Thursday, September 13, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Predicts All Will Turn For Worse

When our earliest settlers had problems with hostile natives, our "boom sticks" gave our forefathers a decided advantage. Gun powder vs sticks and stones, advantage gun powder.

Right now we are in conflicts on foreign lands and again we have a decidedly superior technological advantage with our drones, and spy satellites and our advantages will probably keep us safe and winning for now. What happens when our enemies get the same technology.

Can anyone be safe anywhere if drones are flying all over the country, our country, and can we tell if this drone is ours and that drone is, for the sake of argument, Iranian?

I do recall the drone which crashed to ground in Iran. Does anybody believe they are not with the help of the Chinese furiously reverse engineering this and will be out with these in the future?

All these technologies will be turned on us. Just like the natives here they soon got the hang of the fire stick and that made a little bit of difference.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center

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