Saturday, December 29, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Year Ending Post: Warning Graphic Content!

The year 2012 was over all a huge disappointment for me.  Sure, I am one year older and deeper in our collective debt owed the bankers at the Federal Reserve Banks, and I seriously doubt they will ever see any of the money they have graciously sent down the "rathole" our esteemed leaders chose.

Now that others have stopped buying our treasuries, the bankers have stepped up to the plate and have been writing US blank checks with no strings attached.  Their efforts will probably be inflationary in the long run and no amount of taxation will ever catch and pass the deficit.  Only when the US currency ceases to be the world's reserve currency will we reap what we have sewn.  That day is coming.

I will recommend a tiny fraction of your savings in real estate and gold and silver.  Bonds and stocks are dependent upon others in distant places being honest, and right now they have not kept true to that.  Spending money before it is worthless is another option if you really need what you are buying.

Most thinking Americans have already stocked up on guns and ammunition.  I saw the problem when Bill Clinton and Al Gore first burst on the scene in the early 1990's.  I had five children then, four of them males and I bought guns like I was buying for their grandchildren.  Ammunition too.

After the "dot com bubble" relieved me of half my retirement account in 2000, I swore off stocks as I believed I was the rube and they were the carnival barkers.  My assessment was correct.

President Obama was the only one who was possibly more surprised by his reelection and perhaps more disappointed than I.  He seems like a caged animal.  He has truly made a pact with the devil.  Never has one appeared more ill at ease than his excellency, Barack Hussein Obama, in his current position.  It is not a good fit for him as leader or us as the electors.  I do believe he is trying his best, but his vision of America and for America is slanted by foreign influences and Native African genetics and ways which were hammered out on the savannah over millions of years where survival was winning, and the niceties were only dreams.  Where are the African millionaires?  Where are the public sewer and water systems?  Where is the rule of law?   Jungle law and tea parties do not mix.  

Hillary Clinton is famous for what it takes to raise a child.   "It takes a village" was her quip, quoting from a wise African saying.  Jack Maybolt would add to that adage: "It takes a village with a public water and sewer system as well as a strong rule of law which protects private property and basic God given freedoms."

After Benghazi, Hillary Clinton has gotten the flu, fallen and cannot get up long enough to visit the house oversight committee which is investigating this travesty of foreign policy and has possibly gotten enough plastic surgery and liposuction to make a run for the presidency in 2016 though she will be an even more sluggish 72 years young for the campaign.   To quote one of my great and gifted friends, "she has waited far too late in life to build an empire!"  She is set to resign early next year, when Senator John Kerry will try his hand at Secretary of State.  He is a goon with a billionaire wife and a $7,500,000 yacht parked in Rhode Island to avoid Boston's yacht taxes with a pedigree more suited to a common kennel cur than a serious world diplomate.  He only avoids about a half a million in sales taxes by keeping it in Rhode Island.  What some people will do to avoid paying a fair share. 

That money, half a million dollars would keep the Obamas living the life for only about 22 minutes since we spend about $31,500,000 a day catering to his every whim.  Last year tax payers paid 1.2 billion dollars to maintain appearances in his honor.  I wonder if he could get by on a third less?  Say 20 million dollars a day.
The world wonders.  How much caviar is enough? 

Contrast what a regal bargain the Brits get as the entire royal family in Great Britian only costs their subjects  86 million dollars a year, an even smaller sounding 58 million pounds if you are inclined to change the money.

Seems we could save billions if we apologized to the Brits and became loyal subjects again and disbanded our dysfunctional government.  They already have a national health care system in place.  I see no need to reinvent the wheel as it is already spinning quite well over there.  I think we should bring it up for a vote.

Kerry's tenure is sure to make Hillary's look proficient by comparison.  Why the long face, John Kerry?

No year end treatise would be complete in America without comment on the fiscal cliff.  Big deal!  All about bread and circuses.  Bush's tax cuts will be kept for the majority of Americans again for another year as another American financial time bomb explodes the economy, Obamacare.  It will be too unwieldy to administer and the GSA will be pulling TSA agents away from the pornographic images at the airports to help oversee the reams and reams of healthcare regulations.

In the meantime our elders get pushed over the cliff without medicare as a safety net.

Finally, all is not without hope.  There might be an asteroid hurtling towards Washington D.C. and we might be spared our humiliation.  Or not.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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