Thursday, September 13, 2012

Urban Poverty Law Center Revisits Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, love her or hate her one must admit she has a flare with words.

"I can't be bothered by every underfunded small business in America, this is nationalized health care we are talking here."

How bout this intellectual bomb shell from her vocal cords to the world on Qaddafi's death in Libya: "We came. We saw. He died."

Not exactly out of Caesar's Gallic Wars, but not bad for an aging frumpy graduate of Wellesley's School of Diplomats Destined for Pickles and Peccadillo's.

Then there was this when she learned of Ambassador J. Christ. Stevens murder in Libya: "You're shitting me, right?"

This followed by a pregnant pause as she sought out just the right words for the history books: "We came. We Saw. He died, also." "Please pass the buttered rolls. I am starving."

Such is the life of an American diplomat. I have put my name into the hat for consideration as Amb. Steven's replacement. If appointed I hope they do not mind if I stay in Cedar Grove, Tn and conduct all the diplomacy over Skype. I hate being bludgeoned and dismembered more than words can describe.

Jackson Delano Maybolt, President, Urban Poverty Law Center

"Politicians are assholes spewing platitudes with an attitude." JDM

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