Saturday, December 29, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Year Ending Post: Warning Graphic Content!

The year 2012 was over all a huge disappointment for me.  Sure, I am one year older and deeper in our collective debt owed the bankers at the Federal Reserve Banks, and I seriously doubt they will ever see any of the money they have graciously sent down the "rathole" our esteemed leaders chose.

Now that others have stopped buying our treasuries, the bankers have stepped up to the plate and have been writing US blank checks with no strings attached.  Their efforts will probably be inflationary in the long run and no amount of taxation will ever catch and pass the deficit.  Only when the US currency ceases to be the world's reserve currency will we reap what we have sewn.  That day is coming.

I will recommend a tiny fraction of your savings in real estate and gold and silver.  Bonds and stocks are dependent upon others in distant places being honest, and right now they have not kept true to that.  Spending money before it is worthless is another option if you really need what you are buying.

Most thinking Americans have already stocked up on guns and ammunition.  I saw the problem when Bill Clinton and Al Gore first burst on the scene in the early 1990's.  I had five children then, four of them males and I bought guns like I was buying for their grandchildren.  Ammunition too.

After the "dot com bubble" relieved me of half my retirement account in 2000, I swore off stocks as I believed I was the rube and they were the carnival barkers.  My assessment was correct.

President Obama was the only one who was possibly more surprised by his reelection and perhaps more disappointed than I.  He seems like a caged animal.  He has truly made a pact with the devil.  Never has one appeared more ill at ease than his excellency, Barack Hussein Obama, in his current position.  It is not a good fit for him as leader or us as the electors.  I do believe he is trying his best, but his vision of America and for America is slanted by foreign influences and Native African genetics and ways which were hammered out on the savannah over millions of years where survival was winning, and the niceties were only dreams.  Where are the African millionaires?  Where are the public sewer and water systems?  Where is the rule of law?   Jungle law and tea parties do not mix.  

Hillary Clinton is famous for what it takes to raise a child.   "It takes a village" was her quip, quoting from a wise African saying.  Jack Maybolt would add to that adage: "It takes a village with a public water and sewer system as well as a strong rule of law which protects private property and basic God given freedoms."

After Benghazi, Hillary Clinton has gotten the flu, fallen and cannot get up long enough to visit the house oversight committee which is investigating this travesty of foreign policy and has possibly gotten enough plastic surgery and liposuction to make a run for the presidency in 2016 though she will be an even more sluggish 72 years young for the campaign.   To quote one of my great and gifted friends, "she has waited far too late in life to build an empire!"  She is set to resign early next year, when Senator John Kerry will try his hand at Secretary of State.  He is a goon with a billionaire wife and a $7,500,000 yacht parked in Rhode Island to avoid Boston's yacht taxes with a pedigree more suited to a common kennel cur than a serious world diplomate.  He only avoids about a half a million in sales taxes by keeping it in Rhode Island.  What some people will do to avoid paying a fair share. 

That money, half a million dollars would keep the Obamas living the life for only about 22 minutes since we spend about $31,500,000 a day catering to his every whim.  Last year tax payers paid 1.2 billion dollars to maintain appearances in his honor.  I wonder if he could get by on a third less?  Say 20 million dollars a day.
The world wonders.  How much caviar is enough? 

Contrast what a regal bargain the Brits get as the entire royal family in Great Britian only costs their subjects  86 million dollars a year, an even smaller sounding 58 million pounds if you are inclined to change the money.

Seems we could save billions if we apologized to the Brits and became loyal subjects again and disbanded our dysfunctional government.  They already have a national health care system in place.  I see no need to reinvent the wheel as it is already spinning quite well over there.  I think we should bring it up for a vote.

Kerry's tenure is sure to make Hillary's look proficient by comparison.  Why the long face, John Kerry?

No year end treatise would be complete in America without comment on the fiscal cliff.  Big deal!  All about bread and circuses.  Bush's tax cuts will be kept for the majority of Americans again for another year as another American financial time bomb explodes the economy, Obamacare.  It will be too unwieldy to administer and the GSA will be pulling TSA agents away from the pornographic images at the airports to help oversee the reams and reams of healthcare regulations.

In the meantime our elders get pushed over the cliff without medicare as a safety net.

Finally, all is not without hope.  There might be an asteroid hurtling towards Washington D.C. and we might be spared our humiliation.  Or not.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Why Can't Johnny Read But He Can Kill?

Inundated by the horrible events in a sleepy Conneticut village, I am curious about all the pundits and their written and spoken hand wringing about Lanza's crime and motives.

Killing man on man, has been around since the second generation of mankind was banished from the garden of Eden, some 6,000 years ago give or take a few million years.  Recall Cain on Abel.  Did our early ancestry ban clubs after that horrific crime?  Adam was quoted in the Biblical Times when asked: "Clubs do not kill people, people kill people."   Not many people know the original source of that one.

Murder and slaughter are not new to mankind.  It has been taking place all over the world for thousands of years and at levels past which would cause todays pundit's heads to explode.  I believe I have addressed this in a prior enlightened treatice, but since I am old, I may repeat myself even if it means I will have to change my depends adult diaper from a minor soiling or wetting of said product.

When I was a young boy I was cursed with a tender heart.  When our cat would bring a mouse up to the house as a gift, still alive, I would struggle to save the doomed little furry creature.  My father watched with bemusement and told me the laws of nature were against my intervening.  The cat after all would go get another mouse to eat if I saved this one.

Man has a nature about him as well and killing is in it.  This we cannot deny, for to do so would be pure folly.  We are constantly or should be on guard.  We avoid certain sections of our cities where crime and criminals are known to thrive.  Even the anti-gun punditry class of liberal lunk-heads would not be caught dead on the Southside of Chicago after dark with some of the strictest gun control laws in the land in the city that Rahm rules!

So you see, gun controls are clearly not the answer.  The nature of man will never change.  We are killers.
Most of us were brought up by parents and in churches that taught us the commandments from God.  One down the list a way is "Thou shalt not kill."  But because of space considerations in one of the versions of the Bible, I am told on good authority the original tenent was "Thou shalt not kill or be killed!"  This by our nature allows us the will to survive and to fight and use what ever means necessary and we will pull the trigger to protect ourselves and our families and at times other innocents.

Finally, there are always going to be runaways and nuts who kill for reasons we will never understand.  Set points for survival are different from person to person.  Where most people would feel threatened by the people out on the street in Chicago on the Southside after midnight, only a very small fraction would feel threatened by the typical 1st grade class in a small Conneticut village.  Mr. Lanza's kill centers were set way too low.  He is the exception, thank God, and not the rule.

We as a people and a society must not over react to exceptions and any serious talk about gun control over this tragic event is unwarranted and unwise.   Man has been man for as long as man has been man and nothing will change the way we are.

There are always a few nuts in the Christmas candies, but you do not throw out the whole box because of it.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Takes Aim At School Massacre

One swallow does not a summer make. 

The calls from our national leadership for gun control seems fishy at a time when our society is on the brink of completely falling off the fiscal cliff and is already speeding down the immoral trail of turpitude and decadence.  Soon only those capable of defending themselves and their families along with any private property the takers in government allow them to keep will be the armed and dangerous. 

A quick review of recent history is replete with stories of how the unarmed populace fares vs those in power who have all the guns.  Ask the gypsys, the bolsheviks, and the Jews about their experience during world war II.  As Americans if we allow this pipsqueak of a troubled boy to disarm 330,000,000 of our countrymen, with his psychotic out burst that killed 26 in Conneticut, then we may as well shoot ourselves in the head.  More will die after gun control in America at the end of a barrel that otherwise would have.  Thousands more.

The liberal progressives in power know armed Americans are harder to fleece.  Our guns grant us parity against tyrrany.  Alan Lanza did not go into a police station to act out.  He purposefully chose a gun free zone where noone would be shooting back.  A school, as long as it is a gun free zone will remain a great target of opportunity for all the Alan Lanza's of the world who would wish to cause turmoil and unnecessary grief for dozens of our citizens.

Is there an alternative to gun control which would keep another school house massacre from happening?
Alan Lanza has pointed out a great weakness in our homeland security.  Why was Alan, not say a Mohammed, or Abdullah?  Only by luck of timing.  The others have plans.

Our intelligence officers have reported that the terrorist have chosen schools in America in which to act upon, especially the ones with younger students who can not be expected to fight back with any success. 
Maybe it is time to prepare for these sorts of attacks, instead of waiting and hoping none will materialize.

Armed and trained teachers would be a good start like they have in Israel.  Of course it must be up to the local school boards to decide if they wish to have protection like this, but it makes sense.  An armed population is a polite population.  Hire a school police force with arms and have these former military men and women ready for the attack which will surely come. 

Washington will try to parlay this tragedy into some kind of gun control legislation, but our founding documents and our families require clearer heads must prevail. 

The people who would rob you of your life and property respect guns when they are pointed their way.  Without weaponry our enemies laugh at us.  It is the same with a strong national defense.  The strong horse is admired, the weak one is mocked.

President Obama and his gun running attorney general, Eric Holder, want to make all Americans weak horses as they try to disarm our countrymen. 

When you take the "gun" out of "gun control", all that is left is "control" and that is their object.

The only effective means of controlling one gun is with another gun.

Good will only prevail over evil if they are on a level playing field and good has a good day.

Come out fighting and may the best weapon win.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, December 14, 2012

Where Are The Excuses For Benghazi: Obama Administration Serving Rice and Clinton (To The Wolves)

United Nations Ambassadorette Susan Rice, an American Negress, afforded all the privileges which go with that label, except the one which allows her to be unaccountable for her actions as our representative.  And this exception is troubling to some of our brothers and sisters on the left.

Recall it was Ambassador Rice who spewed the Benghazi vile you tube anti-Islamic video misinformation for a couple of weeks after the 9-11 inspired terrorist event to mislead the public and help save foreign policy face for the faultering Obama 2012 presidential campaign.  If Neil Young, that stupid low testosterone singer who rose up out of the primordial soup of decadence and self-indulgence of the 60's rock era were to take notice today, he might raise his testosterone challenged vocal cords to screech out the following verse:

"Four dead in Ben Gha zi
No word from Hill a ry
Four dead in Ben Gha zi
Where's Rice Testi Mon y

Four dead in Ben Gha zi
No word from Hill a ry
Four dead in Ben Gha zi
O bam A, where was he?

Four dead in Ben Gha zi
Four dead in Ben Gha zi"

Anyway, I am like Leonard Skynard when it comes to Old Neil Young, "We don't need him around, anyhow!"  And for that matter "Watergate, does not  bother me, Does your conscious bother you?"

And now Hillary Clinton the outgoing Secretary of State catches a stomach virus and stays out of a meeting in Tunisia.  Right.

Those who can think saw her reaction to the brutal torture and killing of Gadhaffi with her famous plagerism of Julius Caesars Gaulic War epic:  "We came, we saw, he died!"  followed by that delicious Hillary Clinton cackling even the chickens in my roost would covet and emulate if the egg was large enough.

I doubt you will see her back in the Middle East.  She is probably marked for mischief.   It is a dangerous place.  The whole world sees everything thanks to Marc Zuckerman and Steve Jobs, and that fellow who hides the Google Billions from the tax man.

And now Tarantino, the director has Jamie Foxx, that genius in race relations, killing all the whites in his latest film which demonizes slavery as it was depicted in the film.  Horrible.  I predect several impressionable youths will cap a whitey after seeing this film and the Honorable Tarantino and his star, Mr. Foxx should be tried as co-defendants in the trials.

Be sure to see "Django Unchained,"  but not in a mixed racial audience.

It could be worse than the Rodney King riots where only 47 died.

Susan Rice will rebound from this great fall.  I hear there is an opening at Fannie Mae and a half a billion dollars with her name on it!

We are doomed.

Four dead in Benghazi
Obama, where was he?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, Urban Poverty Law Center

Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's All About Health Care: Urban Poverty Law Center

In 2013, the new Obamacare law will take effect and somewhere burried in the 2300 pages of script it is written that medical expenses must be greater than 10% of the adjusted gross income, fully 3% more than this years 7% threshold to qualify for deductability.

I called my doctor and he has agreed to write in his healthcare plan for me that for the good of my health that I do the following things:

1:  That I live in a house with heat and air conditioning with a good roof complete with safe appliances that would not be likely to burst into flames and injure my health.

2:  That I only eat the best of foods to preserve my good health and that I eat at least three meals per day.

3:  That I only travel in the safest of vehicles in my day to day living and keep the tank full of the finest fuels, ride on the safest tires and keep it maintained in tip top shape so as not to have any breakdowns which could be hazardous to my health.

4.  That I take my family and myself on a vacation twice yearly to the finest resort for my mental health and that of my family.

5.  That I keep my insurance up on my health and my property so I do not have to worry about storm damage and keep my stomach ulcers in check.

6.  That I keep my wife happy with gifts of jewlery and all nice things so she will feel happy to cook me healthy meals and keep her in a nice and safe car for both her and my health.

7.  Any money given to the children for maintaining their health is also for my health for a parent can never stop worrying about the welfare of a child, no matter the age.

8.  That my entertainment expenses are also for my mental health so cable, movies, and theater are all now for my health.

9.  That my donations to my wife's church are for our spiritual health.

10.  That any monies left over after the above expenses for my health can and should be fully taxed at the going rate.

11.  Any purchases of firearms and ammunition is for health maintenance, and this is retroactive.

I can already deduct the medications and the dentist's visits and all those trips to the doctor's office. 

I believe I am gonna love this new Obamacare law afterall!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center