Test scores across the nation have fallen each decade so that now we are facing the first generation of stupid with no hope of improving our situation. What has become of human intellect?
With rising carbon dioxide levels we have witnessed a simultaneous drop in intellect. To prove my point I will cite a few well known recent examples.
President Obama and the congress pass a massive health care bill to save money and insure everyone and it does neither.
We fight limited wars in oil rich areas of the world and steal not a single drop of oil.
We strike down laws of nature in hopes these deviant acts become normalized . Acts which are a public health risk and no public health official had the courage to quarantine HIV carriers when it was first recognized as a disease spread primarily by sodomy. Now the homosexual lobby wants to give blood again.
Where is the common ground when a water park can be shut down for sanitizing if one human turd is discovered floating amongst the frolicking swimmers and nothing is deemed risky by public health officials when one man inserts a pen is into another's an us?
No thanks. But that's discrimination! Damn right it is. And I also don't drive against traffic at night on the interstate. Or walk alone in poor neighborhoods or try to pet the lions at the zoo.
Discrimination is a good thing, A little of it is necessary for survival.
Governments are instituted among men for the people's benefit. When governments flip and exist for the sole benefit of the governors it's usefulness to the people is wanting.
Bad government like a bad marriage is no government.
A Natural law marriage can only be between a man and a woman. The law is in place to encourage humans to reproduce.
We abort 50,000,000 US citizens since passage of R v W and government seeks to replace these natural aborted citizens with poorly educated immigrants from Mexico.
Let me see replace an abortee who would be indoctrinated into our culture by local society with its mores and tradions and schooling with an immigrant with no commonality with our culture. Well, that makes perfect sense if you are sucking more carbon dioxide than you are blowing off.
Are all our Senators and Congressmen stupid? Which begs the question? What?
Yes, Virginia, raising a child is costly, but pales in comparison to the problems of the clash of cultures which we will surely see more of in the future with Europe's experiment in Islamification, and our own flirtation with it to a lesser extent.
In summation, common sense is out the window, when an elderly Southern food show host is raked over the bar-b-que coals and publicly tortured over a word spoken 3 decades ago, and children are sent home from school and expelled for playful mimicry of guns by hand signs or a pastry, and all hope of its recovery is lost.
All loss of reason must be laid at the feet of global warming and the rise of CO2!
Clearly our minds are dulled by the elevated levels of carbon dioxide and mankind is befuddled by a CO2 narcosis!
Civilization will fail as surely as night follows the day, .....or does day follow night.
Now where did I put my car keys?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
Founded by Jackson Delano Maybolt PhD in 1988, this organization has helped many urban poor tell their stories and improve their lives. Based out of Cedar Grove, TN, the UPLC is quickly becoming a national leader in poverty law and research.New visitors are encouraged to go back to the earliest postings to get the full flavor of our important mission. You will be entertained or you are not thinking right.......www.urbanpovertylawcenter.org.......www.southernpoetrylawcenter.org
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Edwardo Snowden, Patriot Or Scoundrel? The Jury Is Still Out
A National Security Administration spook with a high level security clearance defects to Hong Kong with four lap top computers filled with secrets which could be damaging to our governments ability to spy on foreign governments and its own citizens. The amendment which guarantees US citizens the right to privacy has been pulverized by the spies at the NSA. My cell phone is my personal property and my conversations with my friends and my family and business associates are private, or should be.
If the public airwaves for my cell communications are in the public domain, and if NSA has recordings of my communications, then what right does the government have to keep secret its communications which utilize these same public airwaves?
Does the 5th admendment to the constitution secure my private property rights as it relates to phone and internet communications? I wonder. Is NSA and its cell phone and computer survellience program an infringement on these rights? Who knows?
Does the NSA have the communications recorded during the Benghazi tragedy among the State Department, the White House, and the Department of Defense? I will seek this information via a freedom of information request. Should be pretty interesting reading if it is not all redacted and I suspect it will read something like this:
SOS Clinton: "Mr President, our consulate in Libya has been BLACK OUT next 17 lines..."
POTUS: "Let me get with BLACK OUT next 5 lines....OK"
SOD Panetta: "We can't just fly in and BLACK OUT next 23 lines......Good night."
SOS Clinton: "I got a party to attend tonight with Huma and I still have to do my hair and my nails
these crises are never at a convenient time. BLACK OUT next 48 lines...."do you think
I'm sexy"....BLACKED OUT next 13 lines.
Now this is where Mr. Snowden comes in. I believe he has the entire transcripts and can release it if he desires, so you see, what we have here is a Mexican Standoff of sorts. Mr. Snowden is holding all the NSA cards and has the goods on the Smellie Ones in Washington, DC. He has the power to air the dirty laundry for any number of scandals which have surrounded this administration.
Never have so few done so much so quickly and so incompetently as have the Obama cabal with its washed up 1970's weathermen advisory board and of course "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."
And where is the congress? NSA has your conversations recorded and ready to use against any critics. Oversight, yeah, will say that was an oversight. This NSA monster is eating congress. FBI files are nothing to the copies of the phone sex and foul language the NSA has stored up on our political class.
Congress needs to grow a pair and put a stop to this. We must admit that none of us is perfect except for ourselves and then move to fix this problem. NSA needs more oversight and strict guidelines for its operations both domestic and abroad.
Edwardo Snowden is not the problem, he is the product of the problem and may be catalyst to the solution. For now I believe his intentions are good, but as they say, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
If the public airwaves for my cell communications are in the public domain, and if NSA has recordings of my communications, then what right does the government have to keep secret its communications which utilize these same public airwaves?
Does the 5th admendment to the constitution secure my private property rights as it relates to phone and internet communications? I wonder. Is NSA and its cell phone and computer survellience program an infringement on these rights? Who knows?
Does the NSA have the communications recorded during the Benghazi tragedy among the State Department, the White House, and the Department of Defense? I will seek this information via a freedom of information request. Should be pretty interesting reading if it is not all redacted and I suspect it will read something like this:
SOS Clinton: "Mr President, our consulate in Libya has been BLACK OUT next 17 lines..."
POTUS: "Let me get with BLACK OUT next 5 lines....OK"
SOD Panetta: "We can't just fly in and BLACK OUT next 23 lines......Good night."
SOS Clinton: "I got a party to attend tonight with Huma and I still have to do my hair and my nails
these crises are never at a convenient time. BLACK OUT next 48 lines...."do you think
I'm sexy"....BLACKED OUT next 13 lines.
Now this is where Mr. Snowden comes in. I believe he has the entire transcripts and can release it if he desires, so you see, what we have here is a Mexican Standoff of sorts. Mr. Snowden is holding all the NSA cards and has the goods on the Smellie Ones in Washington, DC. He has the power to air the dirty laundry for any number of scandals which have surrounded this administration.
Never have so few done so much so quickly and so incompetently as have the Obama cabal with its washed up 1970's weathermen advisory board and of course "you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."
And where is the congress? NSA has your conversations recorded and ready to use against any critics. Oversight, yeah, will say that was an oversight. This NSA monster is eating congress. FBI files are nothing to the copies of the phone sex and foul language the NSA has stored up on our political class.
Congress needs to grow a pair and put a stop to this. We must admit that none of us is perfect except for ourselves and then move to fix this problem. NSA needs more oversight and strict guidelines for its operations both domestic and abroad.
Edwardo Snowden is not the problem, he is the product of the problem and may be catalyst to the solution. For now I believe his intentions are good, but as they say, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center Shut Down Over Concerns, Or What A Difference A Goat Makes?
Dear Reader.
I am pinning this, sadly my last posting as the President of the Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center.
I have been terminated by my masters. I am under bond not to reveal these masters who have decided to shut my creative outlet down. I know some of my followers will know instantly who and what has done this to me.
I do not want anybody to jump to aNy concluSions About what hapPened yesteRday when the fbI Served Me notice I could no longer use the internet for my "unAmerican writings."
Rest assured I will not take this lying down. The boys from FEMA say I will have to work in their forced labor camp in Ohio. When I asked about my rights under the constitution these agents replied,
"that's so 18th century!"
They went on to tell me I forfeited my rights when I had sexual relations with that goat. And they had pictures but I swear those were photo-shoped. I am innocent. REALLY!
"I did not have sexual relations with that goat, Ms Lewinsky!" In case she reads this.
I pinned this rapidly from my i-phone before they take that away.
For those of you who read these pages and were amused, I thank you. For those of you who read these pages and were offended, I thank you. For those of you who read these pages and were neither amused nor offended, get counseling.
As it turns out Freedom isn't free.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Political Prisoner, Past President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
PS: I have just seen Edward Snowden, the alleged leaker for the NSA surveillance program speaking to a Guardian reporter. This man has sacrificed everything for the truth and a chance for freedom. His description of the government as filled with "architects of oppression" is chilling.
As my last act I extend him amnesty and will give him the key to the city of Cedar Grove. jdm
I remember "Catch 22" where Yoserian is in a bomber and over the radio is asked to "help him!"
It is only at the end of the movie that we learn that the person Yoserian is to help is "Snowden!"
Yoserian rolls Snowden over and his guts, all mangled, spill out and he dies.
I think that is a coincidence. jdm
I am pinning this, sadly my last posting as the President of the Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center.
I have been terminated by my masters. I am under bond not to reveal these masters who have decided to shut my creative outlet down. I know some of my followers will know instantly who and what has done this to me.
I do not want anybody to jump to aNy concluSions About what hapPened yesteRday when the fbI Served Me notice I could no longer use the internet for my "unAmerican writings."
Rest assured I will not take this lying down. The boys from FEMA say I will have to work in their forced labor camp in Ohio. When I asked about my rights under the constitution these agents replied,
"that's so 18th century!"
They went on to tell me I forfeited my rights when I had sexual relations with that goat. And they had pictures but I swear those were photo-shoped. I am innocent. REALLY!
"I did not have sexual relations with that goat, Ms Lewinsky!" In case she reads this.
I pinned this rapidly from my i-phone before they take that away.
For those of you who read these pages and were amused, I thank you. For those of you who read these pages and were offended, I thank you. For those of you who read these pages and were neither amused nor offended, get counseling.
As it turns out Freedom isn't free.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, Political Prisoner, Past President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
PS: I have just seen Edward Snowden, the alleged leaker for the NSA surveillance program speaking to a Guardian reporter. This man has sacrificed everything for the truth and a chance for freedom. His description of the government as filled with "architects of oppression" is chilling.
As my last act I extend him amnesty and will give him the key to the city of Cedar Grove. jdm
I remember "Catch 22" where Yoserian is in a bomber and over the radio is asked to "help him!"
It is only at the end of the movie that we learn that the person Yoserian is to help is "Snowden!"
Yoserian rolls Snowden over and his guts, all mangled, spill out and he dies.
I think that is a coincidence. jdm
Thursday, June 6, 2013
The Obama Administration Has A Problem: A Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center Exclusive Report
If you keep up with politics like I do you already know our President, Barack Hussein Obama, has a huge problem. I know what you are thinking, but it is not about spying on journalists, or illegally denying conservatives the civil right to assemble and protest against a government which they believe is out of control, and not even about the four lives sacrificed in Benghazi so that "Dear Leader" could hold on to power and rule in his banana republic fashion a little longer.
No, it is an unemployment problem that is out of control. He is working feverishly to correct this by expanding the government and hire a bajillion new unskilled workers to mine phone calls from Verizon customers which number in the gazillions each year. What they are looking for is anybody's guess.
I suppose they might be looking for key words such as "tea party", or "patriot" or "Bill of Rights" so they can target these miscreants for a closer look by the IRS, the FBI, and the EPA, and OSHA if the need calls for it.
Here is how it works.
Let's say I call my pal, Doug from Colorado and in our conversation I use any of the forbidden words. The NSA Snoop in Utah, Mohamed Alhaseed, new hire, for $17 an hour plus benefits, records my ill chosen words and sends a report up to his supervisor, "Snoop Doggy Jones", another new hire, for $27an hour plus benefits who is located in Detroit.
Snoop Doggy looks the transcript over and cross references the calls from Tennessee to Colorado, both potentially troubling hot spots, aka "Red States" and passes the information to Washington, DC where Malinda Rodriquez, a second generation illegal immigrant, making $38 per hour plus benefits reviews both reports from Mohamed and Snoop Doggy, and decides this needs a closer look.
She sends her report and the other two to her supervisor in the White House, Valarie Jarrett, who makes $117 per hour plus full benefits, and she calls Eric Holder, the US attorney General, who makes $157 per hour plus benefits, who then calls President Obama, who makes $400,000 a year plus benefits, who passes these reports to both the FBI and Janet Napoletano, the director of the Department of Homeland Security, who both make $170 per hour.
The FBI investigates me and Doug and decide to send the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms over for a little look. Janet, decides she needs more information and asks the IRS to pull up our tax records and to also to pay a little visit.
They learn in the on site visit we have cattle and this gets the EPA involved. Meanwhile Doug and I hire lawyers who charge $250 per hour and try to defend ourselves against innocent remarks over our Verizon phone lines.
And the biggest kicker of all is that we paid for all of it with our tax monies.
God save the republic or destroy it which ever is in our best interest!
I will leave that in God's capable Hands.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
No, it is an unemployment problem that is out of control. He is working feverishly to correct this by expanding the government and hire a bajillion new unskilled workers to mine phone calls from Verizon customers which number in the gazillions each year. What they are looking for is anybody's guess.
I suppose they might be looking for key words such as "tea party", or "patriot" or "Bill of Rights" so they can target these miscreants for a closer look by the IRS, the FBI, and the EPA, and OSHA if the need calls for it.
Here is how it works.
Let's say I call my pal, Doug from Colorado and in our conversation I use any of the forbidden words. The NSA Snoop in Utah, Mohamed Alhaseed, new hire, for $17 an hour plus benefits, records my ill chosen words and sends a report up to his supervisor, "Snoop Doggy Jones", another new hire, for $27an hour plus benefits who is located in Detroit.
Snoop Doggy looks the transcript over and cross references the calls from Tennessee to Colorado, both potentially troubling hot spots, aka "Red States" and passes the information to Washington, DC where Malinda Rodriquez, a second generation illegal immigrant, making $38 per hour plus benefits reviews both reports from Mohamed and Snoop Doggy, and decides this needs a closer look.
She sends her report and the other two to her supervisor in the White House, Valarie Jarrett, who makes $117 per hour plus full benefits, and she calls Eric Holder, the US attorney General, who makes $157 per hour plus benefits, who then calls President Obama, who makes $400,000 a year plus benefits, who passes these reports to both the FBI and Janet Napoletano, the director of the Department of Homeland Security, who both make $170 per hour.
The FBI investigates me and Doug and decide to send the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms over for a little look. Janet, decides she needs more information and asks the IRS to pull up our tax records and to also to pay a little visit.
They learn in the on site visit we have cattle and this gets the EPA involved. Meanwhile Doug and I hire lawyers who charge $250 per hour and try to defend ourselves against innocent remarks over our Verizon phone lines.
And the biggest kicker of all is that we paid for all of it with our tax monies.
God save the republic or destroy it which ever is in our best interest!
I will leave that in God's capable Hands.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Progressive Urban Poverty Law Center
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