Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Eye Candy Anyone?

The Obama's spend idyllic hours on "The View" undergoing a grueling interrogation into the president's failed policies at home with his bumbling of the economy and the mess that is the middle east.  His response?

"Eye Candy."

Which sent a nervous titter of laughter through the View's highly intelligent and politically diverse audience.

He was kidding, right?

His handlers quickly cancelled his top level meeting with Muslim Brother Egypt's M. Morsi so his snub of Israel's prime minister Ben N. would not seem as it was meant.


And the major media polling continues to prop up his numbers in an attempt to keep interest in this limp -wristed socialist campaign for reelection.

I ask my friends "Who do you think will win the election, Obama, or the American people?"

The Tea Party will be out, though not sold on Mitt Romney, they are definitely a solid vote against the Narcissistic Knuckle-headed Keynesian from  Kenya, Hawaii.

Why has the media dropped the Tea Party?  The Party has moved underground.  Its members know who they are and through a series of winks, head nods, and hand signals they are more organized and stronger than ever.

Voting against President Obama will be a badge of honor.

America must be saved.  Mitt Romney is not perfect but his election will change the destructive course followed by the Obama administration of extremists and constitution skirting Czars.

Nice try, Commie Bastards, the Tea Party is awake and will not go down without a struggle.

The pendulum has swung and it is decidedly against the democrats.  Now if we can just have a fair election, the people's voice will be heard.

Who controls the count of the electronic voting machines?


Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, September 24, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center World In Review: Fall of 2012

Today's post will be short and to the point. It is monday and I know everyone who reads this tripe is busy.


Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Advice To Japan: Militarize Now!

The recent under reported riots in China against the Japanese where Toyota and Honda car dealerships are burning like crosses in the reconstruction South during Jim Crowe under the watchful eye of the greatest Civil War General, Nathan Bedford Forrest bodes ill winds blowing Japan's way.

From what I can gather, even in our news media black out on the subject, the Chinese have disputed ownership of a couple of islands in the Sea of Japan or the China Sea, depending upon your perspective. These islands are probably floating on a sea of oil and natural gas and the Chinese like these sorts of commodities and will even pay for them if they have too. However, for China, going to war for treasure and financial gain is the only reason to undertake this risk to treasure and life if you exclude putting down internal riots for democracy which rear up every two generations or so.

The timing of Chinese aggression is telling. America is lead by the girly-man administration of President Barack Obama and his She-Man Secretary of State, Hillary Roddam Clinton, whose policies have brought America's armed forces in line with our European Allies in NATO, where their weapons may as well be tipped in orange, like the children toys, because they have been issued no ammunition and before they can get permission to load up and fire when under threat of loss of life and limb, requires so much paperwork most US soldiers would rather shoot themselves than fall to the enemy without firing a single defensive, much less an offensive volley!

China knows America, Japan's ally, is a paper tiger and has no stomach for a battle. Chinese President Hu realizes Obama and Clinton have their hands full with the irritable Islamic goatherds of the middle east where the last century's problem, centering on seemingly limited oil supplies for the west is a hard reality to drop. Let me, a simple blogger with an IQ of about 136 send them a message.


Oh, Japan, if you have not already been building Zeros and tanks and nuclear weapon on missiles your best bet is to give the Chinese the islands in contention and then start your militarization in earnest. Hoping the that eunuch lead America can lend a hand or would risk a confrontation with the Giant Panda Bear, China, is delusional.

You're on your own, round eye is busy with the goatherds fighting last century's war for oil. It will be far cheaper for all of us to bring back our troops and pay the market rate for oil to what ever despot controls it.

Free markets, not wars!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Monday, September 17, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Random Synapse Firings In A Terrible Amygdala

I woke up this morning with a terrible amygdala ache. When I awoke I was frightened, but at the same time really, really wanting to kick someone's ass.
However, I did not want to choose a person larger than myself so as to minimize the chances of my being injured in my aggression.

What to do? After a few moments, my mind cleared and I recalled my angst originated with the news coverage of the terrible events in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon Iran and Israel.

I took a Tylenol, a piss, and crawled back into bed and pulled the covers over my bald head to keep the chill off the noggin and drifted into a fitful sleep.

The dream: I am on a mountain over looking a beautiful valley with fertile fields of wheat and pastures filled with cattle. Men and boys were busy in the fields as the younger children and the women and older girls tended to the washing and the smaller animals. A river cut through the valley in the lazy pattern taken by water when there is plenty of time for that water to make it from point A to point B and the elevation drop across the valley is gradual.

An eagle is soaring overhead, its shadow skipping first over the wheat, then the river and next over the village, and back to the wheat again. The villagers below are unaware of the eagle, but the eagle, the eagle has his piercing yellow eyes focused on the village.

I cry out in a futile attempt to warn the villagers of the danger but my voice is lost in the winds.

In the center of the village I see a man dragged in shackles, he is blond, in good condition, but does not resist his captors as he is forced to kneel on the ground. A crowd has gathered around and three or four men, the village elders and leaders confront the man. The elders then step away and the crowd begin to throw stones at the man who bravely kneels with his head held high looking his executioners in the eye until a softball sized stone strikes him from behind and he is then down. Then the crowd rushes in for up close stoning to finish him.

The eagle glides casting his shadow over the village and when it crosses the man who is beaten and dead from the stones a hot white flash fills my head and I am awake.

My amygdala no longer aches and the river no longer flows past the village and wheat fields and pastures of this once idyllic place.

What happened?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, September 14, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center: Obama Inept Foreign Policy

Not since Jimmy Carter played footsie with the Ayatollah in the late 1970's when Iranian "students" stormed our embassy in Tehran and held our embassy staff hostage for over 400 days has this degree of ineptness been on display from our foreign policy wonks. Wonks who take marching orders from President Barack Obama or Valerie Jarret, or is it Van Jones who is calling these hotshots today? It does not matter, because the Buck responsible for the killing of Libyan Ambassador J. Christ. Stevens is owned by President Obama.

Is this the same President Obama who skipped out an all his intelligence briefings these past 8 days. Is this the same President Obama who can't stop his campaign fundraising long enough to come up with a cogent response to what has just befallen four of our foreign service workers? Is this the same President Obama who believes Marines on guard duty in a Foreign Islamic country can have no need for ammunition?

Tell me, do you suppose his SS detail is armed, but ammunition less? Good grief!

This is more of the "It is ok for me, but not for thee." "I am the President."

Yes, Barack, you are the President and the whole world knows it and what we are getting from the tribalist in the Middle east is a direct consequence of you being what you are.

"R E SP ECT, find out what it means to me."

You are being disrespected. Osama Bin Laden, though thoroughly dead, saw you as a weak horse. He did not like you.

Effeminate elites look good and sound good in Ivy League faculty lounges, but in the real world manliness still carries the day and gets the girl.

You must do the right thing and forfeit this election to Mitt Romney who if he is to be successful must lead with Testosterone and suppress the estrogen because the middle east is not filled with effete girly men who get pedicures and shop at Saks.
They have not been feminized by a pop culture of women too ugly to attract a male just to spread their misery.

They are men, see them roar. It is time for a resurgence of the American Man. Everyone likes a strong horse. The time is right for putting the weak horses of the Obama administration out to pasture, and let that old feminist Nag, Hillary Clinton, out first.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Predicts All Will Turn For Worse

When our earliest settlers had problems with hostile natives, our "boom sticks" gave our forefathers a decided advantage. Gun powder vs sticks and stones, advantage gun powder.

Right now we are in conflicts on foreign lands and again we have a decidedly superior technological advantage with our drones, and spy satellites and our advantages will probably keep us safe and winning for now. What happens when our enemies get the same technology.

Can anyone be safe anywhere if drones are flying all over the country, our country, and can we tell if this drone is ours and that drone is, for the sake of argument, Iranian?

I do recall the drone which crashed to ground in Iran. Does anybody believe they are not with the help of the Chinese furiously reverse engineering this and will be out with these in the future?

All these technologies will be turned on us. Just like the natives here they soon got the hang of the fire stick and that made a little bit of difference.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Urban Poverty Law Center Revisits Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, love her or hate her one must admit she has a flare with words.

"I can't be bothered by every underfunded small business in America, this is nationalized health care we are talking here."

How bout this intellectual bomb shell from her vocal cords to the world on Qaddafi's death in Libya: "We came. We saw. He died."

Not exactly out of Caesar's Gallic Wars, but not bad for an aging frumpy graduate of Wellesley's School of Diplomats Destined for Pickles and Peccadillo's.

Then there was this when she learned of Ambassador J. Christ. Stevens murder in Libya: "You're shitting me, right?"

This followed by a pregnant pause as she sought out just the right words for the history books: "We came. We Saw. He died, also." "Please pass the buttered rolls. I am starving."

Such is the life of an American diplomat. I have put my name into the hat for consideration as Amb. Steven's replacement. If appointed I hope they do not mind if I stay in Cedar Grove, Tn and conduct all the diplomacy over Skype. I hate being bludgeoned and dismembered more than words can describe.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"Politicians are assholes spewing platitudes with an attitude." JDM

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center And Obama/Osama Arab Spring

The US ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens is bludgeoned to death by the failed foreign policies of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Roddam Clinton, the wrinkled wife of the former President Bill Clinton, whose only qualifications for SoS are a figment of the elitist leftist universal mind. A mind with serious delusions when estimating the dangerous nature of desperate people in third world countries who spend over 50% of earnings just to feed themselves and their families to a point just above starvation.

Is it any wonder the starving third worlders look upon the fat and ugly American, Hillary packing 50 extra pounds added through diplomatic binges on buttered lobster tails, Russian Beluga caviar, Kobe beef and the empty calories afforded by the finest wines and after dinner liquors makes this point in spades, as the enemy?

It is time to redefine America's diplomatic mission in the world. Who are our allies?

I will list those I feel we can rely upon with the most trust worthy first.

1. America's red states full of patriots.

2. United Kingdom, if pushed

3. Australia and Japan tied

4. California and New York, only if directly attacked.

5. Western Europe excluding the French

6. Mexico and India

7. Canada

Who are our enemies?

Russia, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Hollywood, The New York Times, Jane Fonda, Hugo Chavez, Al Gore, Jr, the producers of "The Voice and America's Got Talent".

When you assign relative danger to our enemies one must take into consideration the means and desire to do us harm. For example, Iran and Iraq are way down the list even though there are elements in both countries that would like to do us harm, great harm. I have no doubt that given nukes Iran would not hesitate to use them against us. The top three countries on the list all have nukes but have the intelligence not to go about willie nillie in deploying and using them. The middle easterners are a particularly fierce and war loving breed with intellects below that which is needed to use nukes responsibly if there is such a thing possible with nuclear weapons.

What do the Russians and the Chinese and the Pakistanis know that escapes the Middle Easterner?

Simply that Rich White Men are ruthless and will murder one and all, the number of dead is not a concern, only that the RWM retain power and control of the world which they feel rightfully belongs to them.

President Obama is more of a third world president and is proving to be a problem for the RWM cabal. The cards are lining up against his reelection. Ambassador Steven's brutal murder in Libya is the "10" on the way to a Royal Obama Flush scheduled for November 6, 2012.

I am going to miss him when he is gone to Hawaii and the Cackler Hillary Roddam is retired to New York where she and Bubba can plot their return after some serious dieting and plastic surgery.

With Romney and Ryan in place, the RWM will be back at the helm and ambassador murders around the world will be less likely under their watch and would definitely not be ignored.

Obama/Clinton are not respected nor have they earned it. They have no stick, only excuses. The Arab spring has only harmed world peace. But governments thrive on conflict and wither with peace. This fact is not lost on the elites who have the reigns of power.


Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Stands With Chicago Teacher's Union

Chicago has the distinction of boasting the highest paid teachers in the nation. Average salaries are $76,000 not including benefits like not having to work nights and weekends, and all holidays off, and summers off. Throw in a generous retirement plan and the boundless opportunities for sex with young taut student bodies and what is not to like. Life is good for the few who can and do!

Why would they turn down a 16% pay raise? They are teachers, they can do the math.
Costs have risen more like 50% since the former prince of Chicago, Barack Obama started infusing money into a broken economy. The teachers know they will be short if they do not reach parity with the dollar's value in 2009. They need to average $112,679 per year just to break even. Yep, the dollar is that weak.

Time for Rahm Emanuel to take a page out of his former bosses book and spread the wealth around.

Chicago teachers are the first in the country to realize that Obama's economic policies have crippled our purchasing power. I say make your demands, stand your ground. Take your wages back to parity!

The teachers in Chicago are teaching all of us a valuable lesson. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. It will not be long before our leaders will have to admit to the inflation that has been placed into the system by deficit spending.

In Chicago, America's chickens have come home to roost!

If there is reincarnation, I pray, I come back as a Chicago public school teacher.
What could be better?

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Friday, September 7, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Metaphor For Obama's Recovery

I am not a proficient sailor, but that did not stop me from buying a 27 ft sailboat from a friend who had lost interest in sailing. The price was very low and the boat, though neglected for three years was in excellent condition and all it needed was some bailing out and some hard work to scrub the mildew off and refinish the wood and I am up and sailing in no time.

I inherited the boat just like President Obama inherited this economy which was waylaid, not by Geo. W. Bush, but by three years of a democrat controlled congress and the perfect economic storm of the housing bubble and the thievery taking place in the bond and derivatives markets.

One hand tied behind his back already when young Barack assumed office in 2009, handicapped by Keynesian economic advisers who suggest the way to float an economy when it is sinking is to pour more water in the hull by adding liquidity, money through government spending and reams of new regulations to hamstring anybody who was planning on profits.

And if anyone was so clever to have a profit the threat of higher taxes on an already too high corporate income tax rate to dishearten the hearty among us... Then throw Obamacare taxes on top for taking still more wind out of the sails of the profiteers among us and Obama and his crew of the USS Economic Wreck can sit back and watch all the sailboats weighed down by their taxes, regulations, and energy costs flounder and fail to progress in the doldrums devised by these central planning dunces.

Private enterprise like a sailboat is best kept light and agile and not burdened by government regulations and paperwork. But the Obama administration sees it differently.

President Obama says, "I know there is some rough sailing ahead through these dangerous economic seas, but put these added burdens of higher energy costs and regulations and I have placed hidden reefs out there for you to blunder onto, but have a nice trip."

Most businesses have decided to keep the boat in the slip until the economy improves and the seas calm.

American business has voted with inaction. President Obama must walk the plank.
I am as good a sailor as he has been a great central planner of the economy.

The economy will mark his defeat in November with the largest regatta in celebration ever. Four years of pent up business expenditures, businesses coming out of a long, long economic winter induced cabin fever brought about by President Obama's tom foolery playing with an economic engine he was, as it turns out, woefully under qualified to tinker with, will be punch drunk and ready for business.

Here's hoping for smoother sailing ahead. The US economy was just a tropical depression when Barack Obama took office. His blunders have taken it from a tropical depression to a tropical storm. Hurricane Barack will be the result of giving this man four more years with the wrecking crane.

Americans deserve better. The ship of fools leaves in November. Bonn Voyage!

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Supports Bill Clinton's American Dreams

When it comes to Democrat National Convention Politics I am as apolitical as Former President William Jefferson Clinton appears
to be asexual.

Is it just me or does Clinton seem to be uncomfortable in his own skin, which hangs loosely on his aging frame like that on a 15 year old Shar-Pei, and did his speech also have a few wrinkles in it?

I did not watch the speech, but like the Obama sycophants in the press who did not watch the RNC I will not forfeit my right to be critical and snippy.

Clinton stated President Obama has laid the foundation for the economy to rebound in 2013. He offers no specifics, but my take is the foundation he laid was the fact he, Obama, has been a complete incompetent in his first term and deserves a drumming in November. This incompetence has laid the foundation for a Romney/Ryan landslide which is our country's best hope for an economic recovery.

President Obama has kept businesses guessing about ObamaCare, tax rates and the uncertainty of these two policies has kept businesses and their monies on the sideline. His anti-oil and coal stance has also crippled our recovery with the highest energy costs in our republic's history.

Energy, affordable energy is the sine qua non of a healthy economy. No energy, no economy. Can President Obama be this inept? A few thousand years ago men on horseback conquered the world, a world that freed itself with gun powder and firearms so that now a superpower, the USA, cannot defeat a rag-tag group of low-middle IQ goatherds living a middle ages life in the mountains of Afghanistan.

The electric excitement for Obama's next four years is gone missing. The only groups still groping for this failed presidency are those in the public sector unions whose checks have been fattened by his policies of government over the people instead of government for the people.

The People are awake and on to Mr. Obama. Parading Bill Clinton, that relic of the last century, whose only claim to fame involves cigars, blue dresses and stains containing his DNA and the subsequent lying and an impeachment, is not enough of a smoke screen to grant Obama a free pass for his petulance and profound arrogance which became apparent to working Americans when he chose to "Rule" and not "Lead".

Rulers have the benefit of not having to please the subjects. Leaders must make allowances and consider the citizens in all their decisions.

President Obama is perhaps the best and only ruler Americans have ever had. This fact has laid the foundation for the recovery that "Wrinkles" Clinton spoke of in his address to the DNC last night. Bill Clinton is Obama'a lap Shar-Pei for the moment. After November 6th he will be pushing Hillary towards a run in 2016.

In four more years will there be enough anti-wrinkle cream to keep these two geezers presentable? If Obamacare stays in place we will not have to worry for they will be killed off by the incredibly poor health care Americans inherited from Barack Obama.

Romney/Ryan in a landslide.

Americans need a leader and not a ruler. President Obama is toast.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Finds Cow Pie With Joe Biden's Likeness

I would not have believed it if I had not seen it with my own two eyes.

Larry Simpson and I were over in the lower 40 on mama's place yesterday looking for some old horse pull cutters and rakes as Larry has a buyer from over at Pillowville who is Amish and they still use this stuff. We have about 30 cow calf units on the place which backs onto a watershed lake.

We were canvassing the fence lines over by the old lean too where my grandfather used to keep his old Ford tractors when Simpson calls me over.

"Jack, look what I most stepped in."

I wandered over and took a look.

It was a perfect profile of vice president Joe Biden's face in a cow pie.

As Clint Eastwood quipped the other day, "Just a smile, with bull shit behind it."

It was dried and we carefully picked it up and will present it to Mr. Eastwood when he comes to town to accept his First Citizen of Cedar Grove, Tennessee Award.

One thing is certain in life, like the inevitability of our looming deaths, you never can predict what shit will do even if you lived a million years.

Joe Biden lying in my pasture smiling up at all who passed, so stupid he doesn't even realize what a piece of shit he is and as such is a national joke.


We are hoping to place Cow Pie Biden in a chair on stage at the Cedar Grove Bingo Emporium and Food Bank and see if Mr. Eastwood would care to debate the smarter of the two Bidens at the awards ceremony.

Might make for an interesting evening.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

P.S. Our Joe has a wicked case of halitosis. The Debate site will be well ventilated to comply with all the EPA regulations which apply. jdm