Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's All About Health Care: Urban Poverty Law Center

In 2013, the new Obamacare law will take effect and somewhere burried in the 2300 pages of script it is written that medical expenses must be greater than 10% of the adjusted gross income, fully 3% more than this years 7% threshold to qualify for deductability.

I called my doctor and he has agreed to write in his healthcare plan for me that for the good of my health that I do the following things:

1:  That I live in a house with heat and air conditioning with a good roof complete with safe appliances that would not be likely to burst into flames and injure my health.

2:  That I only eat the best of foods to preserve my good health and that I eat at least three meals per day.

3:  That I only travel in the safest of vehicles in my day to day living and keep the tank full of the finest fuels, ride on the safest tires and keep it maintained in tip top shape so as not to have any breakdowns which could be hazardous to my health.

4.  That I take my family and myself on a vacation twice yearly to the finest resort for my mental health and that of my family.

5.  That I keep my insurance up on my health and my property so I do not have to worry about storm damage and keep my stomach ulcers in check.

6.  That I keep my wife happy with gifts of jewlery and all nice things so she will feel happy to cook me healthy meals and keep her in a nice and safe car for both her and my health.

7.  Any money given to the children for maintaining their health is also for my health for a parent can never stop worrying about the welfare of a child, no matter the age.

8.  That my entertainment expenses are also for my mental health so cable, movies, and theater are all now for my health.

9.  That my donations to my wife's church are for our spiritual health.

10.  That any monies left over after the above expenses for my health can and should be fully taxed at the going rate.

11.  Any purchases of firearms and ammunition is for health maintenance, and this is retroactive.

I can already deduct the medications and the dentist's visits and all those trips to the doctor's office. 

I believe I am gonna love this new Obamacare law afterall!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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