One swallow does not a summer make.
The calls from our national leadership for gun control seems fishy at a time when our society is on the brink of completely falling off the fiscal cliff and is already speeding down the immoral trail of turpitude and decadence. Soon only those capable of defending themselves and their families along with any private property the takers in government allow them to keep will be the armed and dangerous.
A quick review of recent history is replete with stories of how the unarmed populace fares vs those in power who have all the guns. Ask the gypsys, the bolsheviks, and the Jews about their experience during world war II. As Americans if we allow this pipsqueak of a troubled boy to disarm 330,000,000 of our countrymen, with his psychotic out burst that killed 26 in Conneticut, then we may as well shoot ourselves in the head. More will die after gun control in America at the end of a barrel that otherwise would have. Thousands more.
The liberal progressives in power know armed Americans are harder to fleece. Our guns grant us parity against tyrrany. Alan Lanza did not go into a police station to act out. He purposefully chose a gun free zone where noone would be shooting back. A school, as long as it is a gun free zone will remain a great target of opportunity for all the Alan Lanza's of the world who would wish to cause turmoil and unnecessary grief for dozens of our citizens.
Is there an alternative to gun control which would keep another school house massacre from happening?
Alan Lanza has pointed out a great weakness in our homeland security. Why was Alan, not say a Mohammed, or Abdullah? Only by luck of timing. The others have plans.
Our intelligence officers have reported that the terrorist have chosen schools in America in which to act upon, especially the ones with younger students who can not be expected to fight back with any success.
Maybe it is time to prepare for these sorts of attacks, instead of waiting and hoping none will materialize.
Armed and trained teachers would be a good start like they have in Israel. Of course it must be up to the local school boards to decide if they wish to have protection like this, but it makes sense. An armed population is a polite population. Hire a school police force with arms and have these former military men and women ready for the attack which will surely come.
Washington will try to parlay this tragedy into some kind of gun control legislation, but our founding documents and our families require clearer heads must prevail.
The people who would rob you of your life and property respect guns when they are pointed their way. Without weaponry our enemies laugh at us. It is the same with a strong national defense. The strong horse is admired, the weak one is mocked.
President Obama and his gun running attorney general, Eric Holder, want to make all Americans weak horses as they try to disarm our countrymen.
When you take the "gun" out of "gun control", all that is left is "control" and that is their object.
The only effective means of controlling one gun is with another gun.
Good will only prevail over evil if they are on a level playing field and good has a good day.
Come out fighting and may the best weapon win.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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