The Obama's spend idyllic hours on "The View" undergoing a grueling interrogation into the president's failed policies at home with his bumbling of the economy and the mess that is the middle east. His response?
"Eye Candy."
Which sent a nervous titter of laughter through the View's highly intelligent and politically diverse audience.
He was kidding, right?
His handlers quickly cancelled his top level meeting with Muslim Brother Egypt's M. Morsi so his snub of Israel's prime minister Ben N. would not seem as it was meant.
And the major media polling continues to prop up his numbers in an attempt to keep interest in this limp -wristed socialist campaign for reelection.
I ask my friends "Who do you think will win the election, Obama, or the American people?"
The Tea Party will be out, though not sold on Mitt Romney, they are definitely a solid vote against the Narcissistic Knuckle-headed Keynesian from Kenya, Hawaii.
Why has the media dropped the Tea Party? The Party has moved underground. Its members know who they are and through a series of winks, head nods, and hand signals they are more organized and stronger than ever.
Voting against President Obama will be a badge of honor.
America must be saved. Mitt Romney is not perfect but his election will change the destructive course followed by the Obama administration of extremists and constitution skirting Czars.
Nice try, Commie Bastards, the Tea Party is awake and will not go down without a struggle.
The pendulum has swung and it is decidedly against the democrats. Now if we can just have a fair election, the people's voice will be heard.
Who controls the count of the electronic voting machines?
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center