matter organizations, and who knows what that One World Order Spook has up his sleeves for the disruption of this quintessential event in which the American people actually chose the nominee and not the hacks of the media, controlled by the Global elites.
The quiet revolution began with the TEA Party in 2009 after Obama's actions in office did not match his pre-election rhetoric and the voting public rightly determined he was dangerous for our country with the full compliment of a democrat congress and senate. The congress fell to the republicans who promised to thwart Obama and his charge to the left and a bankrupting of America and the American family.
The government was threatened by the TEA Baggers, that deliciously hilarious term concocted by the elites, which is a practice of enlightened homosexuals which involves dipping ones scrotum into scalding hot water while a tea pot spout teaming with boiling water is tipped up one's rectum, all to try to kill the gerbil which will not come out on its own volition. We got it Obama, you get your IRS to hold back the TEA Baggers and deny them any tax free status to hold on to your weak kneed one world order presidency, but you failed!
The TEA Party gave over control of the Senate to the republicans in 2014, and had they stopped your plans for Making America Grate with your health care tax and deficit spending to bankrupt the US and make it over into the Land of your Father, a third world, hell-hole, with a huge debt and nothing to show for these expenditures, then Hillary Clinton would be facing another GOPe selected opponent such as Jeb Bush and not Donald J. Trump.
Hell man, if I spent 11 trillion dollars, you can bet your ass I would at least have a Super car in the garage and a private caribbean isle filled with scantily clad under age girls when all was said and done. This is not to say some of Obama's donors did not benefit from the spending orgy, but show me what the ordinary American got for 11 trillion dollars! There is no there, there. Where did all that money go?
Anyway the senate did not stop Obama, and Trump is the next red blooded American solution to our national nightmare. The get along and go along Uniparty was not up to the task.
The TEA party has moved underground, but the feelings of nationalism and pride in this country are still very powerful. Trump gets this and knows the false flag of globalism is not right for America or the world. Man is best served by many masters and not one. Competition is good in markets and governments. If we really agree with one world government, then why in the world did we expend all that money and lives to defeat Hitler and Hirohito? We could have saved some considerable sums of treasure and be in the first hundred years of a thousand year Reich.
We spent that fortune for freedom, and there are still some patriots left in America that believe in man's unalienable rights given to him by God. Evil speaks of patriots as TEA Baggers, and makes fun of people who cling to their bibles and guns. But the take over of America will not be so smooth. And Evil has no limits, but good will not cross some thresholds. Murder, and abortion, but I repeat myself, theft, and rape, are only a few of the barriers evil thinks nothing of crossing. The riots at the Trump rally in California were evil on display, and these small time events will look like child's play compared to what is planned in Cleveland by these shit heads.
And here is the nut of this rant. Mr. Trump, make plans for a fully internet driven convention where every state has a location for the delegates where they can meet and a central meeting place in Cleveland but you are at a safe location as are the other speakers and there is no place for the disrupters to gather and wreak havoc. These are very dangerous times. Evil is desperate in its quest for world domination and it must be stopped.....
You need, Mr. Trump, to limit your exposure to this evil and be smart, as I know you are and use the digital age to its fullest to keep America safe and so you can Make America Great Again. Bush, Bush, Dole, McCain, Ryan and Romney are not going because of the danger it poses. Do not give Evil a target.
Go digital!
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
The quiet revolution began with the TEA Party in 2009 after Obama's actions in office did not match his pre-election rhetoric and the voting public rightly determined he was dangerous for our country with the full compliment of a democrat congress and senate. The congress fell to the republicans who promised to thwart Obama and his charge to the left and a bankrupting of America and the American family.
The government was threatened by the TEA Baggers, that deliciously hilarious term concocted by the elites, which is a practice of enlightened homosexuals which involves dipping ones scrotum into scalding hot water while a tea pot spout teaming with boiling water is tipped up one's rectum, all to try to kill the gerbil which will not come out on its own volition. We got it Obama, you get your IRS to hold back the TEA Baggers and deny them any tax free status to hold on to your weak kneed one world order presidency, but you failed!
The TEA Party gave over control of the Senate to the republicans in 2014, and had they stopped your plans for Making America Grate with your health care tax and deficit spending to bankrupt the US and make it over into the Land of your Father, a third world, hell-hole, with a huge debt and nothing to show for these expenditures, then Hillary Clinton would be facing another GOPe selected opponent such as Jeb Bush and not Donald J. Trump.
Hell man, if I spent 11 trillion dollars, you can bet your ass I would at least have a Super car in the garage and a private caribbean isle filled with scantily clad under age girls when all was said and done. This is not to say some of Obama's donors did not benefit from the spending orgy, but show me what the ordinary American got for 11 trillion dollars! There is no there, there. Where did all that money go?
Anyway the senate did not stop Obama, and Trump is the next red blooded American solution to our national nightmare. The get along and go along Uniparty was not up to the task.
The TEA party has moved underground, but the feelings of nationalism and pride in this country are still very powerful. Trump gets this and knows the false flag of globalism is not right for America or the world. Man is best served by many masters and not one. Competition is good in markets and governments. If we really agree with one world government, then why in the world did we expend all that money and lives to defeat Hitler and Hirohito? We could have saved some considerable sums of treasure and be in the first hundred years of a thousand year Reich.
We spent that fortune for freedom, and there are still some patriots left in America that believe in man's unalienable rights given to him by God. Evil speaks of patriots as TEA Baggers, and makes fun of people who cling to their bibles and guns. But the take over of America will not be so smooth. And Evil has no limits, but good will not cross some thresholds. Murder, and abortion, but I repeat myself, theft, and rape, are only a few of the barriers evil thinks nothing of crossing. The riots at the Trump rally in California were evil on display, and these small time events will look like child's play compared to what is planned in Cleveland by these shit heads.
And here is the nut of this rant. Mr. Trump, make plans for a fully internet driven convention where every state has a location for the delegates where they can meet and a central meeting place in Cleveland but you are at a safe location as are the other speakers and there is no place for the disrupters to gather and wreak havoc. These are very dangerous times. Evil is desperate in its quest for world domination and it must be stopped.....
You need, Mr. Trump, to limit your exposure to this evil and be smart, as I know you are and use the digital age to its fullest to keep America safe and so you can Make America Great Again. Bush, Bush, Dole, McCain, Ryan and Romney are not going because of the danger it poses. Do not give Evil a target.
Go digital!
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Trump Just Got A Whole Lot Of New Friends In The GOPe!
The GOPe is ringing its collective hands at a near certain Donald Trump nomination. I think we will see a plethora of the party chiefs expounding on the news outlets how he or she was for Donald J. Trump before they were agin him, but feared a backlash from the voting public who, they were told, held Mr. Trump in very low esteem.
Esteem so low he was soundly voted Indiana's choice 2 to 1 over the stealth GOPe candidate Teddy Cruz.
Trump needs help transitioning into power and he needs to carefully vet those who now will claim to be his new BFF. There will be a lot of positions to fill and he will be a very busy executive should he manage to slay the colossus, America's number one VAGINA, which is looking to slip back into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, this time with both the title and the authority to Make America Grate Again!
Unlimited abortion on demand and next by command, gun control, freak rights, tax the rich, seed the poor, open borders, finish off the military, a Mosque in every city, and a suicide bomb in every pot. No banker left behind, Wall Street Bailouts, and tax subsidies for colleges that develop programs in the blossoming field of Women's Studies with a minor in Dildonics are all in the planning stages.
Mr. Trump has beaten the unbeatable, won the unwinable, defeated the undefeatable, stopped the unstoppable, all with his own financial backing but for a few $5 and $10 donations from small voting donors all across America.
And meanwhile, that silly socialist Bernard Sanders has won another state's common delegates in his Quixotesque tilt at the vaulted Vaginal candidate, who not only goes through super pads by the case, but has an advantage in gaining super delegates by the butt-load.
That Bernie Sanders is still in the race this far into it is only a testament to The Colossus and her very weak support among the voting public. She rings hollow with her supporters, and is despised by her detractors.
Trump will soundly defeat her when he points out her sex organ does not trump her neurological organ. Poor decisions about Benghazi, the Obama middle east policy, million dollar speaking fees from wall street bankers, quid pro quo Clinton Foundation donations, and masterminding the killing of the bimbo eruption which followed the only Clinton presidency into the White House are the easy ones, and with the Trump organization more abominations are sure to come to light.
By the time Trump is finished with Hillary, she will be relieved when she is criminally charged in the email scandal.
Trump has a hard fight ahead with the great and mighty Clinton and a press that fawns and hangs on her every utterance, but she is slipping in the poles, and her health and greed will finish her. Even the democrat machine with its ballot stuffing shenanigans will not be able to put Humpty Hillary together again once the Trump Machine has wrecked her.
Best election season ever!
Trump's short list for VP, from least likely to most! Palin, Christie, Cruz, Sessions, Rubio, Carson, Ernst, and the Governor of Wisconsin whose name I have forgotten.
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Esteem so low he was soundly voted Indiana's choice 2 to 1 over the stealth GOPe candidate Teddy Cruz.
Trump needs help transitioning into power and he needs to carefully vet those who now will claim to be his new BFF. There will be a lot of positions to fill and he will be a very busy executive should he manage to slay the colossus, America's number one VAGINA, which is looking to slip back into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, this time with both the title and the authority to Make America Grate Again!
Unlimited abortion on demand and next by command, gun control, freak rights, tax the rich, seed the poor, open borders, finish off the military, a Mosque in every city, and a suicide bomb in every pot. No banker left behind, Wall Street Bailouts, and tax subsidies for colleges that develop programs in the blossoming field of Women's Studies with a minor in Dildonics are all in the planning stages.
Mr. Trump has beaten the unbeatable, won the unwinable, defeated the undefeatable, stopped the unstoppable, all with his own financial backing but for a few $5 and $10 donations from small voting donors all across America.
And meanwhile, that silly socialist Bernard Sanders has won another state's common delegates in his Quixotesque tilt at the vaulted Vaginal candidate, who not only goes through super pads by the case, but has an advantage in gaining super delegates by the butt-load.
That Bernie Sanders is still in the race this far into it is only a testament to The Colossus and her very weak support among the voting public. She rings hollow with her supporters, and is despised by her detractors.
Trump will soundly defeat her when he points out her sex organ does not trump her neurological organ. Poor decisions about Benghazi, the Obama middle east policy, million dollar speaking fees from wall street bankers, quid pro quo Clinton Foundation donations, and masterminding the killing of the bimbo eruption which followed the only Clinton presidency into the White House are the easy ones, and with the Trump organization more abominations are sure to come to light.
By the time Trump is finished with Hillary, she will be relieved when she is criminally charged in the email scandal.
Trump has a hard fight ahead with the great and mighty Clinton and a press that fawns and hangs on her every utterance, but she is slipping in the poles, and her health and greed will finish her. Even the democrat machine with its ballot stuffing shenanigans will not be able to put Humpty Hillary together again once the Trump Machine has wrecked her.
Best election season ever!
Trump's short list for VP, from least likely to most! Palin, Christie, Cruz, Sessions, Rubio, Carson, Ernst, and the Governor of Wisconsin whose name I have forgotten.
I am
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
Ben Carson,
bernie sanders,
Donald Trump,
Hillary Clinton,
Ted Cruz
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