Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Why Can't Johnny Read But He Can Kill?

Inundated by the horrible events in a sleepy Conneticut village, I am curious about all the pundits and their written and spoken hand wringing about Lanza's crime and motives.

Killing man on man, has been around since the second generation of mankind was banished from the garden of Eden, some 6,000 years ago give or take a few million years.  Recall Cain on Abel.  Did our early ancestry ban clubs after that horrific crime?  Adam was quoted in the Biblical Times when asked: "Clubs do not kill people, people kill people."   Not many people know the original source of that one.

Murder and slaughter are not new to mankind.  It has been taking place all over the world for thousands of years and at levels past which would cause todays pundit's heads to explode.  I believe I have addressed this in a prior enlightened treatice, but since I am old, I may repeat myself even if it means I will have to change my depends adult diaper from a minor soiling or wetting of said product.

When I was a young boy I was cursed with a tender heart.  When our cat would bring a mouse up to the house as a gift, still alive, I would struggle to save the doomed little furry creature.  My father watched with bemusement and told me the laws of nature were against my intervening.  The cat after all would go get another mouse to eat if I saved this one.

Man has a nature about him as well and killing is in it.  This we cannot deny, for to do so would be pure folly.  We are constantly or should be on guard.  We avoid certain sections of our cities where crime and criminals are known to thrive.  Even the anti-gun punditry class of liberal lunk-heads would not be caught dead on the Southside of Chicago after dark with some of the strictest gun control laws in the land in the city that Rahm rules!

So you see, gun controls are clearly not the answer.  The nature of man will never change.  We are killers.
Most of us were brought up by parents and in churches that taught us the commandments from God.  One down the list a way is "Thou shalt not kill."  But because of space considerations in one of the versions of the Bible, I am told on good authority the original tenent was "Thou shalt not kill or be killed!"  This by our nature allows us the will to survive and to fight and use what ever means necessary and we will pull the trigger to protect ourselves and our families and at times other innocents.

Finally, there are always going to be runaways and nuts who kill for reasons we will never understand.  Set points for survival are different from person to person.  Where most people would feel threatened by the people out on the street in Chicago on the Southside after midnight, only a very small fraction would feel threatened by the typical 1st grade class in a small Conneticut village.  Mr. Lanza's kill centers were set way too low.  He is the exception, thank God, and not the rule.

We as a people and a society must not over react to exceptions and any serious talk about gun control over this tragic event is unwarranted and unwise.   Man has been man for as long as man has been man and nothing will change the way we are.

There are always a few nuts in the Christmas candies, but you do not throw out the whole box because of it.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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