As the titular head of the world's only prestigious Urban Poverty Law Center, established in 1987 on a shoe string budget, which is wholly financed through my own great beneficence, taking no private contributions, yet, and not cowing to any political party, I have held my comments on the most recent unpleasantness which occurred on November 6, 2012.
Readers of my tomes know I am not nor have I been a great Mitt Romney fan, but like many conservatives, who after the contentious 2 year primary fight, we suffered a sort of Stockholm syndrome and had to like this liberal republican who is an accomplished businessman, a fine father, and husband, and who may have been too clean to be president.
I believe Romney, had he won this election, was feared by the entrenched who pull the strings and make the world go round and round in the hallowed halls of big government. How could they be sure he might not expose the corrupt nature of this enterprise which makes millionaires of and compromises all who come to serve, and more importantly begun the steps necessary to purge the corruption.
In an interview with Phil Donahue in 1979, Milton Friedman asked Phil where he was going to find these angels necessary to serve in government. He used this in his argument for free market capitalism as a better economic model than socialism which depends on angels to make it work.
Dr. Milton Friedman knew it was easy for man to enrich himself at the expense of his neighbors. Socialism makes it easy to shift the domestic products to the top. One for you, two for me, two for you, three for me, three for you, and the rest for me, that's all you get.
Romney's loss is a blow to the conservatives who occupy the red states and counties which surround the smaller enclaves of blue city-state socialism. The free market principles so sacred to the red staters are poison to the blue staters. In blue city states such as Detroit, 4/5 of the viable businesses and almost all of the industry has fled leaving only those to poor or uneducated to leave for greener pastures. The forced redistribution of wealth from citizens with to those in the decaying infrastructure is the only lifeline it has open.
When the excesses of government regulations finally takes it toll and the last business closes its doors and moves from Detroit to Smyrna, Tennessee or to some little village in Mexico the shocking result to the landscape is not too different from what Berlin looked like after our declaration of war against Nazi Germany. The difference is government regulators destroyed Detroit as surely as Eisenhower's army helped in the destruction of Berlin, but the will to rebuild Detroit, which would seem to be in our country's best interest is oddly missing. Is it racism? Is it corporate racism? Is it government regulation without checks and balances? It is probably equal parts of the above.
In the years immediately after the Civil War, large numbers of newly freed slaves, migrated to the large industrialized North to find work. A few stayed on in the South to continue working on the farms. In the 30's and 40's and later, with the mechanization of farming, those blacks who stayed on in the South again migrated North to the industrial jobs. Now that these jobs are no longer available, and the jobs have not migrated to an area of this country, so it is no longer possible for large segments of our population to migrate to a better life.
Mitt Romney lost because he was not viewed by the inner city underclass as one who would be sympathetic to their plight. The Obama organization spent close to a billion dollars in advertisements to get that portrait out there to besmirch Romney and thusly, the vast cotton less plantations of our inner cities were a lock for Barack Obama's reelection. He, as you know, understands and empathizes with the poor.
Mitt Romney's policies would give the poor a chance to work. Free money v work? I vote for free money over work any day! Barack Obama's policies will keep the poor idle, free to talk on their Obama phones and swap government cheese recipes, between naps and parties. Work? It is a four letter word!
The residents of Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit, and hundreds of thousands of the underclass voted for free stuff. Problem is it was a vote for poverty and against freedom.
Now that the government has destroyed the industrialized North, it can redouble its efforts and focus on those areas in the red states to bring fairness and poverty to all that it governs.
Friedman also responded in his interview with Phil Donahue in 1979, that the individual could not do anything to fight inflation, that it was solely the result of government printing and spending too much money. His recommendation was for the individual to "live high" and buy nice stuff and consume and though he did not state it as emphatically as I have, I believe he means to spend it before it is worthless.
What good is it to save a dollar today which will be worth only 50 cents tomorrow?
Yes, Obama won reelection. And all I got was this free tee shirt.
Well, it is a start.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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