The US ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens is bludgeoned to death by the failed foreign policies of President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Roddam Clinton, the wrinkled wife of the former President Bill Clinton, whose only qualifications for SoS are a figment of the elitist leftist universal mind. A mind with serious delusions when estimating the dangerous nature of desperate people in third world countries who spend over 50% of earnings just to feed themselves and their families to a point just above starvation.
Is it any wonder the starving third worlders look upon the fat and ugly American, Hillary packing 50 extra pounds added through diplomatic binges on buttered lobster tails, Russian Beluga caviar, Kobe beef and the empty calories afforded by the finest wines and after dinner liquors makes this point in spades, as the enemy?
It is time to redefine America's diplomatic mission in the world. Who are our allies?
I will list those I feel we can rely upon with the most trust worthy first.
1. America's red states full of patriots.
2. United Kingdom, if pushed
3. Australia and Japan tied
4. California and New York, only if directly attacked.
5. Western Europe excluding the French
6. Mexico and India
7. Canada
Who are our enemies?
Russia, China, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Hollywood, The New York Times, Jane Fonda, Hugo Chavez, Al Gore, Jr, the producers of "The Voice and America's Got Talent".
When you assign relative danger to our enemies one must take into consideration the means and desire to do us harm. For example, Iran and Iraq are way down the list even though there are elements in both countries that would like to do us harm, great harm. I have no doubt that given nukes Iran would not hesitate to use them against us. The top three countries on the list all have nukes but have the intelligence not to go about willie nillie in deploying and using them. The middle easterners are a particularly fierce and war loving breed with intellects below that which is needed to use nukes responsibly if there is such a thing possible with nuclear weapons.
What do the Russians and the Chinese and the Pakistanis know that escapes the Middle Easterner?
Simply that Rich White Men are ruthless and will murder one and all, the number of dead is not a concern, only that the RWM retain power and control of the world which they feel rightfully belongs to them.
President Obama is more of a third world president and is proving to be a problem for the RWM cabal. The cards are lining up against his reelection. Ambassador Steven's brutal murder in Libya is the "10" on the way to a Royal Obama Flush scheduled for November 6, 2012.
I am going to miss him when he is gone to Hawaii and the Cackler Hillary Roddam is retired to New York where she and Bubba can plot their return after some serious dieting and plastic surgery.
With Romney and Ryan in place, the RWM will be back at the helm and ambassador murders around the world will be less likely under their watch and would definitely not be ignored.
Obama/Clinton are not respected nor have they earned it. They have no stick, only excuses. The Arab spring has only harmed world peace. But governments thrive on conflict and wither with peace. This fact is not lost on the elites who have the reigns of power.
Jackson Delano Maybolt, President Urban Poverty Law Center
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